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9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids 9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids

12-19-2012 , 03:29 AM
Hey I been playing poker professionally for over 9 years. I just found out my Testostorone levels are low and my doctor prescribed me anabolic steroids in the cream form called Androgel although outrageously expensive, 400 a month.

So yeh i'm about to start injecting roids to get my levels around 1200 as recommended by my "doctor" to get me to a more healthy level which I"m thinking is going to help change my life for the better in many ways.

Steroids will improve my mental sharpness, energy levels, and competitive desire to prove that I am one of the best in the world. So i'm getting them from another source which is much cheaper.

Also quick note - If you think steroids are very unhealthy you are not very educated about them. Yes in large doses like bodybuilders take they can cause plaque buildup but even this is still not conculsively proved. In the lower does i'm taking i'm not too worried about anything but possible short term problems that are minor such as a little acne on back, smaller balls ( mine are big anyways so oh well, and maybe a little fat growth underneath chest called "bitch tits", and 5% chance of roid rage which is usually shown in people who already had anger issues in past.

When I won over 70k on Full Tilt I averaged 5 bb/100, averaged 67 an hour, over 1200 hours as my Pt3 stats show but my problem is my motivation to play alot and grind alot has been low. This might be contributed to the fact that I dont have any "colleuges locally" that into poker hardcore like me so get bored of not having any friends to talk and hang out with during day and grind poker with or my freaking Testostorone levels are low.

I just went to the doctor and found out that my Testostorone levels were low.. they were at 270. I just been talking to "experts" on steroid forums and they reccommend my levels be around 1200. I been studying testostorone and steroid use for the past few weeks and one of the benefits of having a good testostorone level by taking steroids is that you will be "more mentally sharp."

I"m about to get my steroids here in about a week and hoping / almost sure my mental sharpness will increase, as well as my energy levels, libido, and competitiveness to become one of the best in the world though i'm prob there already just dont have the money to prove it.

One of my problems right now is that i'm owed 72,000 I won between who's freaking slowpaying me/ screwing me and Full Tilt.

Also I need to advertise myself more on staking sites is another "problem" which has hindered my ability to "prove my skills." that I am most likely one of the better players out there.

Anyways what you all think about poker, steroids, having better mental sharpness, as well as feeling more competitive to "grind more hours?

Also for anybody not educated about steroids they are not that bad for you. Also keep in mind bodybuilders keep levels around 10,000 mg or higher and i'm just getting my levels around 1200.. not even close to bodybuilders levels.

Some information about this subject that are noteworthy by the way are
Bigger Faster Stronger - youtube -
Show about Testostorone on youtube by Nat Geo -

Watch and learn. So what you all think? Pretty awesome right???

Ps - yeh there are typo's but I dont care.. i'm too and confident to make corrections just cuz "typo nits" will criticize and try to make an assumption of your Iq based on stupid typo errors.. what a joke. Not like i'm getting paid for this just thought would make an interesting post.

Last edited by Ohiopoker1978; 12-19-2012 at 03:38 AM.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 03:32 AM
i could have sworn the title said "9 year old poker pro about to get pumped up on steroids". much less interested now.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Ohiopoker1978
just cuz "typo nits" will criticize and try to make an assumption of your Iq based on stupid typo errors.. what a joke.

It's IQ
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 03:47 AM
you've got your ego right, now the long hours!
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
i could have sworn the title said "9 year old poker pro about to get pumped up on steroids". much less interested now.
haha this
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
i could have sworn the title said "9 year old poker pro about to get pumped up on steroids". much less interested now.
Hahaha same here!
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 04:14 AM
Hmmm, haven't I heard some of this story before ?


Answer me this, OP: Is this the first account you have had on 2+2 ? If not, what were the names of the others ?
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 04:14 AM
OP, take it from a pharmacist. You don't want to be getting the cheap stuff. There's no telling where it's from or what's actually in it. You can get really screwed up with steroids if you're not careful. I'd strongly advise you to tlak to your real doc about where you're getting them.

Testosterone can increase your energy levels it's true. You can also help yourself out a lot by living a more healthy lifestyle which, for most grinding pros is a challenge. And by the way, no graph. I call BS.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
Hmmm, haven't I heard some of this story before ?


Answer me this, OP: Is this the first account you have had on 2+2 ? If not, what were the names of the others ?
Oh i've had many over the years.. ha ha

admittedly banned over "small infractions".. nothing major or else my reputation here would be much stronger.

But no you have not heard this story before as I just found out my T levels were kind of low few weeks ago and can't wait to get on roids.. ha ha

I guess I should have kept one account up where I "kept my mouth shut" ... ha ha

Last edited by Ohiopoker1978; 12-19-2012 at 04:26 AM.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 04:24 AM
So, would it be possible, for instance, that some of your previous SNs include pokermonster29, posttown29, pokercoach8053 ??
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 05:19 AM
Why OP is trying to educate us about steroids? I know enough already that I dont want acne on my back, ball shrinkage (mine are HUGE, I like them like that) or bitch tits thank you very much.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 05:40 AM

OP is not 9 years old, he's played poker for 9 years and is a winning player.

OP appears to be psyched that he will be taking steroids even though it's apparently no where near as much as body builders and athletes take.

OP preemptively bashes people he thinks will criticize him for his typos, completely ignoring all the people that might make fun of him for bragging on an internet forum that he's essentially only 1/4 of a man.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 06:23 AM
Please oh please mods move this to bbv. One time!
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 06:37 AM
I was hoping this might provide some lols for a few hours before I got going with the traditional mod lock/ban.

OP is well known on 2+2 and has a, shall we say, active imagination.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 06:41 AM
I might wait a few hours until the midwest gets up, to see if op adds any more wisdom itt or wafflehouse wants this in bbv.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 06:50 AM
Come on Mr Wafflehouse - how can BBV not want a story of a juiced up 9 year old poker pro with roid rage?
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Ohiopoker1978
mine are big anyways
I felt sure they would be.

Poker beginner ? Ask your (possibly) naive question here and our community will attempt to help you.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 07:31 AM
Is ebginners questions in 2+2 really the place to be posting this sort of stuff? Your hormone levels aren't of my concern.

Is this you?

Off to BBV with you, because for you, being only one quarter man is a brag.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 10:33 AM
BBV don't want yo ****
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 01:13 PM
Welcome back Johnny Hughes.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
I was hoping this might provide some lols for a few hours before I got going with the traditional mod lock/ban.

OP is well known on 2+2 and has a, shall we say, active imagination.
and you sir are a stupid person.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 01:50 PM
^^^ is that the roids kicking in, or would you have said that anyway?
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
I might wait a few hours until the midwest gets up, to see if op adds any more wisdom itt or wafflehouse wants this in bbv.
imo this would be great for bbv, would love to see the responses op gets over there
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 04:08 PM
I wouldn't use the cheap stuff. In fact, I wouldn't even touch Androgel unless I had a hazmat suit on. Here is a Stephen Colbert segment on the crazy dangers of Androgel:
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
12-19-2012 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
So, would it be possible, for instance, that some of your previous SNs include pokermonster29, posttown29, pokercoach8053 ??
Yeah, that's him. His name is acesinurface who use to donk thousands to us in the high-stakes limit games on wsex and then go back small and rakeback whore (100% RB back then) to get more money for me a few weeks later. Build, build, build, then POOF... gone in 200 hands.

Miss you man. Those were good times. Would have loved to have played a roided version of you, though. Roid chat rage. You had like three accounts on wsex, yes? They all were very profitable...

for me.
9 year poker pro about to get pumped up on Steroids Quote
