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KK from UTG (with a live tell) KK from UTG (with a live tell)

10-02-2009 , 07:06 AM
5/10 I have $900

I'm UTG with black Kings, game is playing pretty aggro so I risk the LRR...

I limp, 3 players call, SB calls, BB makes it $80.

I quickly raise to $200. Everyone folds and he thinks for a moment and say "ok" in a tone kinda like "if I have to" and makes it $700 He is a good part time NL player, smart younger guy. Programmer by trade.

I think for a while and he cracks one joke with the dealer in a casual way.

Anyway, I didn't want to ship $700 more with 2 outs so I muck.
10-02-2009 , 10:30 AM
If you're going to fold after getting what you wanted then limit this play to AA only. Otherwise you have to ship it IMO. This guy could have AK here too IMO
10-02-2009 , 02:24 PM
I see what you are saying. seems silly in retrospect but I would have pushed all-in against anyone else.
10-02-2009 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by brick
I see what you are saying. seems silly in retrospect but I would have pushed all-in against anyone else.
Well, what were you expecting him to do? Pee a little and fold?
10-02-2009 , 10:09 PM
Another fair question. I guess he might just call PF with QQ or JJ and hope for a flop with no A no K. It's possible.

If I could script that hand anyway I wanted I would like to just call his raise before the flop and let him maintain the aggressive action and the raise the flop big. Problem is that one or more limpers will probably tag along and it could get ugly with 820 behind.
10-02-2009 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by brick
Problem is that one or more limpers will probably tag along and it could get ugly with 820 behind.
Well, if you had ALL the limpers tag along there'd be 480 in the pot with 820 behind for an SPR < 2. That's awesome for your hand.

Quite frankly, I don't know why you went for the LRR in the first place, especially with a player you consider good in the position where you want the raise to come from. The whole point of LRR'ing is to get a bunch of loose-passive limpers into the pot and then be able to value-re-raise a late-position raise from a LAGgy villan. Anyway, if the game was pretty aggro a 3-4x UTG raise shouldn't have been that out of the ordinary (looks like BTN raised 3x + 1 for each limper?). I mean, if the whole point was to get a bunch of people to limp then fold just re-raise shove instead of screwing around with the $200 stuff. The guy in LP could still have AK/AQs/KQs or he could have decided you're weak-tight (dunno where he'd get that idea) and have just pushed you off the pot with a coat-check and his dinner receipt.
10-03-2009 , 12:11 AM
Outplayed preflop while holding kings. End of story goodnight.
10-03-2009 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by bozlax
Well, if you had ALL the limpers tag along there'd be 480 in the pot with 820 behind for an SPR < 2. That's awesome for your hand.
agreed. that would be great.

Originally Posted by bozlax
he could have decided you're weak-tight (dunno where he'd get that idea) and have just pushed you off the pot
He may have pushed me off the best hand but I'm sure it wasn't on purpose.

Either he had QQ or AK and his tone about not really loving the spot was truthful. Or he had AA and his tone was just to sorta look weak to induce calls from more hands.

I get the idea he isn't a huge gambler so I think JJ and TT are out of the question.
10-04-2009 , 06:47 AM
If he knows your are (a) tight and (b) capable of pulling this play with less then AA, he could be doing this play with much less then you give him credit for simply by knowing he has so much FE against you.
10-04-2009 , 08:11 AM
Off topic a little, did they change the WA state law so you can play real NL now? (700 ship)
10-05-2009 , 04:28 AM
no. still 500 max.
10-05-2009 , 06:20 AM
what exactly is the tell??? i am really trying to figure out how you put him on AA based off of him saying "ok" and "cracking a joke with the dealer." the biggest problem with hand ranges is limiting a player to a single hand...
10-05-2009 , 07:28 PM
The tell was his tone and his tone clearly said "I don't like this situation".

I'm still unsure if actually didn't like the situation (AK) or if he slipped up and gave off a weak means strong tell. (AA)
10-13-2009 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by brick
actually didn't like the situation (TT-QQ,AQ+)
10-14-2009 , 11:12 AM
You folded KK PF with 90bbs.
Just ship it, If he has AA move on to the next hand.
10-15-2009 , 12:19 AM
meh, if he has AA and the other KK, then he only needs to have 1 combo of AKs and 2 combos of QQ for this to be a call. If you were good enough to narrow someones range down to less than that, you wouldnt be here asking this question, youd be diving scrooge mcduck style into a giant pile of money, so just get it in
