Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
What is the storybehind 4_2?
Why not 6_9_it?
When I 1st moved to the Philly area, one of the guys I worked with had a weekly home game. There was one player there who never met a draw he would not chase. Whenever he tabled the losing hand (which was often), he would always say something to the effect of, "You know I had to call those bets, I was four to the {straight/flush/whatever}."
Of course, we then started using "I was four to it" every time we screwed up at work. For a while, it was a funny catch phrase around our office (probably because the guy we were making fun of didn't work in our office). I liked it enough to make it my monniker.
Originally Posted by kipin
Why the love for Lesko?
My 1st avatar was Ralphie (A Christmas Story) with soap in his mouth. I stumbled across a great picture of Lesko one day and knew I had to switch. Those who had met me would probably say that my avatar is appropriate.
Originally Posted by btmagnetw
im starting at deloitte tax next year in texas, starting salary $50,000
if i am a decently above average employee, whats a likely rate at which i will be promoted and how does salary increase over time?
Well, I came up in public (audit) about 15 years ago, but had plenty of friends on the tax side. Basically, the 1st two years you will be busting ass. After that you should get promoted to senior tax associate, which will a decent pay increase.
Most good employees made manager between years 5 and 7 depending on their specialty, office needs and willingness to relocate. I'd imagine managers these days are over $100k.
In the good old days you could make partner in 10 years, but from what I've seen of late, the track seems to be closer to 15 than 10. Again, it is very dependent upon your area of focus and the needs of your individual practice office.
I spent about 8.5 years in public before moving on. It is definitely the best place to gain experience and set one self up for a career in accounting. Deloitte has a reputation for treating staff well. Congrats and good luck.
PM me if you have any specific questions you don't want to post in public.