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4L wisdom 4L wisdom

10-22-2010 , 12:36 PM
man who wake up with itchy bottom get smelly finger

4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 12:38 PM
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 12:41 PM
ban OP
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Abe008
ban OP
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 12:49 PM
At least I'm not adopted.
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Abe008
At least I'm not adopted.
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 04:27 PM
dont' throw a brick straight up and watch it from a stationary position
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 05:34 PM
don't wear socks or sandals
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Abe008
At least I'm not adopted.
no your a foster kid bc even the ppl who want to adopt dont want you.
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 06:39 PM
Squeeze the tip and unroll it down to the base
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 06:52 PM
chillax guise

4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 06:57 PM
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 06:58 PM
how do you inline youtube vids?
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 08:01 PM
If you're going to smuggle a truck full of beer over the Himalayas, make sure it's not counterfeit Budweiser.

4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 08:03 PM
do not follow a sports bet with nocturnal masturbation lest you want to lose said bet
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 08:21 PM
man who wakes up with good friends and itchy bottom gets fingers smelling pure
4L wisdom Quote
10-22-2010 , 11:46 PM
dont make threads while uber drunk
4L wisdom Quote
10-23-2010 , 12:00 AM
Don't keep souvenirs.
4L wisdom Quote
10-23-2010 , 12:27 AM
Always remember our fallen martyrs who bravely charged into enemy territory and screamed "F OOT" and recklessly ****ed with the star rating system.
4L wisdom Quote
10-23-2010 , 12:46 AM
dont froget to buy skittles when at the store.
4L wisdom Quote
10-23-2010 , 01:05 AM
Stop before the white people don't like peas
4L wisdom Quote
10-23-2010 , 06:26 AM
Comedic value goes down immensly once it's value as comedy is discussed.
4L wisdom Quote
10-23-2010 , 08:22 AM
don't put anyone in the rape zone.
4L wisdom Quote
06-30-2013 , 01:38 AM
Do not hold hands with this woman while walking around in Atlanta.

4L wisdom Quote
06-30-2013 , 03:44 AM
4L wisdom Quote
