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Beat: New Kanye West album Beat: New Kanye West album

12-01-2008 , 10:45 AM
Ughh what a pile of crap...after many good albums he releases this garbage.

[x]Rap/Rb stars should not sing ballads.
[x]Every song uses this annoying distorted mic thing, sounds like your listening to Max Headroom,

[x]Bigger Beat I payed for it. Was to lazy to Torrent was about to go out.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 11:26 AM
fixed your title.

I kid, I kid. Now get off my damn lawn.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 11:32 AM
wow u didnt like his album cuz hes black. shocking!
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by alreet
wow u didnt like his album cuz hes black. shocking!
I do not exactly see where I said that, and considering I mentioned how good past albums were.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 12:44 PM
Yeah I heard love lockdown on teh radio a couple times and it was lame, and now everybody has gotta do the tpain thing to their voice which isnt always lame ( it was pro on "put on") but can be lame
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 12:56 PM
First album was good but yeah this one sucked ass.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 12:57 PM
i said to myself that i wouldnt open this thread, but i did, and hwen i did i just skipped down to write this.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:21 PM
I only opened it to make fun of m3 for listening to kanye west
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Faildog
I only opened it to make fun of m3 for listening to kanye west
Oh please your favorite band is Bayside so you can slit your wrists in emo pain.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:28 PM
for real this album blows
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by m3gatl20n
Oh please your favorite band is Bayside so you can slit your wrists in emo pain.
I don't whack off to black men like you. Rather be emo than gay with black men
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Faildog
I don't whack off to black men like you. Rather be emo than gay with black men
Whoa Whoa Whoa...since when is Emo Straight? Your the one who wants to be gay secretly...and why does it have to be about blacks man you racist! Ban faildog racist.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:37 PM
i bought this cd too just because i was near the music store the day after it came out and decided to get music legally for once

i was planning on torrenting it sometime

i wish i had so i wouldve saved the $14
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Dan87
i bought this cd too just because i was near the music store the day after it came out and decided to get music legally for once

i was planning on torrenting it sometime

i wish i had so i wouldve saved the $14
I normally buy music legally for only 2 reasons.

1. Im in a hurry like about to go out the door and downloading from itunes is fast and im not poor.
2. Its a real underground band that I support.

Distorted mic is fail.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 01:57 PM
you should have known this a few months ago when he started releasing auto tune singles
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 02:08 PM
new luda is hot!
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by En Passant
new luda is hot!
Yes that I downloaded...shoulda gave Luda my money.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 03:40 PM
paranoid and amazing are alright imo. rest of the album isn't doing it for me.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 03:47 PM
remember when this racist ass piece of shiit went on the air and was telling the poeple of new orleans not to get on the cruise ships the govt. had provided for them. he said "bush hates n-ggers and he is going to sink the ships when you get on" i will never spend a dime to hear his crap. way overrated and thinks his shiit doesnt stink.
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 03:50 PM
Luda > Kanye

I'm not surprised there. I'm surprised Kanye made a ****ty album
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 03:56 PM
Piratebay FTW!!!
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 04:05 PM
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 04:24 PM
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
12-01-2008 , 05:15 PM
whos that guy
Beat: New Kanye West album Quote
