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Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what

03-25-2010 , 09:19 AM
I'm freaking out right now. I'm 25 a year-old American been living in S.East Asia for like 10 months.

I've been seeing a girl for 2.5 weeks. She stayed over last night. We usually don't see eachother for 3 or 4 days at a time. Then I'm eating dinner tonight with my friend and I get the following 2 txts: "i wanna come over there again now. im sad and i wanna tell u something. please" "please. can i come over there now? please "

So, I txt her back and she refuses to elaborate at all what's bothering her. So, I call her from the restaurant and she's just crying very hard and not really telling me. I ask her if it has to do with her family, and she won't say. Then she texts me "u won't like it if i tell it to u on text. i wanna tell it to u in persom. its not about my family. its about me"

I guess I'm just freaking the **** out on what this is about. And I need people to suggest what this can be other than "I have an STD" or "I am pregnant". We've had unprotected sex twice. I withdrew both times obviously, although I realize it's far from an effective method of birth control. Still, it's only been 2.5 weeks since we first had sex, so I don't know? She also knew that I was leaving in ~3 months, although I didn't tell her that in the last week I decided to leave 1 month earlier. We also had a light hearted joking convo about abortion and how I would def want one and that she refuses. She's on her way now. I need some moral support seriously. I know how girls are here... they can be extremely dramatic over nothing. If this is nothing...if she comes over and says "I mizzz you" I'm gonna be so pissed because I'm on the verge of having a heart-attack right now. This isn't going to end well no matter what though.

tldr; New girlfriend sent me a series of very troubling txts and more or less demanded to come over right now and says she needs to tell me something. I'm freaking the **** out and need some help.
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:21 AM
pics or GTFO
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:22 AM
If I were you i'd let her come over right away just so you can get it off your mind!

I know bareback is the nuts but you need to be sensible and use a connie, then that doubt would be out of your mind!
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:24 AM
Where are the pics?
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:25 AM
Jesus, you got to chill man

and pregnancy is very effective birth control afaik
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:26 AM
Give the OP a break. I only read like one sentence of this wall of text, but it sounds like he might be going through a trying time.

Although posting pictures sooner would probably be wiser in terms of the level of advice/compassion he will receive, he will not receive an infraction for NPT for another 24 hours & 4 minutes
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:26 AM
ive been in this situation..but it was with a girl i knew pretty well...and it was a STD just fyi, and I wasnt even infected one time dealer

so its probably aids not pregnancy gl

and pics
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:26 AM
I would suggest you have some chloroform, a coat hanger, and probably a spade ready for when she arrives.
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Tiltn_Mafks
Jesus, you got to chill man

and pregnancy is very effective birth control afaik
dude i can't chill.. i'm almost hyperventalating right now. What do you mean "pregnancy is very effective birth control"?

if nothing is wrong with either of us and this turn out to be some bs, I swear to 4L that I will put nudie pics of her on here before breaking up with her as revenge for giving me a heart-attack
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by -Vega-
ive been in this situation..but it was with a girl i knew pretty well...and it was a STD just fyi, and I wasnt even infected one time dealer

so its probably aids not pregnancy gl

and pics
yeah I'm worried about the std thing. Did your girl have h.i.v.? Thing is, I guarantee you this girl has never been tested, so I don't know how she would know if she had hiv. And before people chime in, she's not a hooker. I mean, maybe she was waaaay before I knew her, I have idea. But i think she might be slightly permiscuas but not totally a slut if you know what I mean. Honestly of all the bad **** going down in my head, the best would be "someone is after me and I need help" and #2 would be "i have a non-fatal or treatable or curable std like clamydia"
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Wamy Einehouse
I would suggest you have some chloroform, a coat hanger, and probably a spade ready for when she arrives.
I think he wanted advice more tailored to his specific situation rather than more generic every day advice.
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by OMGitsCheddar
if nothing is wrong with either of us and this turn out to be some bs, I swear to 4L that I will put nudie pics of her on here before breaking up with her as revenge for giving me a heart-attack
now we're talking
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:35 AM
i feel for you man, when this happened to me i walked half way to the grocery store with the garbage bag in my hand cause my head was so ****ed up

mine was: slept with friend, she calls me from abroad 1 week later saying she has something bad to tell me but cant tell me right now cause shes on the I find out 5h later i prob have the herp, jesus just wait until you can tell me everything before you call bitch

also got a letter 1 week later saying i have to get tested for chlamydia...good week for me

but i had neither
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:35 AM
also if she has HIV its pretty low risk you are infected unless you SIIIHP
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:38 AM
just calm down and wait and see what she says. women freak out over the smallest things so it could just be some dumb ****

Last edited by Glo4ming; 03-25-2010 at 09:38 AM. Reason: and we need pics ldo
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:39 AM
what if its hiv, how explicit will the pics be?
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:40 AM
pics of raped corpse?
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:47 AM
But why would you **** a random Asian girl without protection?

Last edited by nintendere; 03-25-2010 at 09:48 AM. Reason: in before in after preggo
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:48 AM
Also good job on the unprotected sex.

Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:51 AM
Seems obvious to me that she used to be a ladyboy
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:52 AM
[?]she is in love. (lol)
[?]she is preagneant (lmao)
[?]AIDS (serious business)
[x]Run away
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:54 AM
So she used to be a hooker or still is part time(or 10%er) I like to call them, which is standard for girls in that area...and you have sex with her without condoms. Jeez man. gl though, I know how brutal the wait must be.
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:55 AM
Oh and what part of SE asia?
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:55 AM
Since when is getting a girl pregnant and catching some STDs reason for starting a thread? Thinly veiled "I might not be completely infertile"-brag?

Next topic: I had breakfast this morning.
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
03-25-2010 , 09:57 AM
This is not a fun situation op, Hope it'll work out for you!
Now post pics please
Beat??  Waiting for my new girlfriend to come over very worried about I don't knwo what Quote
