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electric shaving electric shaving

11-26-2008 , 04:43 AM
i like old shool razors that actually take double sided razor blades.... the ony drawback is you pretty much have to special order all your shaving cream off the internet

if you dont you may slice your neck open and bleed to death
electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 04:59 AM
i just use clippers like this - doesnt take it right down but i never have irritated skin and i look good with the shaddow anyways

electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 05:04 AM
i mainly just use the sideburn trimmer part and then if i want to get closer I use the actual electric shaver. Mine doesn't grow fast so its never been a problem and I'd rather not be 100% close shaven and look younger.
electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 06:02 AM
Be ultra careful when shaving your F OOT.
electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by Kevroc
Be ultra careful when shaving your F OOT.
you actually shave that?

fwiw, i shave like once a month once the beard gets rediculous so i am no good to this thread.

and if your talking pube shaving, ive never done that, is it worth it?
electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 08:05 AM
when the beard gets rediculous does it tickle you?
I'd also recommend pub shaving, much more social.
electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 08:17 AM
fwiw I find that the Braun fixed head shavers get closer, but give more skin irritation. The Phillips rotary head shavers aren't quite as close, but much more comfortable for me.
electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
fwiw I find that the Braun fixed head shavers get closer, but give more skin irritation. The Phillips rotary head shavers aren't quite as close, but much more comfortable for me.
electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 04:17 PM
I'm surprised the majority of people on this forum even have pubes in the first place.
electric shaving Quote
11-26-2008 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by HollywoodMatt
I'm surprised the majority of people on this forum even have pubes in the first place.
electric shaving Quote
11-27-2008 , 01:16 AM
ty gin n' tonic. I think i'm going to go with the norelco. useful thread, this.

<3 <3 <3
electric shaving Quote
11-27-2008 , 02:18 AM
Braun 8995 Self Cleaning
electric shaving Quote
11-27-2008 , 02:22 AM
electric shaving Quote
