Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 208
you ever go to a porn site and see "free trial!" and they make you put in a credit card number, they charge you at the end of the month cuz it says so. it literally says "you will be charged (x) amount if you do not cancel recurring charge. i read the fine print for freecreditreport. "You will be enrolled in Triple Advantage, the Triple Advantage Protection Service, CB Affiliates, and any and all charges they may place on all but not limited to their full services." That means, TA is gunna charge you probably 20 bucks, the protection service is about 6, the affiliates is probably another 10, and then there's always a surcharge.
try and have about 40-50 bucks in your account at the end of the possible billing cycle just in case i'm right.
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,853
k ya i looked at contact info on site and say a "how to cancel my membership" then i was like oh ****... this is where it tells you your a ****in member, etc etc etc so the offices are closed
open 1 hour a day imo (even though i called at 3am)
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 33,327
<--- Does not have a boner for knowing his credit score.