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any1 is feeling like me? any1 is feeling like me?

10-22-2009 , 09:45 PM
Last months I have a massive angry-tilt,
I think this could be some kind of stress ****, but I don´t know.
I used to be a quite guy, happy and friendly.
FE today my mom calls me from the kitchen (i was on my bedroom) and I enter in a insta angrytilt, then I smashed the pc table so hard 3 times and kick the bed so hard, and I don´t know why.
Flame me or not, jus tell me yours histories, make me feel "normal". Also I´m from fkn Argentina, thats could explain my poor english.
Dunno how to post threads savers yet :S
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:46 PM
xanax ftw
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:47 PM
no u
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10-22-2009 , 09:49 PM
you caught the ghey
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10-22-2009 , 09:51 PM
You eat too much red meat.
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Tartufo
You eat too much red meat.
I´m vegan, don´t eat meet since my 14´s (I´m 24)
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:53 PM
Maybe it's a lack of iron.
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by rafi
I´m vegan, don´t eat meet since my 14´s (I´m 24)
like i said, you caught the ghey
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by rafi
I´m vegan, don´t eat meet since my 14´s (I´m 24)
so you were 14 years old more than once?

that might be your first problem
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by rafi
Last months I have a massive angry-tilt,
I think this could be some kind of stress ****, but I don´t know.
I used to be a quite guy, happy and friendly.
FE today my mom calls me from the kitchen (i was on my bedroom) and I enter in a insta angrytilt, then I smashed the pc table so hard 3 times and kick the bed so hard, and I don´t know why.
Flame me or not, jus tell me yours histories, make me feel "normal". Also I´m from fkn Argentina, thats could explain my poor english.
Dunno how to post threads savers yet :S

Tell us more!!

Its this anger relating to poker?

What seems to be the problem friend?
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:58 PM
OP pics of mom or GTFO.
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:08 PM
U : Mom
0 : 1
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:15 PM
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:22 PM
you're 24, you're living w/ mom n dad.
That could be part of the stress obv. .
Move out.
how long has it been since you squeezed one off?
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:30 PM
pics of mum?
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by rafi
I´m vegan, don´t eat meet since my 14´s (I´m 24)
Eat some cow and or pig parts, get your own place. Go out and get drunk, while you are there, take home whatever is female that will have you. Play hide the peen W/her. When she goes to the bathroom make a huge sanwich with fritos. Go to sleep.
You will be happier and your mom will be glad your moving on.
Life =EZ
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
Eat some cow and or pig parts, get your own place. Go out and get drunk, while you are there, take home whatever is female that will have you. Play hide the peen W/her. When you goes to the bathroom have her make you a huge sanwich with fritos. Go to sleep. You will be happier and your mom will be glad your moving on.
Life =EZ
fyp slightly [but u got the right idea]
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:58 PM
do you wake up everyday and try to go back to sleep because your dreams are so amazing compared to your life and finally roll your corpse out your stagnant stingy bed onto your cum stained computer chair for your morning beat off and you have to watch some ****ed up sodomy torture porn because you have molested your mind so far away from innocence that you cant get off to regular old pornography anymore and when you come you feel like a guilty sicko and it reciprocates your hatred for your self like a house of mirrors except instead of your own reflection what you see is physical disgust and you want to kill yourself but you dont have the courage plus you like being alive at least you like getting high and having orgasms but you dont like much of anything else so you just meek along a pitiful existence trying to jerk off as much as possible rubbing your dick raw as you get greyer and greyer and your imagination fades away into the routine as your day to day rubs your personality away like a red eraser on the end of a yellow pencil and sadder and sadder and down and down until you are literally a lamp post dark as the night standing on a street flickering your neon light into the abyss that is this city washington DC and I walk through your light as yellow as the smoke that stains your teeth the very same color as my sheets
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-22-2009 , 11:22 PM
lol your run-on sentences are the ****
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-23-2009 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by 8_high
do you wake up everyday and try to go back to sleep because your dreams are so amazing compared to your life and finally roll your corpse out your stagnant stingy bed onto your cum stained computer chair for your morning beat off and you have to watch some ****ed up sodomy torture porn because you have molested your mind so far away from innocence that you cant get off to regular old pornography anymore and when you come you feel like a guilty sicko and it reciprocates your hatred for your self like a house of mirrors except instead of your own reflection what you see is physical disgust and you want to kill yourself but you dont have the courage plus you like being alive at least you like getting high and having orgasms but you dont like much of anything else so you just meek along a pitiful existence trying to jerk off as much as possible rubbing your dick raw as you get greyer and greyer and your imagination fades away into the routine as your day to day rubs your personality away like a red eraser on the end of a yellow pencil and sadder and sadder and down and down until you are literally a lamp post dark as the night standing on a street flickering your neon light into the abyss that is this city washington DC and I walk through your light as yellow as the smoke that stains your teeth the very same color as my sheets
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-23-2009 , 02:46 AM
zomg in after E.T.'s Mom!
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-23-2009 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by spike420211
you're 24, you're living w/ mom n dad.
That could be part of the stress obv. .
Move out.
how long has it been since you squeezed one off?
This could be the reason. Plus, when my grandfather die 1 month ago my grandmother and her sister move to my house.
Last year I live alone in another town and I feel so happy about that.
what are you trying to say whit " you squeezed one off?" it´s about joints? or sex? explain please.

I gettin tilted when I play PES or MK ultimate (lol) whit my brother, and ofc when i get rapped at the PLO20 tables.
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-23-2009 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by rafi
This could be the reason. Plus, when my grandfather die 1 month ago my grandmother and her sister move to my house.
Last year I live alone in another town and I feel so happy about that.
what are you trying to say whit " you squeezed one off?" it´s about joints? or sex? explain please.

I gettin tilted when I play PES or MK ultimate (lol) whit my brother, and ofc when i get rapped at the PLO20 tables.
Its about sex, when has the last time you did the in and out? Go get laid, by a ton of girls. Your confidence will go up and so will your poker game.
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
10-23-2009 , 10:34 AM
wow 8 high I love u
any1 is feeling like me? Quote
