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Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks.

11-20-2007 , 09:33 AM
Brag: I shot 3 humans while vacationing in an eastern European country. 2 5ks and 1 15k.

Prices were:
1k - Mexican Immigrant
5k - Iranian
10k - Frenchman
15k - New York Yankees fan
50k - EricW
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 09:40 AM
deer for mod, srsly.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 01:30 PM
[censored] me I hate liberals soo much.

To all you annoying pricks - if you get slugs/rats/roaches in your house, do you kill them? Hows that different to killing a deer (which is probably eaten afterwards)?
I'm even more annoying. I won't even kill a slug, a spider, a rat nor a roach. I'll catch them alive and bring them outside. Have yet to catch a wild rat. Shouldn't be too difficult though.

I am eating dead animals though. So killing for that purpose is fine. I won't start bragging when I fetch deer from the supermarket and probably neither should you when you shoot them with a rifle.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 01:38 PM
I won't start bragging when I fetch deer from the supermarket and probably neither should you when you shoot them with a rifle.
Why wouldn't you want to brag about shooting a deer if thats what you're into (I'm not fwiw)? It takes a lot of time and effort along with good stalking/tracking skills to shoot a deer.

I shot a pheasant (dunno if you have these - big flying turkey-like things) once. It took me skill (good chance it was pure luck actually tbh) and patience to shoot this bird, and I made an awesome stew out of it - why can't I be proud of shooting it?
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 01:40 PM
Deer hunters,

How common is it for the deer to not be consumed after the hunt? I think that's what people are up in arms about, not distinguishing bewteen the two.
I hunt with my dad (he's killed over 55 in his 10 years of hunting, my number is noticably smaller) and we eat everything we kill. We keep the racks off the bucks but we don't "trophy hunt".

If we have more meat then we, or our family and friends can use, then we give the meat to designated homeless shelters that will put the meat to good use.

Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 01:52 PM
I won't start bragging when I fetch deer from the supermarket and probably neither should you when you shoot them with a rifle.
Why wouldn't you want to brag about shooting a deer if thats what you're into (I'm not fwiw)? It takes a lot of time and effort along with good stalking/tracking skills to shoot a deer.

I shot a pheasant (dunno if you have these - big flying turkey-like things) once. It took me skill (good chance it was pure luck actually tbh) and patience to shoot this bird, and I made an awesome stew out of it - why can't I be proud of shooting it?
Yeah, I can see that I probably would be proud too. As I was proud catching a trout once while my friend who introduced me to fishing didn't catch any. There is something archaic in hunting after all. But who needs to kill 3 deers in a short time and brag about it? I dunno.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 01:53 PM
So its ok to kill a creature for eating the plants in your garden, but its not ok to kill an animal for causing traffic accidents which kill a significant number of human beings? Good logic.
It's called a strawman bro. Where's this stuff about the garden coming from? I'm not killing rats either. Live and let live. I can't recall the last time a rat came into my house and threatened my quality of life.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 01:56 PM
Where is the wolf that ate Thread Cat?

Save the wolves imo.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 01:58 PM
kill all the aminals imo
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 02:01 PM
Deer hunters,

How common is it for the deer to not be consumed after the hunt? I think that's what people are up in arms about, not distinguishing bewteen the two.
I hunt with my dad (he's killed over 55 in his 10 years of hunting, my number is noticably smaller) and we eat everything we kill. We keep the racks off the bucks but we don't "trophy hunt".

If we have more meat then we, or our family and friends can use, then we give the meat to designated homeless shelters that will put the meat to good use.


That's awesome.

So, most hunters would be just as shocked and outraged, if not more, at the idea of killing a deer and not using the carcass for food/clothing etc?
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 02:02 PM
How about rats to deer? Why is it acceptable to kill a rat but not a deer?
Contrary to popular belief it is not acceptable to kill a rat per se. Also, a rat is not more evil, mean and desease carrying than the average other animal.

Once the rat enters your house it becomes a pest because it destroys things /is a food competitor and it is ok to catch it. I guess if you are not good enough at catching it, it is also ok to kill it.

Obviously, I like rats. I had a pet rat once which was well domesticated. Cute fellers.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 02:06 PM
all you putzes who talk about rehabilitating sick animals should go help out with the wolves... there's programs that do that sort of thing

less deer, more wolves imo
CC - my points are mainly about hypocracies by an awful lot of animal rights/anti-hunting type people. If people were hunting animals like wolves, weasels and the like I can almost garuantee than a very big proportion of these protestors couldn't care less because wolves and weasels are not cute or nice animals.

Also whoever said deer are closer to humans than slugs are to deer needs a reality check. That was [censored] hilarious.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 02:08 PM
Ya rly. Apparently there's this whole raticide subculture I was unaware of.

Actually i'd say it's "worse" to kill a rat than a deer, considering the meat is not going to be used for a delectable rat stew and the body is not going to be used to make cute little rat fur moccasins. (most likely not)

Let's the rats hang out in the alleys and do their rat business, I say.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 02:13 PM
humans >>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>> all imo. I think handicaps and coloureds is where it starts getting a little grey.
qft, to be on the safe side i shoot anything that's brown or drools
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 02:28 PM
CC - I used to do a lot of carp fishing which involves catching the fish and just putting them back. So basically dragging them out of the water for a laugh. Oh, sometimes I'd put a whole load of them in a keepnut for 4-5 hours just so I could get a photo with all my fish for the day at the end of the session. On a scale of 1-10 how cruel do you think am I for this?
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 05:43 PM
Where is the wolf that ate Thread Cat?

Save the wolves imo.
It wasn't a wolf.


scuse me.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 08:26 PM
most hunters consume their meat and mount the bucs.
bestiality ban imo
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 08:32 PM
kill all the aminals imo
that would include humans too
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 08:33 PM
most hunters consume their meat and mount the bucs.
bestiality ban imo
worthless without pics imo
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 08:35 PM
kill all the aminals imo
that would include humans too
Only the poor ones.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 08:39 PM
Deer hunters,

How common is it for the deer to not be consumed after the hunt? I think that's what people are up in arms about, not distinguishing bewteen the two.
I hunt with my dad (he's killed over 55 in his 10 years of hunting, my number is noticably smaller) and we eat everything we kill. We keep the racks off the bucks but we don't "trophy hunt".

If we have more meat then we, or our family and friends can use, then we give the meat to designated homeless shelters that will put the meat to good use.


That's awesome.

So, most hunters would be just as shocked and outraged, if not more, at the idea of killing a deer and not using the carcass for food/clothing etc?
Yeah I like to think most would, but there are some trophy hunters out there that will waste. That's pretty awful.

Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-20-2007 , 10:03 PM
it doesn't matter holy hell its a [censored] deer everyone is just complaining to complain. Do i think its ******ed that he shot a deer? no. do i think you can do much better bonding over beer and football? yes. and you dont have to dress up to do it.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-21-2007 , 02:32 AM
[censored] you

lol, I shot your cousin and your uncle.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-21-2007 , 02:34 AM
Don't you think it would be more rewarding to find injured animals and rehabilitate them rather than killing healthy ones
Killing healthy ones is part of keeping an entire ecosystem healthy.

QFT, There are way to many cars hitting deer as it is and it is a responsibility of the hunters to keep the population in control.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
11-21-2007 , 02:37 AM
i don't understand why this is a brag, is shooting an animal the size of a deer while it's standing still grazing or drinking, completely oblivious to your presence, really that much of an accomplishment? i've never hunted myself, but i don't think you really have to be an expert marksman to kill a deer

i mean if you killed a deer in hand to hand combat, or even with a knife, i'd probably be pretty impressed, but i don't see how shooting a dumb animal that doesn't know you are lurking in the distance about to fire a rifle at it, is the slightest bit sporting or bragworthy
Hell ya this is a brag, you have nothing to say until you have tried it yourself. Deer are alot smarter than you may realize.
Brag: I shot 3 deer in the last 2 weeks. Quote
