Originally Posted by Kevroc
When I was young and single I was terrible at this.
My play would be to act depressed and uninterested in anything. Say little to nothing on the phone, don't go out with her anywhere, accept dome but, little else.
After awhile, she will break it off and you were such a nice guy! Start acting normal again and her friends will eat it up and swoop in.
Be sure to act like she broke your heart and you don't want to talk about her.
When I was younger Kevroc, this was my standard play. And you're correct: her friends eat it up, because you're such a nice guy
I would just act uninterested in her, say little on the phone. Then, I would text nice things to her, apologizing for how I've been acting, always blame that "I have a lot stuff going on." She'd feel better about herself, we'd have sex. Few days later, I'd let them know that I have too much on my plate and I need to work things out with myself, and break things off. I'd tell them that we can still be friends. I'd call about once a week, or text 2-3 times a week to keep in touch. Let her know I was going to movie and she's welcome to come. They'd always offer for me to watch TV at their house afterwards. And then your ex-****buddy is born.
I've grown out of this, but it worked. Provided you weren't a douche during the relationship, and you were actually a good guy(read: dating material and/or the marrying kind)