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squeeze sizing squeeze sizing

06-29-2008 , 12:04 AM
First question is, I gather "squeezing" is really garbage hands so these are probably just 'premium hand 3-bet sizes' but I don't know what size (or why) to make these when someone has cold called; pretty much just guessing. How much would you 3-bet each one?

#1 I really don't remember villain except that he wasn't fearsome or anything. But his aggression or lack of I don't recall and I don't think he was particularly loose pf.

What is the plan now? b/f? how much? c/c? Which bets?

Hand #1
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked

BTN: $47.30
Hero (SB): $76.15
BB: $21.05
UTG: $51.85
MP: $115.40
CO: $33.00

Pre Flop: Hero is SB with K A
1 fold, MP raises to $2, CO calls $1.50, 1 fold, Hero raises to $7.50, 1 fold, MP calls $5.50, 1 fold

Flop: ($17.50) Q K 8 (2 players)
Hero bets $10.50, MP calls $10.50

Turn: ($38.50) T (2 players)
Hero ...


#2 I don't know either, they aren't tags but don't think they're classic loose-passives either. I just guessed at a 3-bet size. I really do not want to play TT oop 3-handed so if this is too big that's why. What I wanted was short stack to shove and mp to fold. mp was the tighter of the two.

Hand #2
Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked

Hero (SB): $49.50
BB: $26.25
UTG: $50.50
MP: $17.60
CO: $50.00
BTN: $51.25

Pre Flop: Hero is SB with T T
1 fold, MP raises to $1.50, CO calls $1.50, 1 fold, Hero raises to $10.50 ...
06-29-2008 , 12:07 AM
See my question is why not see the flop 3 way? Also I think the raise should be to $5.00 that way if your re-raised you can get awat from this hand. I oike the call with the tens. Low flop raise the flop bet and high flop let it go. But heck im new to NL
06-29-2008 , 01:19 AM
See my question is why not see the flop 3 way? Also I think the raise should be to $5.00 that way if your re-raised you can get awat from this hand. I oike the call with the tens. Low flop raise the flop bet and high flop let it go. But heck im new to NL
Are you talking about the TT hand or both?

on AKs maybe I'm wrong but that seems like an auto 3-bet almost always, hoping to pick it up or flop well.

on TT my thinking was I'm already willing to gamble vs short stack and now w/mp's hopefully dead money in there it seems even more inviting to try and isolate. So I was hoping to provoke short stack but also discourage mp from re-isolating or doing something crazy.

IMM calling would devalue my spot (probably looking to flop a T 3-handed), I forfeit what fold equity I have against either/both but mostly probably setting myself up for a tricky postflop spot (like getting forced out by mp going after short stack). That's what I was thinking anyway, don't know what's right.
06-29-2008 , 07:02 AM
I'd make the first one more and the second one a bit less.

1st hand you are deeper with the guy who raised so you naturally want to raise more to discourage action and to cut implied odds. He opened for more than the guy in the second hand too so you need to bump it higher to achieve the same thing as the 2nd hand. I would probably pick a number around $10. That means they'll need to call $8 more which means pps can't continue for set value only. As played you're in a really crappy spot, because he's never stacking off with worse than AK here. I don't know what I'd do, quite likely I'd check the flop and go from there.

2nd hand I think you want to encourage MP to play a bit more, because once he calls a PF 3b it's unlikely he'll find a fold after the flop even when he whiffs. I'd be thinking something like $7-8, then get it in on any flop if it's just you two.

I hate raising the first hand to $5 so you can get away, would much rather call and play a flop for that but you're in a too good a spot here to do that. Whenever I've got the nuts in a squeeze spot I like to play it aggressively and hope somebody thinks I'm full of it.

I don't like just calling with the tens either, you're only really going to get action post flop when you're beaten unless you flop a set and they flop top pair, but that doesn't happen often enough. You've got the best hand here a ton so just raise it up and get some value.
06-29-2008 , 08:28 PM
Thanks for always helping djshawk - I like reading your posts.

So the only intention on picking a 3-bet size is to cut down on the pfr's set-calling odds? I had been trying to 3-bet an amt 3x pfr's raise then add in the coldcaller for the final 3-bet size; don't know where I got that Is the latter a 'rule' more or less only for pfr size when isolating limper(s)?
06-29-2008 , 09:08 PM
i suck at this too, so I guess we have to decide exactly what we're hoping to accomplish (using a combination of cards, position, action, and effective stack [i'll call this eStack] sizes) and then do some math on that.

in hand 1, you've got a complicated balance there because the eStack size between you and mp is 75bb, and the eStack between you and co is 30bb, so you're really trying to do 2 seperate things there given the hand that you have: you're trying to buy it pf from mp because you're not going to hit the flop enough (and when you do hit it kills your action from weaker hands anyway), and you want to get it in pf with co because you're killing his range.

actually, given that you're looking at a good multiway hand that wants to catch preflop I'd say you're better off calling in this specific spot - specifically because of the fact that co's stack size reduces your pf fold equity dramatically vs him, and mp's stack size means that you'll want to put in a larger than usual raise in order to keep him from taking a look with lots of speculative hands like weak pocket pairs and medium suited connectors. too many competing factors imo.

so for fun, lets put the a hypothetical eStack size at 100bb and see what we want to do in that spot:

given an mp raise and a co coldcall, we'll assume that each has a range in the top 20% of hands, and co isnt trappy enough to have QQ+ or AQ+. given that youre often ahead, only occasionally dominated by mp (and never dominated by co), I'd say your best plan is to get headsup with one of them and try to take it down on most flops.

if you triple mp's bet size and only one of them calls, then you're setting up an spr of 42/ [2+2+6+6] 16, or 2.6, which is flat out perfect when you flop anything.
06-29-2008 , 09:42 PM
I make all my squeezes pot if im in postion, and a little more than pot if im out of position (which often works out to be the same number for both spots), and then also a little more if Im deeper stacked.
06-29-2008 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by downrange
Are you talking about the TT hand or both?

on AKs maybe I'm wrong but that seems like an auto 3-bet almost always, hoping to pick it up or flop well.

on TT my thinking was I'm already willing to gamble vs short stack and now w/mp's hopefully dead money in there it seems even more inviting to try and isolate. So I was hoping to provoke short stack but also discourage mp from re-isolating or doing something crazy.

IMM calling would devalue my spot (probably looking to flop a T 3-handed), I forfeit what fold equity I have against either/both but mostly probably setting myself up for a tricky postflop spot (like getting forced out by mp going after short stack). That's what I was thinking anyway, don't know what's right.

Sorry was talking the 10-10 I am still new to Nl so may be a different aproach but learning lots from the posts. also i missed the stack size and agree with it as its exact way i play it at .50/1.00
