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Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways

11-09-2007 , 07:49 PM
Im not gay or something. I love to [censored] them, but afterwards...sometimes i want to punch that bitch that i just jizzed into in her pretty face.

WTF is wrong with me. I had a looong relationship, which ended as she was trying to cheat on me. So i dumped her. But [censored] her afterwards a couple of times. I was not cheating on her all the [censored] time - 6 [censored] years. Think im missed some pussy.

I am 25, 7.5/10 imo, not fat, and most important: I am a master at "conversations" (aka LIES) so basically if i want that special girl tonight, most of the times i [censored] her 2-4 hrs later. Sometimes they refuse though - big deal, [censored] you, you whore, i will get your sister and bang her brain out ouf her head.

Uhh...btt. My question was: Why all the [censored] hate. I mean - after i get them to suck my wang and spread their legs, i am no longer interested in any activites. No relationships, no "let us be friends", no nothing. Really, sometimes i want to punch them. I cant stand that "OHHH MY! I SWEAR I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE THE MAN OF MY DREAMS!" They just dont [censored] get it. Sometimes i even had to swear to get that bitch out of my house. Never slapped one of them, though. But i think, its just a question of time.

BITCH [censored] OFF. Yeah, we [censored] the whole [censored] night. But that fact does NOT mean that i will marry you or something. Get the [censored] out of my crib.

Sometimes i think about it and it just doesnt sound right...
Second question: Some of my friends are not cool with the whole situation. They say, and i quote: "Dude, you just cant [censored] 3 girls in a week it looks like you are a manwhore (sp?). I never [censored] sisters or ex-gfs of my friends though.


[][censored] THEN DUMP

edited typos
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:00 PM
Im not gay or something.

I had a looong relationship, which ended as he was trying to cheat on me

Your statements are contradictory
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:01 PM
thickly veiled attempted brag imo
but if true, all you need to do is tell them this in the morning:
"you are fat"
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:03 PM
Im not gay or something.

I had a looong relationship, which ended as he was trying to cheat on me

Your statements are contradictory
lol first thing i noticed too
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:05 PM
GODDAMN. Really, i should quit posting in the intarwebs while drunk and on tilt.
Its not a brag - because it doenst feel like a brag.
Sex is fun, but this whole relationship/love thingie, its [censored] up. Really really [censored] up imo.

Seriously: Should i stop this [censored]? Woman have feeling too, from what i heard.
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:08 PM
It's pretty obvious that you have some deep-seated anger at women and you treat them like whores to punish and spite them, whether subconsciously or consciously.
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:09 PM
GODDAMN. Really, i should quit posting in the intarwebs before I'm ready to come out of the closet.
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:10 PM
It's pretty obvious that you have some deep-seated anger at women and you treat them like whores to punish and spite them, whether subconsciously or consciously.
Probably a result of your long term relationship. I don't think the "girls are only good for sex" mindset is that uncommon though.
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:10 PM
When people tell me s*** like "man F*** bitches", "F*** [censored]" im usually like "ya thats what you do, you f*** em"

Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:15 PM
Dont get me wrong: I DONT treat them like 5$-crackwhores. No, its like this:

"Hey, what going on?"
"Hey, who are you? I newer saw you here before?"
*blah, chatting*
"Maybe i can show you my masterskills of cooking?"
*laughter* *smiles*
*Oh yeah, that would be fine."

I treat them well. All of them.
But this one "THATS NOT THE RIGHT THING" - that [censored] my head all the time.

[censored]. I dont know what the [censored] to do. Sex is fun, anger at woman is NOT FUN.
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:15 PM
When people tell me s*** like "man F*** bitches", "F*** [censored]" im usually like "ya thats what you do, you f*** em"

im diggin it

Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:37 PM
Unless you're Robert Blake, I strongly advise against this option...
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:40 PM
It's easy to dislike a woman quite a bit after you've busted your nut.
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 08:42 PM

Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 09:32 PM
you're just all about the in-out in-out and the ultra-violence... totally normal LDO
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 09:39 PM
There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:41 PM

It's okay Dwight, we believe you beat the computer
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:42 PM
You so crazy.
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 10:44 PM
You so crazy.
f the haters
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-09-2007 , 11:22 PM
It's pretty obvious that you have some deep-seated anger at women and you treat them like whores to punish and spite them, whether subconsciously or consciously.

OP - you should get yourself into therapy. It will suck at first but otherwise you're in for a miserable existence. This assumes you're on the level and serious.

Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-10-2007 , 12:57 AM
Tell us about your mother...
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-10-2007 , 01:23 AM
nice work neil bloom
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-10-2007 , 01:24 AM
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-10-2007 , 01:24 AM
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
11-10-2007 , 01:24 AM
Beat: i think i hate woman but [censored] them anyways Quote
