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October goals. October goals.

10-01-2008 , 03:54 AM
Well let's see if we can find goals that are realistic:

Go down 5 lbs.
Study videos.
Analyze sessions.

That should be possible.

To set one goal that is a bit more challenging:

Breakeven at NL100 FR including the $140 I'm up the last two days where I am running very hot. I'm experimenting in getting a FPP scheme going on Mansion.
10-01-2008 , 07:22 PM
$1000 playing 100Nl as I have job now
Maintain weight
sell house
10-03-2008 , 12:48 PM
Play some donkaments
Spend at least 1 hour studying for every 4 hours played
Post more (again)
10-04-2008 , 01:23 AM
finish the month at $100 or $200 nl
win at live poker
play better than last month
11-01-2008 , 07:26 AM
my goal last month was to break it in at NL50. 9k hands of this is at NL50 so i guess i did it. ran at 5BB/100 at NL50 with lots of improvements to make and in the 1.5k at NL25 i ran at 42BB/100 lol. the rest of the hands dont really count as i was either doing a 100/100 limitchallenge or screwing around at 1c/2c.

im finding that my aggro is winning me alot of pots without SD but when i go to SD im a bit of a dog. in all likelihood im being a little too aggro in a few bad spots which is costing me but winning is winning and at NL theres are more than 1 way to do it.

anyways, im pretty happy despite a frustrating last 2 weeks and i made silverstar at stars easily without having to grind out extra hands.

Last edited by OziBattler; 11-01-2008 at 07:32 AM.
11-01-2008 , 10:28 AM
I did not play alot of hands and only had 8000 1000 at 200NL and the test at 100 NL
THough I made $1011 but ran hot on my 200 NL at 50.02 BB/100 and -2.65 at 100 NL
I find that I play a tighter game at 200 NL and it paid off. I find I donk off two many chips at 100 NL

Ther other goals did not happen as it was a bad month with my dog dying
11-02-2008 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by JavaNut
Well let's see if we can find goals that are realistic:

Go down 5 lbs.
Study videos.
Analyze sessions.

That should be possible.

To set one goal that is a bit more challenging:

Breakeven at NL100 FR including the $140 I'm up the last two days where I am running very hot. I'm experimenting in getting a FPP scheme going on Mansion.
Nope. Plain and simple nope. Didn't get burned playing NL100 ended up $7, but had to move down quickly.
11-02-2008 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Guruman
finish the month at $100 or $200 nl
win at live poker
play better than last month
whiff, whiff, whiff
