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BEAT: Joshua Radin concert BEAT: Joshua Radin concert

07-29-2008 , 10:40 AM
Attended a concert w/my girlfriend last night in Philadelphia, that of singer-songwriter Joshua Radin. While sappy and elementary, his music and voice aren't that bad. His between-song rants, on the other hand, made my balls shrivel to the size of raisins.

The guy practically begged the female members of the audience to come back stage after the show and wipe up his heart-broken tears with their labia.

What is with this douche? He sings a song about a breakup, one of which he reportedly initiated. And then, while giggling like a 12-year-old girl, he says something to the effect of, "If any of you girls out there are the type to fall in love and cry just because of it, I'm available." The dude is like 30. And he's doing his damndest to make 16 year olds swoon. What a pussy.

This show, to use poker terminology, put me on music tilt all night. His little diatribes between each song were so consistently fake and vomit-inducingly gay that I literally was up until 4 a.m. thanking the sweet lord above that I had testicles.
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-29-2008 , 10:41 AM
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-29-2008 , 10:49 AM
He's not a well-known act, but he has had songs on Grey's Anatomy as well as a movie or two. As I said, not terrible, just annoying as crap in between songs. I mean, he took every chance he could to bitch and moan about some broad that he apparently left. I left the show wanting to slit my wrists -- and his. ...
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-29-2008 , 11:00 AM
not a bad singer, but yes, i can see him being a really big pussy irl. i mean, he does say "all you have to do is cry"
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-29-2008 , 11:15 AM
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-29-2008 , 11:18 AM
hey man, dont hate the player, hate the game
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-29-2008 , 11:22 AM
I'd be pissed if my gf cheated on me, on stage, with some pussy douchebag too.

But what can you do but wait for the video on youtube ya know?
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-29-2008 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by fivemeo

lmao, wtf, ye s ye s ye s
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-29-2008 , 09:07 PM
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-30-2008 , 12:46 AM
if you are a musician of any kind and say desperate stuff like that between songs in a show, just kill yourself. I like a couple of his songs but I lost alot of respect for him after reading this.
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-30-2008 , 12:56 AM
never heard of him, sounds like a ******
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
07-30-2008 , 01:04 AM
Joshua Rhadin is an awesome musician IMO, but I wouldn't expect the average 2p2er to dig him.

If you go for emo folky stuff, then, yea, you'd love him. Otherwise, not so much.

Similarly, I love Schuler Fisk (theres a 'y' in there somewhere) and Damien Rice.
Just my taste in music though
BEAT: Joshua Radin concert Quote
