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ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread

03-20-2012 , 07:33 PM
i dont really understand how you went from wanting to sub out so bad to being completely fine to continue 10 minutes later

but u were going to be lynched
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
rose tinted glasses are wonderful aren't they?
what would your mod rulling be if u saw someone make the posts u did?
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:34 PM
No-one angle-shot. Mistakes were made.

Let's just move on.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
Maybe you should have reported to me then if this was so big angleshoot in your eyes. Not clear her for that and come back to complain when you see that she was a wolf.
I reported to you. TL's team should have penalized, as is standard throughout POG. She should have lost her vote the following day. You didn't listen.

I'm completely over it now, Helen and I have worked things out on our own. ()

But I'm pretty unhappy it happened at all, and it was a direct result of you not fulfilling your responsibilities as a mod. When players come to you asking for a sub, you don't tell them to **** off. Period.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
lol - i'd have thought the same thing if i was you

obviously, i need more wolf experience, the spewing and interactions or lack thereof made it easy to read me after i died.

glad i could start the game so close to my villa game - now you'll never ****ing know! muahahahahhahaaha! i really think i could have stayed alive if i had not gone out of town. it cut down on my spastic nonstop posting.
Yeah I think the being afk really hurt you. You may have been able to get another day out of it if you weren't

Big to first game. Though you didn't have to seer hunt, which is the hair tearing part of wolfing
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
either u completely angle shot or willi was a terrible mod

cant have it everyway u want
I asked some experienced players too. Nobody advised ModKill.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
gad was such an obvious villager there

i thought we lost


I was all at Gad originally because it looked like he'd given up and wasn't gonna clear himself too well

then he cleared himself

then I voted for necro anyways

Originally Posted by TimeLady
And seriously Gad

Whoever was making you feel bad doesn't know ****.

You're excellent. Just in general.

If you provide me with email address I will e-beat them up
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
I asked some experienced players too. Nobody advised ModKill.
you asked timeladys boyfriend

and he asked who the player was before making the ruling

when he found out timeladys name he shouldve said he has biased and can not make a ruling
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
what would your mod rulling be if u saw someone make the posts u did?
I told Willi to ask someone else to get a ruling since I couldn't be impartial.

I advised him the best I could. I wasn't gonna be giving advice on what to do when I'm a player in the damn game. There's a reason people PM other mods for help.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I reported to you. TL's team should have penalized, as is standard throughout POG. She should have lost her vote the following day. You didn't listen.

I'm completely over it now, Helen and I have worked things out on our own. ()

But I'm pretty unhappy it happened at all, and it was a direct result of you not fulfilling your responsibilities as a mod. When players come to you asking for a sub, you don't tell them to **** off. Period.
I did not say **** off. You reported when you knew that TL is wolf not before.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I reported to you. TL's team should have penalized, as is standard throughout POG. She should have lost her vote the following day. You didn't listen.

I'm completely over it now, Helen and I have worked things out on our own. ()

But I'm pretty unhappy it happened at all, and it was a direct result of you not fulfilling your responsibilities as a mod. When players come to you asking for a sub, you don't tell them to **** off. Period.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
I told Willi to ask someone else to get a ruling since I couldn't be impartial.

I advised him the best I could. I wasn't gonna be giving advice on what to do when I'm a player in the damn game. There's a reason people PM other mods for help.
i know u shouldnt be giving that decision


i mean in general what is ur ruling in that situation if ur modding the game
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:37 PM

1. Willi should have clearly said something like "I will not let you sub right now because youre just mad. If you still want to in an hour I will then, but not let you out of kneejerk frustration".

2. Once that post is made, yes there becomes a >rand chance TL is villa. Not enough to make it a corrupted game state though.

3. The one that got me - and idk I guess it was an angle for me to do it this way too so Im sorry - is the one well after the fact saying "omg please dont pay any attention to that and read me on my other posts". In retrospect I understand it, she realized she messed up and didn't want to be falsely cleared for something like that and so she tried to make sure people ignored it. The intentions were good. But the result was I said to myself "I find it so unlikely wolf TL would call attention to it again after the fact". Combined with the fact that on my last day she was one of few people that in my eyes were trying to do work in the thread I cleared her.

It was legit frustration and then a feeling of guilt after and trying to fix it. The intentions were good, and I got got for trying to use outside theories to clear someone. I'm not gonna be mad.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
you asked timeladys boyfriend

and he asked who the player was before making the ruling

when he found out timeladys name he shouldve said he has biased and can not make a ruling

because attacking atakdog's partiality, of all people, makes you look good
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
I think you are leading on to too many conclusions from that post. People were clearing me for other reasons than the sub post, incorrectly yes, but I think you underestimate quite how hard it is to lynch me when I don't want to be lynched. Especially d1.

Yes Willi screwed up, but he has apologised for it and we can move on.

I do not believe it is as game breaking as you are making out to be. If it was then the people willi asked for advice would have told him to modkill me.
Lets not go here. You know who willi asked advice from and it was very biased towards you. Please please lets not go here.

And as far as whether or not you would have been lynched, I think you are underestimating my abilities too when I have chosen a resolve.

The sub attempt really messed me up. Evidence.

But what would have happened is all conjecture, we can't really use it to say how bad or not bad it was. It was against the rules. We can agree you shouldn't have done it.

What willi did was what caused it.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i know u shouldnt be giving that decision


i mean in general what is ur ruling in that situation if ur modding the game
remove vote for next day in a vanilla, take away their night action if it's a mish mash
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady

because attacking atakdog's partiality, of all people, makes you look good
im not the one who made a ruling on the game

he did

ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
you asked timeladys boyfriend

and he asked who the player was before making the ruling

when he found out timeladys name he shouldve said he has biased and can not make a ruling
Make the facts straight please.

CrossNerd asked me to get opinion from Chips Ahoy and Atakdog.

I also added Sun Tzu do this list. I did not know that atakdog or TL are anyway related. Crossnerd say I should ask player A and player B and so I did. Sun gave me short answer, Chips did not answer at all. Atakdog asked for names to have better judgement. I gave names, because I did not have any reason not to give names.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:39 PM
Atak has been a proponent of modkilling for merely mentioning your pm in games. I seriously doubt he says what you did was fine if anyone else had done it but you.

I don't blame him, its human nature. But it was definitely not fair.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:40 PM
okay - i'm going to make some cookies for my rugrats

when i come back, i hope all this **** has cleared the room
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:40 PM
I don't see what the big deal is with asking atakdog. We've not been dating for like 18 months. We're just friends.

If you asked bsball, wahoo, elliot or a whole load of other people you could say they'd be biased towards me because they're my friends.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
Make the facts straight please.

CrossNerd asked me to get opinion from Chips Ahoy and Atakdog.

I also added Sun Tzu do this list. I did not know that atakdog or TL are anyway related. Crossnerd say I should ask player A and player B and so I did. Sun gave me short answer, Chips did not answer at all. Atakdog asked for names to have better judgement. I gave names, because I did not have any reason not to give names.
I also told you NOT TO GIVE NAMES BEFORE RECEIVING A JUDGEMENT. And when atak found out it was TL the judgement became: She has no history of doing it and willi didn't expressly say in the OP that talking about subs is against the rules, even though we all know it is.

So does that mean if someone else had done it, it wouldn't have been ok? That's not how POG rules work IMHO.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
okay - i'm going to make some cookies for my rugrats

when i come back, i hope all this **** has cleared the room
That depends.
Will we be getting cookies?
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
either u completely angle shot or willi was a terrible mod

cant have it everyway u want
Basically this. You can't have it both ways.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
03-20-2012 , 07:42 PM
i think i should run a butthurt = modkill game.
ZOMGAHHHHHHHH Invitational Vanilla Game Thread Quote
