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guruvid! guruvid!

06-24-2008 , 09:59 PM
this forum's been sleepy lately, so here's a vid. I'm 2 tabling 50nl on Stars here.

also, here's the full handhistory. Holdem Manager sorts HH's chronologically, so the order of the hh's is the same as the order you'll see in the vid.

Any critiques on process or theory are encouraged. There is some interesting action in there for sure.

Also, I did edit the end of this vid down a bit to keep the file size in check. the HH posted is complete though.
06-25-2008 , 12:19 AM
sweet, im DLing this now and will watch and comment once my A/C stars working and its not 98 degrees in my room
06-25-2008 , 06:36 AM
I was going to make one of these a few days ago but I've not got a mic, this vid might motivate me to go get one.
06-25-2008 , 08:54 AM
I wish the vid quality was a bit better, really struggled seeing hud stats and names, audio was clear though and that's probably worth more.

Interesting to hear you (lol you Americans are so funny) and see you play.

Didn't make notes but off the top of my head...

I don't like calling the minraise with 42s from the sb even with that many people in the pot, it's just going to get you into bad postflop spots vs higher flushes etc.

K2 with the rivered 2pr BbB I'm calling his river overbet, I think he has just Ax there enough and your image is really laggy so he can't possibly credit you for 2pr. Sure he'll have Ax for a better 2pr sometimes but I think long run you're good often enough. It will also tilt the hell out of him even more which can't be bad given the stack sizes.

Can't think of any others, wish I could demand flopped sets as well as you!
06-25-2008 , 12:46 PM
Thanks guru. What U.S timezone was that? I was floored by at least a couple villain payoffs when you shoved (think one was K7, QQ on utg pfr/3-bet and an UI AK late in the hand - I've never seen that before). Do you think those calls were due to your image or just one of those things that happens from time to time?

Incidentally, if you ever do another could you use avi or wmv or something? All I could figure out to use for flash was my browser but the vid didn't look so good there.
06-25-2008 , 01:19 PM
hmm, ok i'll reconvert to a higher res format and repost when i get home tonight.

central timezone.
06-25-2008 , 02:37 PM
Yeah, it's been sleepy. I saw your vid on DC, guru... very cool. I'm playing NL10 which honestly is so bad I hardly ever feel like the right play is anything other than straightforward.

I'll dl this and post my thoughts.
06-26-2008 , 12:10 AM
here's a mo-betta version

WMV, half the file size and twice the resolution. should have done it that way in the first place.
06-27-2008 , 09:34 PM
bump for vid love. mo betta version is there you know!
06-29-2008 , 11:12 AM
OK I had a look at it. The sound on the WMV version was very soft on my laptop, so I played the Flash version for the sound ....

BTW, I think you should post this in the microstakes forum too, the whole video is a pretty good lesson on how to exploit weaknesses at NL50.

I had some trouble understanding the HUD layout -- I think you should give a very short explanation of that in vids.

(1) On the PFR size thing. I think the DC guys encounter much more 3-betting at their stakes, which makes the bigger PFR from UTG or MP less attractive. At NL50, I think the bigger raise is actually a bit better, because you're mostly raising hand with good preflop equity, so it's a form of value betting. Your idea of the split range is interesting, I might try it.
I tried 3BB button raises for a while (because I steal tons from there), but had the impression I was getting significantly fewer folds, so I stopped. I'm now back to standard 4BB+1/limper raises. I think simple is best at the micro and small stakes.
(2) I don't like the smaller iso-raise sizes. It saves a few BBs on losing hands, but loses some because you win less if you get called and take it down on a c-bet. It also makes it more attractive for the blinds to come along, which you are not waiting for at all.
Then again, it looks like you are iso-raising looser than I do, cause you did a few I would have folded (these was one with 76o, and one you contemplated with QTo, that I recall)
(3) Squeeze 3-bet sizing, I don't really know. I'm not sure it even matters a lot, rather than your range and against whom. I think if you raise significantly below pot, the fold equity goes down immensely, but I never really tried.
I did a HM database filter on 3-bets that got called, and found a huge winrate, but I don't (and don't think I need to) squeeze with real junk -- I just do it with some speculative hands if the situation looks right.
06-29-2008 , 01:00 PM
hey faba, thanks!

hud layout:

flop cbet/fold to flop cbet/wtsd

all stats have this color code

rock tight ok loose maniac

In my dream world, the hud manager would not show stats until x amont of hands per stat. IOW, after 15 hands i'd see vpip and pfr, after 35 or so I'd see 3bet, and after 60 or 80 I'd see the flop and wtsd stats.
07-04-2008 , 09:19 AM
Guru, thanks for the video. I watched alot of DC videos so my standards are pretty high and I thought your video was pretty good bro.

I particularly liked your discussion on being ruthless in table/seat selection and not sticking round for long if conditions arent good.......pick your targets or get the **** out is a good way to do it imo.

oh and teach me to make videos so i can run as good as you

r u making another video or two?
07-04-2008 , 10:54 AM
thanks ozi! I watch a lot of DC as well. I'm not as good of a player as those guys, but after watching some of the late night coaching vids i think i'm a little better than their avg subscriber

I used to do the opposite of aggressive seat selection, and it probably set me back a year in my progress.
