Originally Posted by Ed_Zackary
I have dreams and when i wake up i've realized "oh, i dreamed about that chick" where i think that chick is a real person. Then i realize that i don't really know that chick as a real person but just as some unknown chick that i've already dreamt and forgot about.
I also dream in color. I didn't know this is supposedly rare. I guess most people dream in black and white?
Other times as I'm dreaming i'm aware that things are happening and people are talking but i see nothing in my mind's eye. I have dreams of events and conversations where I know what happened but I didn't visualize the dream.
Anyone else?
lol i dream in color, im pretty sure that is the standard.. never heard of black and white dreams . i always visualize them too ive never experienced what ur talking about .
recently ive had this thing happening to me.. when i wake up, i see people out of the shapes around me.. its very eerie and sometimes outright scary as ****. It has only been happening the past like 8-9 months, but it happens EVERY time i wake up. It's not like imaginary people, it's like i will wake up and i will think im looking at a person hunched over in my room, but it's really a chair with clothes on it... Or i'll think that there is a face of a man looking at me , but it's really a towel. It takes like 10-15 seconds of 'holy **** theres a person !' for me to wake up and realize its not . But my mind will make a person out of anything, a face out of anything.. Im actually used to it now but for like 1 week i woke up and was in instant fear. could have something to do with DMT use