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10-14-2008 , 02:06 AM
There are like 11 books on my shelf from my favorite author, Robert Jordan. He writes this sci-fi/fantasy epic that is magnanimously titled: The Wheel of Time.

Each of these books is like 600 pages. That's like 2.5 trees. His wife is his editor and barely touches his magnum opus. But I don't give a ****. Every 2-3 years, I buy the latest book (hardcover, cause I have no ****ing patience) and I DEVOUR THAT SUMBITCH. Cover to cover, no breaks, about 6 hours. Love it.

Periodically, I reread the older books to cross-reference the story, pick up on foreshadowing, remind myself what one of the 20 main characters is doing. You HAVE to, there are seriously ~11 books. You don't want the next one to come out without the entire tale in your head, and risk missing important plot ****.

Well, I estimate I've spent over 240 hours reading/re-reading these books. AND WITH ONE BOOK TO GO, THE ****ER DIES. Seriously?????


now some OTHER jackass is writing the last book with his notes. Bitch, we've SEEN THIS with Dune. Doesn't work. I am going to buy this book when it comes out, and subject my mind to the literary equivalent of SNAIL ****.

250+ hours by the end of it. I could have had another goddamn DEGREE. Could have learned Spanish, gotten a 2nd job, run for mayor, learned ninjitsu, picked up more women, READ SOME OTHER SERIES, or sat in coffeeshops, knitting, and picking up women who like men who like knitting. bitches need socks, too, right? I COULD HAVE BEEN THAT SOCK AND **** PROVIDING GUY.

**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:11 AM
you don't need to hold back on an internet forum. go ahead an let us know how you really feel.
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:12 AM
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:13 AM
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:15 AM
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:15 AM
whats kinda funny is about 10 years ago my brother gave me the first couple of these and told me to read them, I got to about book 5-6 which was the last one at the time and we were talking about how bad it would suck if he got hit by a bus or something before he finished them
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:25 AM
bitches need socks too
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:36 AM
can you smell my dick?
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:41 AM
[x] BEAT

nice avi OP
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:57 AM
hahahah your last paragraph made this post worth reading.
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:58 AM
he died over a year ago

**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:04 AM
You have to just accept his death man.

He's gone.

But remember

Not the end
not the end
just remember that death is not the end
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:10 AM
I've probably spent much more time reading and re-reading these books, (I think I've read the first about 6 or 7 times) and I'm not bitter. Just looking forward to the last book.

(Well, I'm bitter that the last 4 books weren't as good as the first 7)

He made notes on what was going to happen and hopefully the new author won't make a hash of it. The new author is halfway through the first draft. Can't wait.
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:12 AM

Thanks I won't start reading these. You saved me a lot of wasted time.
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:22 AM
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
10-14-2008 , 06:31 AM
Im shocked quite honestly at what people are talking about.

So the author is dead, and you're pissed at him.

And some other ****wad is going to finish his last book, and you can't wait?


I don't get it, I honestly don't get it.

I have no idea who the dead author is, I know nothing about his books, but I would be ****ing pissed.

No no no, I mean


I would be ****ing outraged at the thought of someone else finishing this guys book. It's just not ethical IMO. You can't do it. It can't be done.

It's like Jimi Hendrix's last album, First Rays of the new rising sun.

He died before he was able to finish it, and then they had other musicians come in and finish it, and they pieced things together. It's ****ing bull****.
What if Jimi didn't want things like that? What if he wanted to completely redo something in a totally different way?

I don't see how someone else can come in and fiinish this mans life work. It's ****ed.

It's like one of you finishing my sentences for me.

So good to
**** DEAD PEOPLE Quote
