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Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Brag: Let's make a divorce happen!

11-20-2011 , 11:38 PM
Belongs in OOT imo.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-20-2011 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Murphy
Belongs in OOT imo.
The thread would belong in OOT if it was "Gonna marry my gf who at least once had a threesome with two random guys when we were already together. So my question is: What kind of wedding dress is best for my body type in OOT's opinion?"
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Andz
Ok BBV4l let's do something positive instead and help her . Somebody should find out what is her real name and send this thread to her so that ******* never gets a penny out of her.
ps.: Your friend is a pussy and a tool .
A reverse image search gets you a facebook and blog with that profile picture, so either this isn't real or she's already found.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 12:21 AM
There's also this posted on the blog a few weeks ago:
If you want to send me a birthday present... *wink*wink* I turn 28 on Nov.13... and yeah, you can soften the blow by sending me a book. My wishlist link is in my sidebar! I'll still heart you if you don't get me anything, but you better tell my Happy Birthday!!
Despite this:
Originally Posted by vvtli18

I will add one last detail before everyone thinks this is a horrible thing. He is 25 and she is 22 and they have been together (including marriage) for 6 years. Now if you go back to my 1st post and do the maths + consider what she did, maybe you will understand a bit more.

The BMW was more of a "forgive me" gift rather than a "thanks for wanting to marry" me gift
It's 100% the same pic on the facebook and the blog, so I'm pretty sure at least the pic (and probably all of it) is bull****.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by buddyholly
It's 100% the same pic on the facebook and the blog, so I'm pretty sure at least the pic (and probably all of it) is bull****.

If this whole thing is bull**** I propose a 1 year year, if not permanent ban from 4L just of being a douche on every level.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 04:56 AM
This is real but obviously I did not link the pic directly from FB. I saved it to desktop, uploaded via Imageshack and deleted from my hard disk. Obviously I am not stupid as I cannot risk this leading back to her or me!

To answer some of the questions I remember from previous posts you made:

1 - They have been married 3 years, she is 22 now so that means married at 19 not 16
2 - She cheated when they was engaged not married, so if he cheated now he would be screwed in any divorce settlement

I spoke with him this morning when I was making coffee in the office and told him he should man up but he is going to persist with it for now. Told him I asked some people I knew that didn't know him (lol - hi 4L) and they all thought he was an idiot and he agrees but that is the way his mind is wired.

On a personal note, my fiancee and I set an official date last night so happy days :-)
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 06:05 AM
I don't think you understand. If you search that image in google images, it comes up with a facebook and a blog using that exact image. I didn't post the links to them, because I didn't want to post some woman's stuff here whether it's real or not, but they're both right there for anyone to see. That exact same picture is being used as the profile picture on the facebook and a blog of a woman claiming to be 28. She also has a twitter (linked to on the blog) with a very different picture of what is clearly the same girl.
So either a) you took the picture from somewhere and it isn't really of the girl you're talking about (or she isn't real), b) someone stole the picture (and at least one more) from the girl's facebook (or wherever) and used them as profile pictures on facebook and twitter, or c) the girl you're talking about runs a blog where she claims to be 28 and this whole thing is extremely easy to trace back to her (in which case your whole 'obviously i'm not stupid' thing is pretty funny).
To be honest, the name the girl is using on the blog and facebook sound like they totally could be a fake blogger name, so maybe the 'maggie' file name on the one you uploaded is real (or maybe both names are wrong) - but if she is real and that's her writing the blog then you should know it's very very easy for anyone here to get in touch with her regardless of what her name is.
More likely, though, that picture isn't her and you need to stop pretending.

Last edited by buddyholly; 11-21-2011 at 06:13 AM.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 07:01 AM
this thread is lower than one star
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by vvtli18
On a personal note, my fiancee and I set an official date last night so happy days :-)

When is the party at the restaurant?
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by Kevroc
When is the party at the restaurant?
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 07:47 AM
That is the pic she has on her FB but I highly doubt she writes blogs and is definitely not 28. As for the party, it is happening but not at the restaurant and nobody from work is invited (I like to keep my personal life from work as far apart as possible)
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by vvtli18
That is the pic she has on her FB but I highly doubt she writes blogs and is definitely not 28. As for the party, it is happening but not at the restaurant and nobody from work is invited (I like to keep my personal life from work as far apart as possible)
As far apart as possible, thats what i was thinking too.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Dos
She is 22? When was that pic of hers taken? In 2021?
Just had to quote this.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 08:08 AM
*Grunching* after skimming as i am little drink;

Did anyone mention murder yet?

Done right = Profit.

Wouldn't one say?
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by vvtli18
That is the pic she has on her FB but I highly doubt she writes blogs and is definitely not 28. As for the party, it is happening but not at the restaurant and nobody from work is invited (I like to keep my personal life from work as far apart as possible)
So some other blogger stole two of her pics, and renamed one of them DSC01303.JPG so it would look like she took it herself?
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 09:13 AM
She could have copied that from the real person, as I said in pg1 I don't really know her

"She has a private FB account and we are not friends (never really spoken to her as she is never at the pub we meet up in)"
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 10:38 AM
In before fake 'Maggie' 2+2 account
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:00 AM

Is this your buddy?

Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:10 AM
Wow, I really hope your loser friend doesn't get a penny out of this girl.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:11 AM
No, he looks nothing like my buddy
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:13 AM
This is him right :

Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by vvtli18
No, he looks nothing like my buddy
Whole thread is suspect.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:20 AM
LOL, hey guys, LOL, lets help my loser friend get some money he doesn't deserve out of his wife who has done nothing wrong, LOL, because its funny!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA, everything in life is just a big joke dont you get it? What does it matter!!!! TROLOLOLOL. Come on guys be COOL why not just be one of the COOL guys like me and my friend. Its not like it really matters.

No you ****ing losers, nobody wants to help you scam a woman out of her money. You guys are idiots and scumbags and I would really love to see how much of a joke you would think it is if somebody you loved used and scammed you. Die.
Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:24 AM
Actually his pictures are all over the internet .Here is one

Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:47 AM
to TheLoner - learn to read mate :-)

1 - I said I will stay out of it, just opened this to see what posts it would get
2 - I tried 3 times to talk him out of it
3 - Was actually scammed out of money myself a good 10 years ago so I know its not nice

My overall reaction is:

Brag: Let's make a divorce happen! Quote
