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Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo)

11-10-2010 , 02:51 AM
just submit the demo song from fruityloops
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 02:54 AM
Haven't had much time to check this thread but man it's 'sploded!

Will probably have to do replying tomorrow.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by 8_high
just submit the demo song from fruityloops

Not good enough imo.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 03:03 AM
Just wanted to post real quick and ask if anyone's heard of this DAW called Reaper?

Was at the local music store today trying to sell that Roland and a couple pedals and he told me about it. He says it's really good so I spose I'm gonna check it out.

Something pretty sick already, the installer was only like 6 MB. ****ing FL studio demo was like 100+ mB. Cakewalk sonar I believe is like 600 MB.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 03:50 AM
You can some pretty awesome drum sounds using BFD2. Just mic a drum kit using whatever mics you can get your hands on and have the hits from the live kit trigger sounds in BFD2. Then layer to your liking and.... PRESTO!!

You can also find drummers online who will play your drum machined beats on a live kit and send you the tracks. Not sure the cost, but as long as your beats aren't ******edly hard and actually playable, you can probably get it done fairly inexpensive.

Everything else you can record at home with 1 awesome chain.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 04:10 AM
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by 8_high
just submit the demo song from fruityloops
You're a fruityloop!
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 03:11 PM
so is mac + protools really that much > ableton + pc? or are there just some mac fanboys itt?
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-10-2010 , 04:41 PM
Depends on what you're wanting to do. Pro Tools for audio recording and editing is light years ahead of everyone else. Logic is probably better as a composers tool if you use a lot of keyboard and sequencer based stuff.

There's not that much of a difference performance wise between Mac and PC for Pro Tools. It depends on your computer, but there's not much that one can do that the other can't, if there are any things at all.

There's also a huge difference in preferences regarded DAW if you're running a studio for yourself or bringing in clients.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-12-2010 , 06:34 AM
ok, say i want to record just a bass guitar a synth and some vocals onto my pc with ableton live (only bc im very familiar with live). what else do i need? a pre amp? any recommendations on what? im kinda a newb when it comes to the technical musicall aspects
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-12-2010 , 07:24 AM
Grunched a little so sorry if this has been covered.

FWIW when I went to uni the equipment they had was studio quality - The mixing desk alone was in the 100k + range.

Like someone said - may have been gregorio - they are surely just expecting you to have quality songs, recorded to some decent level.

My focus would be on song quality (as in structure, content, lyrical, hooks etc) rather than bells and whistle gear that you may not require once you are in school - assuming they do indeed have that level of quality equipment.

If you are going to spend so much $$ upgrading eqipmnent etc why not just go and hire studio time in a local studio and get your demos/audition songs recorded.

I spent so much money buying crap that I never needed and never used again it was painful.

I mean you can never go wrong buying as many guitars and valve amps as you can because they are must haves!!!!!!!!!!!!

Focus on the music imo!

GL with it LirvA I hope you get accepted and enjoy your time there.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
You seem like a good guy with above average brains LirvA, but I have doubts about this route you're taking. First, I'm sure you've read the Albini thread and have some idea about how hard it is to make money at this. Also, while the school may require a tape, I highly doubt they expect applicants to go through the elaborate steps you're taking. I'm sure there are ways you can do what you need to do on the cheap--maybe find a good club and offer to record the band playing for free, etc. If you put attention and effort into it, the result will be good. Also, this isn't Harvard you're applying to.

However, this is a "life path" type of choice and you're nearing thirty. If I were you I'd think about what I like and what I am good at and what would likely lead to a solid career you can be happy with. You seem good with computers, so computer science (if you're a real bright geek) or some kind of technical web design or whatever may be better for you.

Also, if you are a software junkie, just being an expert in modern music production programs may take you a good distance. My main concern is that much of the money has been sucked out of music and sound engineering and such and it is not the type of things where talent (which you do not know if you have) wins out. Albini is one of the most successful there is, and it is by no means clear that he's well off (because he doesn't take a percent). I think you need to take a step back, do some research, and consider your options more carefully. Maybe send Albini a link to this thread with a PM. You obviously have some general skills and seem like a good guy, but I think you need to find a good target for your talents before you dive in full force.

Wait wait wait, hold on a second. Are you saying that Steve Albini, the guy who recorded In Utero, posts on 2+2?

As far as what I'm good at, it's music. I do indeed have musical talent and music has always been my greatest love and passion in life. I'm sooo much more talented at music than I am good at computers.

And that said, plz respond about the Steve Albini question. Surely there is some misunderstanding or mistake in my comprehension of your post.

Last edited by LirvA; 11-14-2010 at 09:20 AM.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 09:15 AM
Maybe Eddie Kramer has an account here. Or perhaps Trent Reznor?
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 09:27 AM

no no no no. hudge level going on in this internets imo. hudge level or something.

wtf pancakes

Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 11:43 AM
yes, albini already weighed in here with his post above. His "Well" post is in the archives and can be googled.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 12:13 PM
Ha! Didn't even realize he had already posted ITT!

I read that post earlier but had no idea who it was imo
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 12:23 PM
I need to figure out my budget imo.

See ... what I'm hoping, and what I'm not sure about is. Can I get student loans and buy equipment with that money. If not then mu budget is like ... well pretty much nothing. But if I can use loans for gear, then I have something to work with imo and maybe I can piece together a base for a recording studio for after school imo
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 12:29 PM
it may be possible, probably no. it's technical question the school fin aid person or google should be able to answer. just to keep up with the buzzkilling, remember that student loans aren't dischargeable in bankruptcy, though govt loan providers will usually grant more forbearance than private lenders.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by electrical

Oh, and for the purposes of your home setup an SM57 or SM58 is a perfectly adequate microphone. They're inexpensive, you can find them anywhere, and despite not being favorite mics of mine, they're industry standard and you'll always be able to sell them to somebody.
Its pretty sick man and I'm ****ing lucky as **** to actually be in this position right now imo.

So, I have a couple questions. First of all, I'm embarrassed to admit that about the only work of yours I'm familiar with is In Utero. I've heard some pixies and breeders but I'm very familiar with In Utero. What kind of mics did you use on it? What about pre amps and miking techniques? Feel free to give song examples imo. If I can equate a mic or technique to a sound on that album it would be pretty awesome and give me an idea of what kind of sound you can get with X mic or X technique.

Also, do you have any tips for actually working with the bands you're recording? Like is it better to ask them to give you an example of an album they like the sound of? Or maybe see them live and try to identify their strengths or uniqueness and try to bring that out in the recording process? How do you actually go about trying to find out what kind of end result the sound should be?

Thanks and thanks for ur earlier post imo.

Last edited by LirvA; 11-14-2010 at 12:49 PM.
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 12:44 PM
I'm gonna check out some more of ur stuff and get a better idea of ur style imo
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 12:56 PM
I want to quote this whole thread and put it in the 'unnecessarily saying imo' thread. =D
Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
11-14-2010 , 01:01 PM

Any sound engineers, home recording enthusaists, professionals? Need input. (srs thread imo) Quote
