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09-13-2007 , 03:02 PM
You have no way of knowing whether there's jizz on your bed sheets. You have no way of knowing whether the hotel dumps cat urine into their swimming pool. You have no way of knowing whether they've set up hidden cameras in your shower to spy on you. Luckily the government... oh wait, never mind. Free market: Infinity + 1, Government: 0.
Yes, but government health regulations greatly reduce the liklihood of all of those. You go to USC. There's no way your pansy ass could survive in this unregulated 3rd world country you apparently want the US to be.
09-13-2007 , 03:03 PM
How does the free market solve consumer problems that they have no way of knowing about?

Also, are you saying that the government had no impact on nutritional labels being started?
09-13-2007 , 03:03 PM

In this context 'good solutions' implies safe, clean food and working environments. Historically these have only happened where there is legislation to enforce them.
I can't believe you know enough about economics to mention externalities (a good point btw) yet you cannot fathom how it might be in the best interest of suppliers to ensure the quality of their own products. If you supply a quality of product that is inferior to a competing supplier, you will go out of business. Supplier competition ensures that the quality of the product improves, not the government.
09-13-2007 , 03:08 PM
You have no way of knowing whether there's jizz on your bed sheets. You have no way of knowing whether the hotel dumps cat urine into their swimming pool. You have no way of knowing whether they've set up hidden cameras in your shower to spy on you. Luckily the government... oh wait, never mind. Free market: Infinity + 1, Government: 0.
Yes, but government health regulations greatly reduce the liklihood [sic] of all of those. You go to USC. There's no way your pansy ass could survive in this unregulated 3rd world country you apparently want the US to be.
Nice, when you lose the argument, it's good to know you can still always resort to ad hominem attacks. And thanks for the tremendous insight into the troubles of third world countries. Who knew that if their governments would only enforce a few more arbitrary regulations, they'd be well on their way to unimaginable wealth!
09-13-2007 , 03:10 PM
I think its funny that smokers (or defenders of) will admit that cigarettes have many carcinogens but won't admit that cigarettes cause cancer, because well, how do you know for sure that it was the cigarettes?? Maybe it was just an odd weather pattern!! lolz
I used the analogy of an Xray machine, i'm not sure what could be more apt.

It's seem obvious that many of you only read the first sentence of my post and stopped there. (Fun fact...)

Ok, all together now, say it with me. EM-FA-ZEE-MA. HART-DUH-ZEES. (<--phonetics)

Nobody is saying smoking is not unhealthy, especially myself. I was simply pointing out the CIG->CANCER link is tenuous pseudo-science, at best.

It's an off topic factoid that doesn't even have much to do with this discussion, the second-hand smoke and outdoor ban, etc, etc.

Lord have mercy.

P.S. Truthfully, even though this is a smoking thread, any discussion of my point is just more and more off topic. It was more about my disdain for people that disrespect science or logic.

Are you familiar with the 'Orange Tshirt tiger analogy'?

It states that I wore an orange Tshirt today, and didn't get attacked by a tiger, therefore orange Tshirts ward off tiger attacks, ldo.
09-13-2007 , 03:11 PM
You have no way of knowing whether there's jizz on your bed sheets. You have no way of knowing whether the hotel dumps cat urine into their swimming pool. You have no way of knowing whether they've set up hidden cameras in your shower to spy on you. Luckily the government... oh wait, never mind. Free market: Infinity + 1, Government: 0.
Yes, but government health regulations greatly reduce the liklihood [sic] of all of those. You go to USC. There's no way your pansy ass could survive in this unregulated 3rd world country you apparently want the US to be.
Nice, when you lose the argument, it's good to know you can still always resort to ad hominem attacks. And thanks for the tremendous insight into the troubles of third world countries. Who knew that if their governments would only enforce a few more arbitrary regulations, they'd be well on their way to unimaginable wealth!
I resorted to that because USC sucks, not because I lost some lame argument that we don't need health regulations.
09-13-2007 , 03:12 PM

So your personal feelings have nothing to do with your position on this issue? I doubt that somehow.

This is a subjective issue. It comes down to personal values and feelings.
I am a non-smoker. But I do not let the fact that I am a non-smoker cloud the objective reality that a ban on smoking is simply the government allowing itself to control what goes on in a private business. When someone supports the government infringing others personal liberties in one sense but not in another (poker, trans fats, alcohol, whatever) it is a clear indicator that they lack objectivity.
09-13-2007 , 03:14 PM
One, it smells awful. If I'm hanging around for a bus, or at a coffee shop, it just sucks to have you stinking up the place for everyone near by.
Yeah, and while we're at it, let's ban farting in public too! Oh, and all those foreigners seem to smell pretty bad... let's ban them too!


You're obviously not very good at solving problems. The correct play is spraying them with fire hoses filled with AXE BODY SPRAY, not bannings.
09-13-2007 , 03:14 PM
I think its funny that smokers (or defenders of) will admit that cigarettes have many carcinogens but won't admit that cigarettes cause cancer, because well, how do you know for sure that it was the cigarettes?? Maybe it was just an odd weather pattern!! lolz
I used the analogy of an Xray machine, i'm not sure what could be more apt.

It's seem obvious that many of you only read the first sentence of my post and stopped there. (Fun fact...)

Ok, all together now, say it with me. EM-FA-ZEE-MA. HART-DUH-ZEES. (<--phonetics)

Nobody is saying smoking is not unhealthy, especially myself. I was simply pointing out the CIG->CANCER link is tenuous pseudo-science, at best.

It's an off topic factoid that doesn't even have much to do with this discussion, the second-hand smoke and outdoor ban, etc, etc.

Lord have mercy.

P.S. Truthfully, even though this is a smoking thread, any discussion of my point is just more and more off topic. It was more about my disdain for people that disrespect science or logic.

Are you familiar with the 'Orange Tshirt tiger analogy'?

It states that I wore an orange Tshirt today, and didn't get attacked by a tiger, therefore orange Tshirts ward off tiger attacks, ldo.
My response was in regards to:

The research isn't published yet, but the article itself doesn't mean much at all. It doesn't say whether a drop in heart attacks makes any sense medically after only one year, or why both smoker and non-smoker rates dropped, or what percentage of both groups were ever exposed to enclosed second hand smoke. The same drop might be attributable to people drinking less, since they don't want to hang out at bars anymore. Or it could be attributable to weather patterns. Who knows. We won't even be able to see if its statistically significant until the paper is published, or what control variables were used, but from the numbers in the article, this paper smells a bit like [censored].

and not your fun fact. I thought the weather patterns thing was a funny way out there notion. :P
09-13-2007 , 03:15 PM
How does the free market solve consumer problems that they have no way of knowing about?
If the demand is great enough, an entrepreneur will fill the gap in knowledge. I would have had no way of knowing whether USC was a good school if it weren't for US News' rankings. I would have no way of knowing if a Toyota Corolla is a reliable car if it weren't for Consumer Reports. Etc., Etc.

Also, are you saying that the government had no impact on nutritional labels being started?
I have no knowledge of the history of nutrition labels. Care to enlighten me?

P.S. I suggest you start a thread in the Politics forum if you want to continue this discussion. I feel like I can hold my own for the most part, but there are quite a few people over there who are much more knowledgeable and articulate than me.
09-13-2007 , 03:18 PM
Fun fact:

Cigarette smoking has never been scientifically proven to cause cancer.
Chump Change - The following is from

Lung Cancer Causes

Cigarette smoking is the most significant cause of lung cancer. Research as far back as the 1950s clearly established this relationship.

* Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals, many of which have been identified as causing cancer.
I don't see the "fun" in your fun fact. I personally have known people who died from lung cancer caused by cigarette smoking. It's not much "fun" for them or anyone close to them.

It is simply untrue that smoking has never been scientifically proven to cause cancer. Indeed it has.


Saying "fun fact" was never meant as any disrespect. It's a popular phrase used on children's cartoons and PBS shows and cereal boxes etc, based on the notion that it's "fun" to learn new things.
09-13-2007 , 03:21 PM

WTF? Nutrition labels? Let me guess, those wouldn't exist w/o the government either...
No, they wouldn't, and in most jurisdictions they have no information on trans-fats at the moment anyway. This is a really weak snipe.

Do you support the right of manufacturers to include poison in the food they sell without informed consent or not? If not, how is that different from trans fats?


That's a nice broad, unsupported assertion. Cite please.

LOL, what externalities does this scenario involve? And how exactly will the government succeed where the free market fails?
I was responding to the assertion that markets always produce the best possible solution. This is clearly wrong in the presence of externalities. In the case of smoking, by smoking you are imposing a cost on those around you, since they must either bear the negative impacts of cigarette smoke or relocate to another place which bans smoking; obviously relocation is not positive absent your smoking or they would have done that regardless. This is a classic case of an externality, your choice negatively impacts on my set of choices.

The paper you quote is way outside the economic mainstream and seems to be merely a series of bold assertions. It's central argument appears, from my skimming, to be flawed; he asserts that in certain cases adjustment for externalities would produce negative consequences. That may or may not be true but it does not imply that externalities do not cause market failures. Either could be true, or both, or neither.
09-13-2007 , 03:22 PM
You have no way of knowing whether there's jizz on your bed sheets. You have no way of knowing whether the hotel dumps cat urine into their swimming pool. You have no way of knowing whether they've set up hidden cameras in your shower to spy on you. Luckily the government... oh wait, never mind. Free market: Infinity + 1, Government: 0.
Yes, but government health regulations greatly reduce the liklihood [sic] of all of those. You go to USC. There's no way your pansy ass could survive in this unregulated 3rd world country you apparently want the US to be.
Nice, when you lose the argument, it's good to know you can still always resort to ad hominem attacks. And thanks for the tremendous insight into the troubles of third world countries. Who knew that if their governments would only enforce a few more arbitrary regulations, they'd be well on their way to unimaginable wealth!
I resorted to that because USC sucks, not because I lost some lame argument that we don't need health regulations.

09-13-2007 , 03:23 PM
My impression is that he is not claiming that smoking does not cause lung cancer, only that there is impossible to prove causation.
bbbaddd - But it has been proven!

People who claim it has not been proven either have not seen the proof or have looked at the proof and claimed that it is not proof.

The little cells that develop into cancerous cells may always be present, but they don't actually develop into what is diagnosed as cancer until something causes them to do that. What causes them to do that in some individuals? Inhaling materials containing various lung irritants, including cigarette smoke, is what causes them to do that.

If you want to be asinine about it, I suppose there is no "proof" that you and I currently have brains.

09-13-2007 , 03:24 PM

As I said in response to another post - [Trans fats] are in some foods and you don't have any way of knowing which ones without a laboratory test. They are poisonous. [Saying they should be allowed] is like saying its OK for food manufacturers to include mercury or cyanide in your food without telling you...
Why do you think the government needs to protect the consumer from trans fats? It's easy to avoid, and who are we to impose value judgments on someone who enjoys cheap trans fat food even if they know that they may die from it?
09-13-2007 , 03:25 PM


PWND by your own chart.

09-13-2007 , 03:26 PM
Is it easy to avoid? I couldn't tell you by looking at a menu or food item whether its free in trans fat or not.
09-13-2007 , 03:27 PM

In this context 'good solutions' implies safe, clean food and working environments. Historically these have only happened where there is legislation to enforce them.
I can't believe you know enough about economics to mention externalities (a good point btw) yet you cannot fathom how it might be in the best interest of suppliers to ensure the quality of their own products. If you supply a quality of product that is inferior to a competing supplier, you will go out of business. Supplier competition ensures that the quality of the product improves, not the government.
In the theory of perfect competition yes, but there is this little thing called practice. You don't know what's in your food. Without perfect information markets don't function in the way they are ideally meant to. That's why health and safety legislation was first introduced; the food people were eating routinely included brick powder, sawdust, rat poison and other rubbish because they had no way of knowing.
09-13-2007 , 03:27 PM
I'd like to see a ban on incense in churches. That [censored] is like 50x more toxic and dangerous than cig smoke.
09-13-2007 , 03:28 PM
Why the [censored] can't I go to a bar that allows smoking and you go to a bar that doesn't??
I'd actually be perfectly fine with that.

The core of the problem is that my not smoking doesn't really change your experience where ever you are. The flip side isn't true though, your smoking nearby significantly changes my experience. If your habit didn't affect me, I wouldn't really care.

It's the same reason you get kicked out for being obnoxiously loud, or incredibly smelly like the WSOP guy, yelling "fire", firing off your machine gun at the ceiling, whatever. Anytime your behavior significantly impacts my experience, then it's a behavior that's going to be restricted.

If a bunch of people want to go be smelly together, then I'm fine with that.
Jeez. You don't have a natural right to never be annoyed by another person ever. People are annoying. If you want people to stop smoking next to you in a restaurant, ask them to stop, or get the manager. Take some [censored] responsibility instead of asking for the government to hold your hand all the time. It's your attitude that gave us the 1:30am last call. And the ban on drinking outdoors. And the ban on street performing downtown. And the ban on lap dances in LA. And poker legislation. This state has become so boring and sanitized that visiting European cities is like a breath of fresh air, where you wonder why the hell we gave so much freedom up here in the name of safety. Where is quids when you need him to call people sissies.
09-13-2007 , 03:29 PM

I'm not sure how you discerned my actual position on this issue from that post. I only mentioned what I thought he was saying.
09-13-2007 , 03:33 PM
Bar owners want to not follow any of the food safety laws in place because, hey, its their business and the government shouldn't be allowed to tell them what policies to enact. Correct?
Yes, that is correct. But let me ask you this... How many customers would frequent a restaurant where the employees never wash their hands, rats are running around the kitchen, and the five-second rule is liberally applied? Entrepreneurs supply what their customers demand. Why does the government need to get involved?
You named 3 things that a customer at a restaurant would never know about a place without touring the kitchen first. There's health inspectors because people demand sanitary food, not because the government really wants to be all up in the restaurant's grill (sweet pun intended). I guarantee there would be a ton of restaurants that would be waaaay more unsanitary if there wasn't someone checking out their kitchens regularly.
Let's say you're traveling to Florida. You've never been there before, but you need to choose a hotel to stay at. Luckily there are plenty of resources (online reviews, AAA, word of mouth, etc.) with unbiased information to assist you in your decision. Likewise, with restaurants... Can I stop there, or do you need me to finish the comparison?
No, you don't need to because you are still saying something ******ed. I have NO WAY of knowing if the kitchen at a random restaurant is clean as a consumer. A guide of some sort can say the food is good, but they have NO WAY of knowing whether the food is clean (barring mass outbreak of food poisoning or something). My hamburger may still taste fine with dirt and fecal matter on it and it may not get me sick. However, it's nice to know the government does their best to ensure that it's clean.

Restaurants without health inspection would be food poisoning Russian roulette.
You have no way of knowing whether there's jizz on your bed sheets. You have no way of knowing whether the hotel dumps cat urine into their swimming pool. You have no way of knowing whether they've set up hidden cameras in your shower to spy on you. Luckily the government... oh wait, never mind. Free market: Infinity + 1, Government: 0.
What you said doesnt really make sense, nor does it support your assertion that the market would make such a thing less likely.

What would exist in an AC state basically exists now, if the government doesnt stop the current bad business practices then a more free market economy as proposed by ACists wouldnt actually do any better.

Anyway, im done here because this has turned into random AC argument whereas the reality is most people in the world dont want to smoke so they have banned second hand smoking the only way possible, by banning first hand smoking.
09-13-2007 , 03:35 PM

You need to realise this is a motion borught about by majority opinion. Prohibition was brought about by minority opinion. Comparing smoking bans to prohibition is stupid in every way possible.

Plus, as i already stated you cant compare smoking to alcohol because alcohol when drunk responsibly has no adverse effects on those around you.

Swing, and a miss.
Neither does marijuana, cocaine, heroine, ecstasy, LSD, etc. etc. etc. By your logic smoking should be illegal and everything else should be legal.

You still have avoided my main point which is that if the owner of a private establishment wants to allow smoking in his business he should have that right. This should be a matter of CHOICE which is the key thing you seem to not understand. No one is forcing you to walk into a smoking bar. You want to ban smoking in government buildings, parks, etc., fine, I'm all for that, but saying that a private business owner cannot allow smoking is a pure violation of freedom.
You have the CHOICE to move to a city/state/country where smoking hasnt been outlawed by public demand.

The bar is California, and its owner has decided to make it none smoking. Excercise your freedom of choice and move states.

Also, im pretty easy going on drug use - hell, i dont really care about second hand smoke, but i can easily argue devils advocate because im arguing from an elevated position.
r u standing on a chair or something
Cat's out of the bag, eh Labarde?

All, try not to troll the SRS BIZ threads too hard, a little diversity is good. I welcome the politics forum members for a little SRS BIZ CONVO as long as they don't troll up the fun threads.
09-13-2007 , 03:36 PM

As I said in response to another post - [Trans fats] are in some foods and you don't have any way of knowing which ones without a laboratory test. They are poisonous. [Saying they should be allowed] is like saying its OK for food manufacturers to include mercury or cyanide in your food without telling you...
Why do you think the government needs to protect the consumer from trans fats? It's easy to avoid, and who are we to impose value judgments on someone who enjoys cheap trans fat food even if they know that they may die from it?
They're not easy to avoid. I have no freaking way of knowing which foods contain them and which don't, unless I cook every damn thing from scratch and never eat at a restaurant. When I buy food I want to know that it's safe for human consumption, and the market isn't providing me with that assurance.

About 20,000 people a year die in my country from the effects of trans-fats, and probably 80% of those have never even heard of them.
09-13-2007 , 03:39 PM

WTF? Nutrition labels? Let me guess, those wouldn't exist w/o the government either...
No, they wouldn't, and in most jurisdictions they have no information on trans-fats at the moment anyway. This is a really weak snipe.
Yes, they would, and I'm not sure what you mean by "most jurisdictions", but every single food in my apartment lists the trans fat.

Do you support the right of manufacturers to include poison in the food they sell without informed consent or not? If not, how is that different from trans fats?
Yes, and since it sounds like such an incredibly successful business plan, I'm sure it will become wildly popular.


That's a nice broad, unsupported assertion. Cite please.
Cliff notes / page numbers please.


LOL, what externalities does this scenario involve? And how exactly will the government succeed where the free market fails?
I was responding to the assertion that markets always produce the best possible solution. This is clearly wrong in the presence of externalities. In the case of smoking, by smoking you are imposing a cost on those around you, since they must either bear the negative impacts of cigarette smoke or relocate to another place which bans smoking; obviously relocation is not positive absent your smoking or they would have done that regardless. This is a classic case of an externality, your choice negatively impacts on my set of choices.
First of all, how would the government resolve this "problem" that you are describing? The market only "fails" in cases of poorly-defined property rights, which is most definitely not the case here. If you could prove that me smoking on my property was harming your health while you remained on your property, then you could claim negative externalities and sue me.

The paper you quote is way outside the economic mainstream and seems to be merely a series of bold assertions. It's central argument appears, from my skimming, to be flawed; he asserts that in certain cases adjustment for externalities would produce negative consequences. That may or may not be true but it does not imply that externalities do not cause market failures. Either could be true, or both, or neither.
It sounds like you've never heard of the Austrian School of Economics, or I strongly recommend that you take a look at some of their teachings. It was really eye-opening stuff for me. They're definitely not a part of "mainstream" economics, but that's really not surprising since they so strongly support the free market. It's hard to gain government support when you're arguing against that very government's existence.

P.S. As I mentioned earlier, you should start a thread in the Politics forum if you want to continue this discussion. There are a lot of guys much more knowledgeable than me over there...
