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bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes)

11-08-2007 , 08:40 PM

I had to write a script and find actors to be in a 3 minute(wtf can you do in 3 min) video.
Tear it to shreds please.
-note-I had an asian edit it obviously, so don't blame me for any editing probs (racist ban imo)
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 08:49 PM
music too loud then i gave up
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 08:49 PM
first imo

edit: nah, second imo

[ ] girls
[x] nerdy boys
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 08:50 PM
the music/narrator is supposed to overlap the tour guide actor in some parts...
but ya, i guess it is a bit loud

main character is obv wearing outrageously large glasses portraying the character as a nerd...kinda the point. Other guys I guess could be classified as nerds
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 08:50 PM
not first imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 08:52 PM
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:00 PM
No girls obv because we live in an all guys dorm/dorm only project
um doesn't help much but ty
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:06 PM
No girls obv because we live in an all guys dorm/dorm only project
um doesn't help much but ty
nice project i guess imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:08 PM
OMG I loooooooooovezzzzzzz it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thinkz I hazzzz a crusherzzzzzz on the guy in the begginning whose wearing a tie
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:08 PM
lol i wrote that imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:09 PM
Here's my imo

<font color="white">imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:09 PM
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:10 PM
imo your imo is not an imo but just an incorrect imo of what an imo really is which has a deeper meaning imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:17 PM
imo your imo is not an imo but just an incorrect imo of what an imo really is which has a deeper meaning imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:25 PM
ill get me coat then
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:25 PM
didnt watch it imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:26 PM
That Asian guy was in "Lost" imo.
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:28 PM
- if u wanna make it look like an official training video, dont just scribble campus tours 101 on a whiteboard, make it look more official.

- [ ] girls

- [x] sound problems

i guess its what u can do in such a short time
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:30 PM
ya it took the asian literally 6 minutes to write that on the blackboard, I told him it's going to look ridiculous anyway, so don't waste your time...
but he was stubborn.

okay, no girls, i get it...should have thought about that before hand.
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:30 PM
the question is though, is it even remotely funny/humorous for someone that doesn't go to college/university of missouri
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 09:55 PM
bump imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 11:51 PM
could only bear to watch 1:25, sorry
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-08-2007 , 11:54 PM
i made it 14 seconds...
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-09-2007 , 01:01 AM
could only bear to watch 1:25, sorry
it's okay
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
11-09-2007 , 01:03 AM
bump imo
still havent watched it imo
bbv4l gimme your "imo" on my video plzzzzz(3 minutes) Quote
