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Cheating on your partner? Cheating on your partner?

01-30-2012 , 02:32 PM

This is what I think....

Cheat on her and don't look back. If she is so gay that she is always looking over your shoulder and has no self-confidence than she is a gay. I live and die by the credo of "bang it, if it will bang back". I guess this is why I just tally up lots of married chicks. So many of them just want some fresh d and go for it.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by twofingerted
I guess this is why I just tally up lots of married chicks.
and apparently so many who dont bathe
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by twofingerted
I live and die by the credo of "if the lady parts smell like tuna bang it, if it will bang back". I guess this is why I just tally up lots of married chicks. So many of them just want some fresh d and go for it.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 03:54 PM
OP you don't have a GF so don't worry about it. If you do ever get a GF and marry her, install a tracking device in her back and a tiny camera on her forehead. This way if she ever does cheat you can see the face of the man you must kill, and easily find him.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 04:27 PM
cheating is fine just dont be a moron and get caught.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 04:30 PM
Got to be honest here. I've cheated a few times and i thought its nothing serious. When i found out my gf who i was with for like 7-8 month cheated on me (she told me, i didnt suspect anything) i felt sick to my stomach. Couldnt explain why since i knew i didnt have strong feelings for her (i liked her but that was about it). She claimed it only happened one time by mistake (whatever that means, lol) but that didnt matter. For a few days all i could think of was a peanus up her ass (fun times).

Took me awhile (maybe a week) but i finally realized that she wasnt the reason i felt sick. I felt sick cause of myself. It was like my car chose another driver to see how he handles it. I started viewing women like objects and since then my life is healthier (sort of). Got to meet a lot of women and just have fun. Most actually apreciate when you tell em that you just wanna **** them and then leave.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 04:41 PM
You are correct OP, marriage is wrong. All marriage. You can't (or at least shouldn't) own people.

Sorry to hear about your wife's imminent infidelity.

Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by The Drifter
Sorry to cause your wife's imminent infidelity.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by fairplayJAY
Most actually apreciate when you tell em that you just wanna **** them and then leave.
I would like to meet these women.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 05:44 PM
No one in BBV4L will ever get cheated on for obvious reasons so why even bring this topic into the forum? OOT would love to hear from you
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
cheating is fine just dont be a moron and get caught.
I've never cheated but this always baffled me. It seems like it would be so easy to just not get caught. Why is everyone such a ridiculous moron and gets caught all the time?

And then the mental midgets that actually tell their wife or gf that they cheated!!!! My god, that's just such a cowards way out.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by prodonkey
yup, they are married now and have like 4-5 kids
Are you somehow still friends with him?
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 06:22 PM
why not? he took that cheatin' ho off his hands!
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by MsBlueberry
That's fine and good for you and your mate, but this thread is about cheating. That means deception and betrayal of trust. If you and your partner have an agreed upon an open relationship, or knowingly give each other leave, then it's not cheating. It's an entirely different framework than couples who agree on and expect monogamy, and so shouldn't be compared.

Even open or swinger type relationships have some boundaries, and when those are breached the person feels betrayed. Your boundaries might be different than the next guy's but I'm sure there is a line she could cross that would leave you feeling disrespected in the relationship.
I just don't understand the value or appeal of monogamy.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Microcuts629
please start a new thread. very interested. perhaps an "ask me about how it feels to find out my best friend is plowing my wife".
meh, not really much else to say, we got married right out of high school, she gained like 60 pounds, I wasn't interested in her anymore.. we had been separated for a few weeks and I saw his car at the house all the time. Filed for divorce soon after, she went into labor the day we were to be at court for the divorce. Had to speak with her a few times in the year or so till we got divorced, haven't spoken with her since. It's been 14 years, really don't care about it now.

Originally Posted by rafiki
Are you somehow still friends with him?
no, haven't spoken to him since then. They got married right after our divorce was final, only know about all the kids from accidentally accepting her to be a FB friend when I was going through and just hitting confirm to everyone.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by prodonkey
meh, not really much else to say, we got married right out of high school, she gained like 60 pounds, I wasn't interested in her anymore.. we had been separated for a few weeks and I saw his car at the house all the time. Filed for divorce soon after, she went into labor the day we were to be at court for the divorce. Had to speak with her a few times in the year or so till we got divorced, haven't spoken with her since. It's been 14 years, really don't care about it now.

no, haven't spoken to him since then. They got married right after our divorce was final, only know about all the kids from accidentally accepting her to be a FB friend when I was
going through and just hitting confirm to everyone.

Is she a happy
married woman?
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:27 PM
did get to deposit on stars yet, OP?
would you call using your wifes name to make deposits onto stars cheating?
if yes, do you think you cheat your wife or stars or both?

Last edited by HU4holes; 01-30-2012 at 07:33 PM.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by HU4holes
did get to deposit on stars yet, OP?
would you call using your wifes name to make deposits onto stars cheating? if yes, you think you cheat your wife or stars or both?
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:32 PM
cash, what has your wife been doing lately that has you feeling suspicious?
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by ncboiler
OP made a thread about it in NVG.
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by HU4holes
OP made a thread about it in NVG.
About incoherent sentences?
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
cash, what has your wife been doing lately that has you feeling suspicious?
We been away for 1 year 4 months. She visits every 3 months..

She lied to me once.. She told me she was watching "twlight" with her sis, but after thousands of denials she admitted she was drinking, i called her sis and she was in a club with loud ass music..
If i was in the states while she lied to me i would of insta-divorced, considering we are far away, i let the lie slip... Really want to break up, not because i dont love her, but because i dont trust her (if she lied and denied drinking so vividly, what else can she lie about) i still remember her words to me while crying "OMG why dont you ever believe me!" before she admitted she was drinking at her aunts house (not her moms how she originally stated).
If im in the states and she lies again is obv ill divorce her..

I read an article about marriage and all that bs and it said that the only reason why a divorce is a must is when there is infidelity or abuse in the relationship, anything else like lies, attitude, lazyness etc should be mangable in any marriage, so as a wise husband im hanging in there.
Once again, i love her inmensely, but i cant trust her.. Which sucks balls
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by cash773
Which sucks balls
Does she?
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by HU4holes
did get to deposit on stars yet, OP?
would you call using your wifes name to make deposits onto stars cheating?
if yes, do you think you cheat your wife or stars or both?
I LOL every time someone searches your posts lol
But no, havent deposited cash cuz she says she got no money so like a good husband i wait here until i can go to states and make some mula..

Is funny cuz before coming here i would make 500-1500 a day.. Now i depend on what my wife and family send me.
Sick life really
Cheating on your partner? Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by ncboiler
Does she?
Ask your mom..
Is usually a must if she wants penetration.... Your mom didnt argue, in fact she said she enjoyed it..
Cheating on your partner? Quote
