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BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac

07-06-2007 , 02:19 AM
So hey guys I don't often make threads but I'm feelin kinda emo right now after I got home and read that you decided to ban my friend PattdownManiac. Anyway so I thought we could all share some stories in honor of the late great PDM and reminisce about all the good times we shared right here in BBV4L. The haters are of course welcome too cause that's how we do in 4L, amirite?

So I'm in the line at Starbucks this morning, trying to get my skim milk vanilla latte with just a dash of cinnamon on top just the ways I likes it when lo and behold what do I see but two wall street wannabe pretty boys. Pretty boy number one is tall and skinny, wearing a suit that came right off the rack at the Men's Wearhouse. His friend is, well let's just say the last meal he missed was sometime before Ronald met Mrs. McDonald. So I'm standing there in front of them kind of roflmao but all quiet like so as not to disturb them from their engrossing discussion on the economic forecast for China in the coming fiscal year or some [censored].

So dorkus number one starts to nonchalantly lean back against the wall as he yaps away on his very important cell phone call that he just received and all of a sudden he forgets how to stand and starts to trip all over himself. I of course turn around and say "too bad not everyone can have coordination." Lol. They didn't have anything to say.

I make my order, they take my name and as I'm checking out this cute barista who's washing something in the back these two yuppies come up behind me and steal my order. Well I walk over to the table where they've chosen to sit and chat over the gross domestic product of Bulgaria and am like wtf man you just took my coffee. They say we ordered the same thing.

I am flabbergasted, and can only think to say to them "Um excuse me you Apprentice watching Prius driving Ivy League wannabes but why don't you give me back my drink and go discuss your tech stocks over at Jamba Juice before I take you to the gun show." Needless to say, they hand me my drink and slink quietly out of the cafe, save for the cell phone of dorkus number 2 which just happens to go off (his ringtone is the theme to Rocky, in case you were wondering).

But knowing I ordered the same drink as those yuppie jerk offs made me so sick I couldn't even bare to drink anything past the foam. I guess it was kind of a beat. Anyone else ever have anything like this?
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:21 AM
wow, you're a jerkoff
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:22 AM
1. Don't end your lines with 'lol' all the [censored] time, it's annoying.
2. Don't lie.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:23 AM
what lvl dungeon master?
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:23 AM
was your boyfriend there to back you up in case things got a little out of hand?
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:23 AM
Even I occasionally make a good thread. Your streak impresses me.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:25 AM
I would have just punched them right there as your obvously a superior human being. I dont know how im feeling right now. I kinda miss pattdown.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:35 AM
Starbucks is like everything that is wrong with like corporate america man. They like keep the little man down and support the afghanistan poppy grower slavery with their muffins.
Promote this man.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:38 AM
Hes gone so its time to move on. Im sure there will be another person that is just as dumb to take his place sometime in the future. It is only a matter of time.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:40 AM
OP is tl;dr amirite?
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:40 AM
Starbucks is like everything that is wrong with like corporate america man. They like keep the little man down and support the afghanistan poppy grower slavery with their muffins.
Lol. But they make a tasty lemon poppyseed scone. Amirite?

Srsly though folks, this thread is about Pattdown, not injustices taking place all over the world (unless that injustice happens to be depriving my fellow BBV4L readers of their daily dose of PattDown).
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:41 AM
drizzle, i'd like to patt you down, you maniac.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:41 AM
zomg you are annoying

BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:47 AM
op did the barista write your name clearly on the cup that she handed to those guys?? that really should not have happened to you and i recommend you tell them the next time you're there and hopefully they'll give you a free coffee. also i don't think what you said to those guys was very nice and i understand that you were mad but in the future please keep your temper!!
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:50 AM
I goto Starbucks more often than I should, and they've never ever written my name on my cup.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:51 AM
This story would have been better if you ALSO backhanded slapped the cellphone out of their hands making any pimp proud.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 02:54 AM
07-06-2007 , 03:01 AM
This story would have been better if you ALSO backhanded slapped the cellphone out of their hands making any pimp proud.
And then as yuppie numero dos tries to pick up his cell phone and talk to his stock broker about some IPO that he wants to get him in on I walk over to them and slap the phone right out of his hand saying "Lol you should thank me, now you have an excuse to go spend four hundred bucks on an iPhone, amirite?"
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 03:11 AM
I goto Starbucks more often than I should, and they've never ever written my name on my cup.
It's not standard. Some stores/districts emphasize it, others do not.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 03:31 AM
whoisthedrizzle is da s.hit!!
whatever that means

btw, im downloading porn
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 03:33 AM
whoisthedrizzle is da s.hit!!
whatever that means

btw, im downloading porn
from where
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 03:36 AM
at the muffin mans house
i know him
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 03:49 AM
Starbucks is like everything that is wrong with like corporate america man. They like keep the little man down and support the afghanistan poppy grower slavery with their muffins.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 10:12 AM
wow, you're a genius
Filled with levelly goodness.
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
07-06-2007 , 10:19 AM
PMD just pissed me off. It is only a matter of time before someone comes along and takes his place. Give it a week, amirite?
BEAT: Already Missin Pattdown Maniac Quote
