Originally Posted by dangeraw
so danger met beau each decieded to wear a funny custome and pied each other unaware wat was going on in memphis. meanwhile charile brown got out in the rain in his midwest home when he came accors the coolest animal of them all Angry Panda who was eating some bamboo. Angry panda wasnt angry at all when eating his bamboo but very defensive and knocked charlie brown out.
meanawhile, back in memphis woodstock helps pactch snoopy back together and mutant finally gets a hold of beauseefuss, beau tells mut to put moderator puppy on the line mut complies. but watch out here comes the zombies and they run back to mut's place where he has the top notch zombie defense he warns beau of the zombies. so beau, and myself look for louis c.k who haz the antidonat and his immune to zombies.