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another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help!

10-27-2008 , 05:06 PM

is the thread, but to repeat it:

I have an swf file. I would like it so users can click on it and it goes to an external website.

The html I have been given is below but it does not work, the swf displays on the website but it doesnt click.

For posting on here I have put in url it should go to when clicked as, name of swf as BANNERNAME.swf and location of it on server as [location of swf on server]

<a href="" target="_blank">
<OBJECT codebase=",0,40,0" width="" height="" ><param name="movie" value="http://[location of swf on server]/BANNERNAME.swf">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">
<param name="flashvars" value="creativeURL=">
<embed src="[location of swf on server]/BANNERNAME.swf" width="" height="" allowScriptAccess="always" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="" flashvars="creativeURL=">

I should be getting emailed the solution tomorrow but would really like it today.

Many thanks, $40 to whoever can give me the correct html (stars preferably, if not paypal or neteller)


many thanks if you can help. sorry mods but this is really needed and it also puts $40 into the bbv4life community.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:14 PM
( o )( o )

please to be helping you.

-aao- on stars.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:16 PM
If you email the problem to my secretary, maybe we can fix the problem. She's a wizard with this computer stuff.

Hopefully this post will make it to you in a reasonable time period.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:17 PM
reroute the encryption
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:20 PM
<a href=something or other i dont know html>something else goes here but i don't know what</a>

And it's not a giveaway if you have to work for it.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:28 PM
10-27-2008 , 05:36 PM
I don't think it's possible to do with HTML. I think your best bet is to just edit the swf file to contain a huge button that covers the entire thing and when the button is clicked it goes to your link in the new window. Just make the button invisible/transparent.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:36 PM
Showed this to a buddy of mine who does (usually flash) coding/design for a living. His comments:

- ive never used a swf like a straight graphical link like that
- usually you'd put the getURL code in the swf and let flash tell the browser to go to another page
- since flash will trap your mouse (trumping IE) i don't think a mouse click can be determined by regular HTML <A>

He says he's never seen it done like this, but that he is more on the flash side of things, so he's not sure. Also, pretty sure moving the getURL code to the swf is easy, so if you want it done now, you can do that.

Good luck, OP.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Wht_Rbt
I don't think it's possible to do with HTML.
It is, but he's doing it wrong.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Fonzy4
It is, but he's doing it wrong.
mmmmmmmmmmm... no
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:47 PM
thanks for replies. i dont know much about html but will def pass this on.

I don't think it's possible to do with HTML. I think your best bet is to just edit the swf file to contain a huge button that covers the entire thing and when the button is clicked it goes to your link in the new window. Just make the button invisible/transparent.

Also, pretty sure moving the getURL code to the swf is easy, so if you want it done now, you can do that.
do you reckon your friend could do this? if so ill ship you $40 to pass on to him.

It is, but he's doing it wrong.
please type in html if you know how to do it. i have spent many hours searching the internet for solutions.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 05:59 PM
PM sent.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 06:07 PM
I'm going to assume you have macromedia/adobe flash.

You need the source .fla file to edit and then output the .swf
Or import the swf into flash. (Doesn't always work as well as having the original .fla)

Make it a button if the graphic isn't one already. Add some action script to the button. Something along the lines of getURL when button is pressed/released/whatever.

Something is wrong with your flash file's button. Like Wyman was saying, "usually you'd put the getURL code in the swf and let flash tell the browser to go to another page".

I would assume the problem is with the swf and not with the html.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 06:09 PM
Why don't you people stop giving real replies and start ridiculing op? Honestly, I'm ashamed.
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 06:28 PM
i agree i am very surprised by helpful:ridicule ratio of posts.

thanks very much for all posts, from posts here and PMing I have established I need the fla to go any further.

i didnt do the swf, someone else did, so ill contact them again tomorrow and hopefully they'll get it sorted.

i will post an update tomorrow for those interested to know how the saga ends.

thanks again
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 06:44 PM
plz ship me $40 on stars for poasting in this thread. thnx
another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
10-27-2008 , 06:59 PM
best solution is obv replace flash with this gif:

another giveaway to bbv4lifers:  for html help! Quote
