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Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Fiance broke up month before acting crazy

08-08-2008 , 03:15 AM
wow dude, that really sucks and i feel for you. Believe it or not I know EXACTLY what you're going thru - I once had a fiancee who dumped me a month before the wedding, too!

1) stop accepting texts/calls from her. She has betrayed you to have a fling but wants to keep you on the back burner for when that fling cools. **** her. She doesn't deserve you.

2) I know it doesn't feel like it, but IT WILL GET BETTER. Remember, i went through the same thing and I can honestly say THANK GOD I did not marry that woman. Hell, I don't even remember what she looks like, for the most part.

3) Go have some fun of your own with your good friends/family. You're starting a new part of your life and even though you weren't expecting it, it's still exciting and the possibilities are endless!

Good luck.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by kevb81
i know i have alot to offer prob is getting in that door to show ppl..i gotta build up my confidence which is prob my biggest beat !
Most likely why she left you.
Maybe go see a psychologist or something.(srsly)
And why haven't you blocked her #? Why do you keep reading her text msg? Change your ****ing # if you have to.

If she has a sister go out with her, maybe a friend or a co-worker of hers? Or just act like you're going to take her back and when shes ready to move in or w/e tell her to go **** herself.

Thank Patrik Antonius I never plan to get married, I just can't see myself being with 1 person for the rest of my life. Sure some marriages turn out great, but most don't...maybe down the road I'll meet someone I think will be faithful to me, and me to her and get married...
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by FastPlaySlow
Also, OP read "The Game" By Neil Strauss.

Learn how PUA (Pick up artists) operate, and use that to your advantage. It should rid you of your shyness, and allow you to meet other girls (not necessarily for the one and out)
Or you can PM goofyballer.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by FastPlaySlow
Learn how PUA (Pick up artists) operate, and use that to your advantage.
lol PUA. what father christmas is for kids, is PUA for acne ridden teens.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by jasonfish11
Similar thing for me except I broke it off with the crazy bitch not the other way around.

I just ignored her and when that didnt work I reminded her of all my **** I would like to have (that I know she wanted to keep) and all the money she said she would pay me back. Once she realized how much it would cost her to stay in contact with me she found a real serious boy friend. I really dont care about the money or my crap I just used it as a way to get her to keep out of my business. Knowing she was a greedy cu*t and would rather not talk to me and keep the stuff than pay me back so she could keep in contact with me.
Paging Bitter, party of one.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 08:58 AM
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by kevb81
..but she really changed over the last few months..makes me wonder if we got married a few months earlier maybe this wouldnt have went down..who knows life is crazy
Oh no, this was going to happen. You are lucky you weren't married, it would have dragged out much longer and you would have lost the house.
She has some bad wiring in her brain. The big clue was that she was lying to protect thoughtful.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by hyde
She has some bad wiring in her brain. The big clue was that she was a woman.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 10:14 AM

sounds like this
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by IAcedPoker
hey KEV

read this book and thank me later son

I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

Best book ever imo
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 11:22 AM
As everyone else has already said, the correct play is to never talk to her again. Block her number for incoming calls/texts or just change your own number. She ****ed up, don't let her manipulate you into letting her get away with this stuff because it'll just happen again if you do.

If you can, I would go on a trip with some buddies or even go off somewhere you've wanted to go for a while by yourself and bang some foreign girls. Such things will make you feel better.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 11:49 AM
i'd keep banging her. if only to get back at that guy for banging her while you were with her
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 01:43 PM
Dude.. I know it's rough but I've dealt with a break-up similar to you. 5 years together then she pretty much ran off to some other guy. I am so proud of the way I dealt with it. I would recommend doing something similar.

First you have to realize that your relationship with her is OVER. There is no way you can ever stay with someone after what she's done. You will always have the distrust in the back of your mind.

I think no contact with her whatsoever is the best. Do not answer phone calls or reply to texts /e-mails. Maybe get 1 convo in and tell her what's going on for closure but then no more. Ranting and yelling at her does no good. It benefits you in no way.

There's no need to try and make her jealous. I however did so .. not on purpose but... I met a great girl and we started to date and she found out and oh god did she start calling more then ever. The girl I'm with now is so unbelievable better (i got lucky).

You will find a better girl.. maybe one who got cheated on herself.. so she'll understand the importance of not cheating and you 2 can go on to have a happy marriage.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by allurit
i'd keep banging her. if only to get back at that guy for banging her while you were with her
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:10 PM
sorry op. she cheated on you and thats why she called it off. she was hesitant to start dating the guy she cheated with, but now she has gotten over it. tough bro. it happens to all of us as we all know that womenz is the fukkin rake!!! moving on an getting out to find new ass is the only way to handle this. if she comes back and pulls that "i thought you loved me" bullsnap, tell her to go *** herself and that she is the one who wanted out in the first place. by no means are you to try to get back with her until you have banged at least 3 other women.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:14 PM
once you figured it out, you needed to pack her **** up and throw it to the curb.... right in front of her is best. stand tall, and make sure there's no love in your eyes. POKER FACE. i would personally hand her all the kitchen utensils as well just to be a chauvinist dick. when she's walking away, a nonchalant "when i first met you i thought you were a man" usually makes me feel better.

2 oz gin
1/2 oz dry vermouth
1/8 tsp absinthe herbal liqueur

Stir well with ice. Strain into a prechilled cocktail glass.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by MI101
2 oz gin
1/2 oz dry vermouth
1/8 tsp absinthe herbal liqueur

Stir well with ice. Strain into a prechilled cocktail glass.
What do you recomend if OP lives in the US?
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by eighty6
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by jasonfish11
What do you recomend if OP lives in the US?
they sell that stuff at BevMo now.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by lilrayray
sorry op. she cheated on you and thats why she called it off. she was hesitant to start dating the guy she cheated with, but now she has gotten over it. tough bro. it happens to all of us as we all know that womenz is the fukkin rake!!! moving on an getting out to find new ass is the only way to handle this. if she comes back and pulls that "i thought you loved me" bullsnap, tell her to go *** herself and that she is the one who wanted out in the first place. by no means are you to try to get back with her until you have banged at least 3 other women.
If I'm ever made moderator of BBV4L (or any other forum for that matter), there's going to be an insta-ban for quoting Rounders at any time for any reason. Seriously, it wasn't even that great of a movie and everyone who hangs around poker has already heard every ******ed line 100x over.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
they sell that stuff at BevMo now.
absinthe isnt legal in the US AFAIK.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:52 PM
yep. absinthe just became legal in the US. weird stuff. not for everyday drinking... well... no.

if you don't want absinthe, you can always replace with any flavor liqueur. nows the time to experiment with them.

Southern Comfort straight has always gotten me extremely drunk, and its one of the few alcohols that i'll down without a chaser. SoCo never made me pray to porcelain, either.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Sjaak
Best book ever imo
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by MI101
yep. absinthe just became legal in the US.

SoCo never made me pray to porcelain, either.
1) proof/link

2) you're doing it wrong

and real men just throw up outside, preferably on the most annoying person there/neighbor's lawn.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
08-08-2008 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by kevb81
damn this sucks..i finally felt like i was accepting the situation and trying to move on and she texts me that crap and now im feeling in the dumps
Your next text message with her should be "Please never text me again. Lose my phone. Please do not attempt to contact me again." In two months you'll feel way better and you'll be up to the task of posting those nude pix that you took of her a couple years ago on teh internets.
Fiance broke up month before acting crazy Quote
