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1000rd post. Ask me anything about how to master on-line dating (POF) NSFW 1000rd post. Ask me anything about how to master on-line dating (POF) NSFW

04-26-2010 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by OckerMan
You would prefer to be middle aged, with no family of your own? Interesting indeed.

Having sex with a woman who you just meet is fun, having sex with a woman you would die for is amazing. There is a special bond that makes it all the more better.

In a very short period MM will be a 40 yr old man and he will realize that he is cold and alone in the big bad world.
Yes being 22 with a kid is a recipe for disaster, for the kid mostly, but the parent(s) as well. That is a kid raising a kid. Thats not what i consider starting a meaningful, healthy family (as you seem to imply). To think that 35-40 is too old to get married or even that EVERYONE on the planet MUST get married is ridiculous. And if youre concern were legitimately that great, then i would hope you would try to help the person in question, not bash them.

I dont think many people (including mm) think that sex without love/meaning is the best sex. But you dont exactly choose when you meet that person. There is a lot of luck involved and most men dont prefer to remain celibate in anticipation of this esoteric, idealistic love partner. Whats so evil about enjoying the 2nd best kind of sex in the meantime?

And to your last point, do you know how many 40 year old men are out there who are married, miserable, and trapped in a situation where theyre with someone they thought was perfect and everything they wanted but for any number of reasons turned out not to be? I can guarantee you there are more of those than not. Divorce is not a happy thing. And as a product of a divorced family, i choose (as im sure many others do who wish not to be divorced themselves) to be extremely selective and careful before making the ultimate commitment to be with someone for the rest of their lives.

As i said earlier, some people can be more selective than others. Some just take whatever they can get and convince themselves whatever they must convince themselves to be "happy" (aka stay sane). Its a survival technique.

Once again, if anything you should feel sympathy for those who dont have "true love" and try to help them not berate them.....that is if you were a good person. Which ive gotten no indication of so far from what ive read of you. And if youre other thread isnt a level, then im afraid you may have some marriage issues of your own in the future.
04-26-2010 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by braminc
And to your last point, do you know how many 40 year old men are out there who are married, miserable, and trapped in a situation where theyre with someone they thought was perfect and everything they wanted but for any number of reasons turned out not to be? I can guarantee you there are more of those than not. Divorce is not a happy thing. And as a product of a divorced family, i choose (as im sure many others do who wish not to be divorced themselves) to be extremely selective and careful before making the ultimate commitment to be with someone for the rest of their lives.
I think that's a super philosophy braminc, that way you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody...

Last edited by Sydien; 04-26-2010 at 03:36 PM. Reason: FREE SEAN MAGUIRE
04-26-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by OckerMan
You would prefer to be middle aged, with no family of your own? Interesting indeed.

I never had a drama picking up women, i had tricks up my sleeve to help me pick up women and knew that it was a game i was playing and that in the end finding a girl to settle down with is >>>>> Random sex.

Having sex with a woman who you just meet is fun, having sex with a woman you would die for is amazing. There is a special bond that makes it all the more better.

In a very short period MM will be a 40 yr old man and he will realize that he is cold and alone in the big bad world.

And that is probably why you end up in relationships and not just shagging guy after guy after guy but hey thats what these men want isn't it? To have sex with women that have had dozens after dozens of ***** in em
I feel bad for people that get married before 25. Having kids makes it even worse. These people miss out on what should be the best times in their lives, or try to act like a normal 25 year old and neglect their kids.
04-26-2010 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
I feel bad for people that get married before 25. Having kids makes it even worse. These people miss out on what should be the best times in their lives, or try to act like a normal 25 year old and neglect their kids.

im 29 and always kind of expected id be married with kids at this point, but i feel glad im not. i finally have a little money and time to have fun. its okay to do it when im 33-35ish imo.
04-26-2010 , 04:50 PM
HAHA I just realized OP of this thread is the OP of the thread about dating a high school girl

FWIW, MMs advice in this thread is pretty helpful for some people, and I thought he was pretty gross/moronic in the high school girl thread...

Anyway, I was on for a bit but I met a girl IRL who is now my gf, so no online dating fiascos for me.
04-26-2010 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by braminc
There is a lot of luck involved and most men dont prefer to remain celibate in anticipation of this esoteric, idealistic love partner. Whats so evil about enjoying the 2nd best kind of sex in the meantime..............

..............that is if you were a good person. Which ive gotten no indication of so far from what ive read of you. And if youre other thread isnt a level, then im afraid you may have some marriage issues of your own in the future.
04-26-2010 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by wdead
HAHA I just realized OP of this thread is the OP of the thread about dating a high school girl

FWIW, MMs advice in this thread is pretty helpful for some people, and I thought he was pretty gross/moronic in the high school girl thread...

Anyway, I was on for a bit but I met a girl IRL who is now my gf, so no online dating fiascos for me.
Are you sure about that? If its the dating the high school girl thread i saw, its not the same person. Not to mention that if it was, its would have been referenced by every hater in this thread ad nauseum and this is the first time i have seen it mentioned.
04-27-2010 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
I feel bad for people that get married before 25. Having kids makes it even worse. These people miss out on what should be the best times in their lives, or try to act like a normal 25 year old and neglect their kids.
I feel bad for those who do not know what it is like to be able look over at any time and see those eyes of your child looking up at you like you are the most wonderful thing in the world, the innocents of a baby thats knows nothing of the big bad world we live in.

Some of us lived our lifes young, on the rare times that you want to go out there are grandparents begging to let you babysit.

Its a lot better life then having no one there for you, when i have a bad day i go pick up my daughter give her a hug and sit there and watch her play with whatever her favorite toy of the day is. So having a child young can be hard work at times but i would not change it for the world.

Its much better then being 40 and having child, what if that child waits until they are 40 and you can never truly experience the joy of a grandchild? What about when they are playing sports wouldn't you prefer to be a 33 yr old then instead of a 50 yr old?

And lastly, am i a good person? Il let you all decide on that.
04-27-2010 , 12:08 AM
Ockerman you seem to be under the impression happiness is achieved through a certain life style or are naive at best, happiness is a state of mind, and assuming a person has the necessities to live(food/water/shelter) than happiness can be achieved....Pure happiness has nothing to do with whats around you....
04-27-2010 , 12:12 AM
Having love in your life is on par with food water and shelter. Why else do most of these sheltered people go on a website looking for women?

Sure MM may be a root rat who is only in it to gain a few more STD's but i bet most of you guys who are joining are looking for a girl to settle down with because for some reason you fail to be able to do it in real life and need a computer to help you. I guess thats just the age we live in where people prefer to text/im then call or meet up face to face.

Sad world isnt it
04-27-2010 , 12:15 AM
this thread is so entertaining.

keep on fighting the power mm.
04-27-2010 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by OckerMan
Having love in your life is on par with food water and shelter. Why else do most of these sheltered people go on a website looking for women?

Sure MM may be a root rat who is only in it to gain a few more STD's but i bet most of you guys who are joining are looking for a girl to settle down with because for some reason you fail to be able to do it in real life and need a computer to help you. I guess thats just the age we live in where people prefer to text/im then call or meet up face to face.

Sad world isnt it
But you dont need love to be happy...the Dalai Lama spends most of his day alone, no love in his life, but he says he never gets lonely and feels compassion towards everyone...Too many people are under the impression you need to find a counterpart in order to achieve happiness...this is so untrue, for a lot of people this may be the case, but what they find is far from pure happiness
04-27-2010 , 12:32 AM
Then they are doing it wrong.

How can one be unhappy when they see the love of their child?

The dalai lama is just some crack pot old fool who has yet to master online dating, then he will be truly happy.
04-27-2010 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by OckerMan
Then they are doing it wrong.

How can one be unhappy when they see the love of their child?

The dalai lama is just some crack pot old fool who has yet to master online dating, then he will be truly happy.
I think you might be confusing happiness and
04-27-2010 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by OckerMan
Then they are doing it wrong.

How can one be unhappy when they see the love of their child?

The dalai lama is just some crack pot old fool who has yet to master online dating, then he will be truly happy.
What about people who don't like kids? What is their path to happiness? I don't understand why you are so adamant on making everyone believe that marriage is the only way to be truly and completely happy. In fact your argument shows your complete ignorance on the subject.

Plus your whole "using the internet to use desperate women" argument is ridiculous (okay not ridiculous but weak at the least). These women have to understand that most of the men on these sites are just trying to get laid (as are most men in the real world hitting on chicks) and that only a small percent are looking to get very serious. And even if they don't, going on a date with a nice guy isn't the worst thing in the world. For the record, girls like to have sex too. I know, weird, right?

For the record, all girls will say "OMFG he is using these girls what a ****ing monster" when in reality this is just a subconscious way for girls to weed out (what they consider) low-quality men. When in reality, just as much as guys want to **** hot girls, girls want to **** nice, fun guys.

Edit: For the record, I am NOT the kind of guy that would rather have a bunch of one night stands than be in a relationship, although of course I have had meaningless sex in my life (who hasn't). I am, however, the kind of guy that believes that different people find happiness in different things.

Last edited by CWhit55; 04-27-2010 at 01:18 AM.
04-27-2010 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by OckerMan
Sure MM may be a root rat who is only in it to gain a few more STD's but i bet most of you guys who are joining are looking for a girl to settle down with because for some reason you fail to be able to do it in real life and need a computer to help you. I guess thats just the age we live in where people prefer to text/im then call or meet up face to face.

Sad world isnt it
Do you have any IRL friends? (not including family)
04-27-2010 , 01:50 AM
Or know how to spell and/or understand grammar?
04-27-2010 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
Do you have any IRL friends? (not including family)
Bout tree fiddy

Ive turned my back on round 3/4 of my friends because there not the type i want round family.
04-27-2010 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by CWhit55
What about people who don't like kids? What is their path to happiness? I don't understand why you are so adamant on making everyone believe that marriage is the only way to be truly and completely happy. In fact your argument shows your complete ignorance on the subject.

Plus your whole "using the internet to use desperate women" argument is ridiculous (okay not ridiculous but weak at the least). These women have to understand that most of the men on these sites are just trying to get laid (as are most men in the real world hitting on chicks) and that only a small percent are looking to get very serious. And even if they don't, going on a date with a nice guy isn't the worst thing in the world. For the record, girls like to have sex too. I know, weird, right?

For the record, all girls will say "OMFG he is using these girls what a ****ing monster" when in reality this is just a subconscious way for girls to weed out (what they consider) low-quality men. When in reality, just as much as guys want to **** hot girls, girls want to **** nice, fun guys.

Edit: For the record, I am NOT the kind of guy that would rather have a bunch of one night stands than be in a relationship, although of course I have had meaningless sex in my life (who hasn't). I am, however, the kind of guy that believes that different people find happiness in different things.
So MM is your hero because he can pick up women who are desperate for sex and for some reason they are un able to find it in real life were people probably know more about them then some short interwebs profile.

Sick life
04-27-2010 , 02:50 AM
mm is respected by people in this thread cause he seems like a nice guy, said he would help people, and followed through quite thoroughly.

you sir are a jackass with one-dimensional points/thinking, and you very much know it you just havent admitted it to yourself yet.
04-27-2010 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by braminc
mm is respected by people in this thread cause he seems like a nice guy, said he would help people, and followed through quite thoroughly.

you sir are a jackass with one-dimensional points/thinking, and you very much know it you just havent admitted it to yourself yet.
04-27-2010 , 06:15 AM
Close your eyes, give me a chance makin manies
Do you hear your message box beeping
Do you understand
Do they feel the same
Or are the despos busy tweating
Is this burning
from the S T D's

Post the same,
Fatties and the lame
For 4life will judge em,
but it will not ease the pain
Are you only dreaming
Or are you posting
Your eternal shame?????
04-27-2010 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by OckerMan
So MM is your hero because he can pick up women who are desperate for sex and for some reason they are un able to find it in real life were people probably know more about them then some short interwebs profile.

Sick life
Way to ignore all the good and important parts of my post. MM is NOT my hero and I would rather live the way that you are living (have relationships with women and actually get to know them rather then "use" them for sex alone). I just don't understand why you think that is the ONLY way to be happy.

I'm sorry that not all of us found a woman waaay out of our league and decided to old on for dear life
04-27-2010 , 10:46 AM
Way out of my league, is that because in your view looks are important in finding a person to have a relationship with? Not who they actually are?

I would rather live the way your living.

/End thread
04-27-2010 , 10:48 AM
Ok, it's time to stop the lame trolling. mm has his lifestyle. Some people agree with it, some people don't. It's gotten to the point where it's extremely inane & pointless.

If you would like to express your disdain for his lifestyle, post about it in your blog or take it up with your congressman. I'm tired of reading about it in 4L, though.
