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1/2 NL - Gotta go to war with my Royal Flush draw? 1/2 NL - Gotta go to war with my Royal Flush draw?

11-12-2009 , 02:26 PM
1/2 NL, 10 players

Mostly a limpfest during a huge BBJ, we've been seeing lottsa 5+ way flops. Preflop raises usually get things HU or 3ways.

Villain is SB with $133 (Hero has him covered). His calling of my preflop raise probably means pocket pair, maybe AK/AQ. He might play AA/KK this way.

Preflop (10 players): Hero is Button with A Q
3 or 4 limps, Hero raises to $15, Villain calls $15 in SB, everyone else folds

Flop (2 players, ~$40): J T T
Villain checks, Hero bets $35, Villain check/raises all-in, Hero calls.

Hero needs to call $83 in a $193 pot, so I'm getting better than 2:1 and I'm figuring I'm probably around the 40% mark in pot equity (8 flush outs + 3 outs for straigh/over - 1/2 for fullhouse redraw, so about 9/10 outs = about 40%, right?). vs TT I'd have to call (my BBJ share would be $48K). vs JJ (or doubtful JT) I'm sunk. vs AA/QQ I'm in fairly decent shape. vs KK I'm not as good but still alright for pot size, right?

Nothing to see here, standard?

P.S. I've gotta c-bet this in postion to fold all other pairs, right?

11-13-2009 , 02:08 AM
You're likely up against Tx or Jx, possibly things like 99-77, AK, QQ+, combo draw (e.g. 98hh). Depends how loose this player can be.
Not so sure your c-bet is folding pairs, considering board is paired. That means a lot more hands can c/r you, hoping you're just making a routine c-bet since you are more likely to have missed this board. IMO it's OK to check or bet/call.

Pot/stack size is right around the threshold where I'm sort of indifferent, but leaning toward bet/call. If he was deep stacked I'd check it back, and shorter it's an easy bet to commit.
11-21-2009 , 02:47 AM
11-23-2009 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by The Grifter
Agreed. Results?
11-24-2009 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by texan1382
Agreed. Results?
Unimportant, but since you took the time to respond...


Villain had KK (no ) and I don't improve.
12-31-2009 , 04:29 AM
standard. all in
01-01-2010 , 06:49 PM
standard. kind of sucks for you that villain has kings and takes away 4 outs
