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Golf in the rain..... Golf in the rain.....

10-15-2009 , 02:20 PM
i was all juiced up to go play 18 today (thanks CSU system for furlough days!) but it rained last night. should we go anyway? never golfed in this bad of weather. currently 65* overcast, mild chance of rain.......

[ x ] in before pics of clubs or GTFO
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:21 PM
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:27 PM
fawk in the rain is fun. might get a little cold out there so just get a cup of coffee or hot cocoa at the half way....or drink whiskey the whole way. plus a lot of the time when it is rainy you can play with lift, clean, and cheat (place) rules.

btw aren't you spoiled having never golfed in the rain. like 33% of rounds i play in IL are in the rain.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by matthew burns
currently 65* overcast, mild chance of rain.......
what are you, some kind of p***sy?

Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by 99 problems
what are you, some kind of p***sy?

huge +1. Around here (Illinois) we golf until the snow covers the ground. As soon as it melts we are back out there. Don't be a little girl. It's going to be in the 50s this weekend and I am thinkin it may be time for one last wakeboard/waterski trip.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:51 PM
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by 99 problems
what are you, some kind of p***sy?

i know but it rained A LOT last night the course can be in good shape
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:55 PM
Advantage of living in vegas, i went golfing yesterday and it was perfect
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:56 PM

The only time I golfed in the rain was senior skip day in highschool. It was also the day I was supposed to turn in my essay for the national honnor society, it was on what honnor meant to me.

I turned the paper in after golf (after school also) soaking wet wearing my golf shoes and covered in grass.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:13 PM
"If it's nae windy and nae raining, it's nae gowlf."
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:16 PM
Rain golf sounds pretty legendary..never tried it..but it sounds sweet.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by matthew burns
i know but it rained A LOT last night the course can be in good shape
I live really close to Chico, this is perfect weather to play in. I'm sure the course is in decent shape, you'll just be taking larger than usual divots.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by qwertyu121
Rain golf sounds pretty legendary..never tried it..but it sounds sweet.
rain golf is or at least should be standard

gold was invented in scotland ya know
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:24 PM
golf in the rain is fine, especially if you catch it before the mud
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:29 PM
I golfed in some 50 degree soupy weather the other day, lost a shoe on the first hole to some mud, and played half barefoot the rest of the day. Ended up getting sick, but at least I didn't grow a giant vagina like OP.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
I golfed in some 50 degree soupy weather the other day, lost a shoe on the first hole to some mid, and played half barefoot the rest of the day. Ended up getting sick, but at least I didn't grow a giant vagina like OP.
Pay Attention folks, true dedication right here...
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:37 PM
I've played a tourney in 49 degree weather with sustained 25+mph winds before. Was pretty brutal.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Carl Sagan
Was pretty brutal.
Wait are we still talking about golf?

Or did you start talking about some rugby tournament? Cause I dont think I can ever use the words golf and brutal in the same sentance.

well I guess this works.

Nothing can make golf a brutal sport.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:53 PM
cart paths only => walk the course, its faster and less frustrating
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
gold was invented in scotland ya know
Gold was invented in Africa AFAIK.

Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by jasonfish11
Nothing can make golf a brutal sport.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 05:15 PM
Keep your grips dry OP you'll be fine.
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 05:17 PM

Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
rain golf is or at least should be standard

gold was invented in scotland ya know
hmm maybe...but considering how afraid everyone is of getting sick and **** there is no way it's catching on lol
Golf in the rain..... Quote
10-15-2009 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by EvanWilliams

Golf in the rain..... Quote
