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WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread

02-20-2010 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Maruchan
He's also doing the wolfy thing where they pop in, find a post or two to comment on/call wolfy, and then run with it. He posts just enough to not seem UTR. His only redeeming factor as far as I can see is that he had kwami on his wolf list, but he left his vote on xxsooted yesterday so that's not major villa points.
seriously? because this is me at my most UTR. i'll be the first to admit that i havent been doing much analysis, but im telling you im a villager whos just busy with real life stuff. i would probably ask for a sub but i know i should have much more time for this game next week.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:04 PM
that is true kwami took off after u left.

but why did you find me wolfy jonnyd. U hadn't mentioned me once before then
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
also re: chips

i wasnt even around when the kwami wagon took off (and it took off fast).. when i popped in yesterday i voted xxsooted because he was the wolfiest of the wagons

basically youre trying to spin a null action as wolfy. so much fail
actually looking back.. kwami had THREE ****ing votes with an hour left to go before EOD. he wasnt even a wagon. i dont see how you could even possibly try to spin me listing kwami as a wolf read but not voting him as being wolfy. maybe if he was a real wagon and not a CFD, but just because i wasnt here for an hour that makes me a wolf? me voting for someone who isnt a main wagon doesnt help the village out very much especially when i know im not going to be around for EOD.

at least maruchan is starting a wagon on me for spite. chips youre just making **** up.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
that is true kwami took off after u left.

but why did you find me wolfy jonnyd. U hadn't mentioned me once before then
ill answer this later but im headed out to dinner.

in before
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:07 PM
xxsooted: I don't think g0tgame's post is that clearing. I agree with you that being angry at claims is a pretty significant villa tell but the tone of his post is much different than WERx or livedk's imo.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:10 PM
wat so you're saying u don't remember anything about why you found me wolfy that u can say off the top of your head
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck

Has it ever occurred to you that you're being roleblocked so I CAN'T FRAEKING FIND YOU AGHILASLIGQL#@TU(QV(#$UTAGLIJADFG!!!!

I mean that's what I would say if I were Link because I'd hope that Link's peeked WERx at least one so far
link would need to be roleblocked to not find me, imo

besides grayson had to be rbed last night
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:12 PM
Vote count as of 3656

[0] AriesRam
[0] biggerboat
[0] BirdPoker
[0] bobman0330 voted for essedarius
[1] Cadaz voted for chuckleslovakian
[0] legend42
[0] Chips Ahoy voted for jonnyd
[1] chuckleslovakian voted for The Evil Polka Man
[0] darthrob64 voted for sixfour
[1] dnkyhunter31 voted for maruchan
[1] Essedarius
[0] ewalsh420
[0] faberghasted
[0] Forsythio
[1] G0tGame?
[0] Grayson
[0] I_Like_Beer
[0] J.D. voted for The Evil Polka Man
[1] jonnyd
[0] KeanuReaver
[0] Livedk voted for sixfour
[0] LuckayLuck voted for Cadaz
[1] Maruchan
[0] RoundTower
[2] sixfour
[0] tarheeljks
[0] Telcontar
[2] The Evil Polka Man
[0] Thread Cat, imo voted for G0tGame?
[0] well named
[0] Willd
[0] WinEveryRacex voted for dnkyhunter31
[0] Xxsooted
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
wat so you're saying u don't remember anything about why you found me wolfy that u can say off the top of your head

Phone posting. (lol you can tell bc it fixes my grammar). Basically your vote on chris was wolfy as he'll to me.

K gotta go
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Maruchan
xxsooted: I don't think g0tgame's post is that clearing. I agree with you that being angry at claims is a pretty significant villa tell but the tone of his post is much different than WERx or livedk's imo.
I agree he does not sound as pissed as the others. But I still think it's pretty villagy bc of the timing (right before eod when the wagons are w/v), and as a wolf you just don't really know how you would react there really. It is just a hard post to fake as a wolf.

I do agree though - the others are like 90% clear, he's like 80%
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:17 PM
ya I think no more link/werx talk is wise
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
Phone posting. (lol you can tell bc it fixes my grammar). Basically your vote on chris was wolfy as he'll to me.

K gotta go

umm when you come back I would like you to elaborate on your read on me.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:27 PM
sick read: jonnyd has an iPhone
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:55 PM
don't think sixfour is a wolf. kwami made 55 (living) posts this game and called 64 a wolf in 12 of them and had him as his only wolf read a couple of times. as has been noted 64 is one of those people that often gets accused of being a wolf so i don't think kwami rides him so hard if he actually is a wolf

in post58 he calls iftn, telcontar, and xxsooted villa, sixfour a wolf, and says luckay is just luckay. iftn was villa, i don't think sixfour is a wolf for aforementioned reasons, and i expect a wolf to do some deflecting here. xxsooted has claimed so we should take a look at telcontar

in post 582 he remphasizes the fact that livedk is on his wolf list and this was only a few posts after lsc had done the same thing. more clearance for livedk

his reads are:

Originally Posted by kwami42
Alright, I'm caught up.

Here's the first edition of kwami's MODERATELY PRICEY SILVER reads list (normal SOLID GOLD reads are on hiatus after it was discovered that they aren't really solid gold).


Wolf leans:

digger was a villa and i think he was too fixated on sixfour for him to be a wolf. i think livedk is a villa, so one of chuckes/darthrob may be a wolf here w/ chuckles > darthrob as a lynch candidate. don't really think either are wolves but i figure he prob threw some heat on a wolf somewhere

the villa list has prob has some wolves (ldo) esp since most of the people on this list are still alive.


Originally Posted by kwami42
Wolf leans (in order):

Lock villas:
Thingy (ldo)
he has made no mention of grayson until this post when the wagon had formed; have to wait until the seer claim is resolved to see what this really means but i'm guessing that he is just blending. there's some shifting in his villa list-- dnkyhunter, forsythio, and telcontar fall off and aries/bigger boat remain. i could see him taking a fellow wolf off his villa list if that wolf were under a lot of heat, but that doesn't apply to any of the first 3. could apply to xxsooted, but we have to wait and see about that. basically, the lock villa list makes me think that aries is a wolf; could be biggerboat but i prob vote aries way before him. not sure what i make of threadcat's appearance here.

also, this post by luckbox inc

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

is your whole birdpoker case just based on the case that somebody else made about him, or do you have thought of your own on that?
means birdpoker is a wolf imo and probably a power wolf. why does dustin care that xxs thinks birdpoker is a wolf? only issue here is that dustin was on xxsooted so he could have just been trying to make him look bad, but meh. there was other stuff he could have said to push xxsooted as a wolf there b/c that was around the time the wagon was rolling


-- aries/birdpoker wolves
-- 64 villa
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:55 PM
Okay, so after jonnyd's posting, I'm not liking these wagons anymore.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted

umm when you come back I would like you to elaborate on your read on me.
sry i was in a big rush. i meant chuckles vote, the one forcing the tie

Originally Posted by XXsooted

that one. to force a tie with chris/ganondorf

just really suspicious and you were a wagon so i felt like you were good to park a vote on (and am still suspicious of you fwiw)

Originally Posted by XXsooted
sick read: jonnyd has an iPhone
confirmed lol
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:32 PM
XXs, I was also in the middle of the kwami CFD and called for Telco to switch his vote off 64 right before Werx did. Not that it's a big deal. Also, esse did relent and vote kwami at the end.

I think "jeez, claimaments" is about role-neutral there. His "I'd still like to have an item" at 8:01 is more villagery than that imo.

The reason I don't your claim there is that everyone in the thread was working to save you anyway. The only person on you who even might have been around was well named. But what's done is done.

Can someone tell me who faberghasted is?
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:35 PM
ya I remember wondering about the luckbox post myself but didn't say anything. Mostly a luckbox-xxs specific thing with our history. But that is something I've noticed exp. wolves do to me sometimes - try to make me doubt my reads when I am on the right track.

another thing about birdpoker is that he has been wolfy but his wagon can never seem to pick up even though I don't think anyone is calling him a villager.

agree about sixfour being village just cuz of the weird werx shot claim today.

aries I don't really have a read on. I seem to remember thinking he was a villager for something before I lost my notes.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
sry i was in a big rush. i meant chuckles vote, the one forcing the tie

that one. to force a tie with chris/ganondorf

just really suspicious and you were a wagon so i felt like you were good to park a vote on (and am still suspicious of you fwiw)

confirmed lol
lol, I knew it cuz I've done that he'll instead of hell thing in a text before.

Are you reallllly still suspicious of me
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:40 PM
xxsooted, what is a scenario where neither grayson or you die last night and both of you are villagers?
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
lol, I knew it cuz I've done that he'll instead of hell thing in a text before.

Are you reallllly still suspicious of me
yes. thats a hella wolfy vote no matter what you do before or after it imo
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
Can someone be nice and break down who was responsible for each of the nightkills?
PlayerWriteupWhenCauseTeamRole NamePowers
1265DiggertheDognight 1modkillvilla Mutoh, the leader of the carpenters Item: Deku Nut, a roleblock item
1265RollWaveday 1lynchvillaYou are the Beggar, always looking to buy things in a bottle. 
1266CPHoyanight 1wolf killvillaZeldaangel in the future, seer after found by link
1267lsc1022night 1village vig (ewalsh)wolfVolvagia, the Subterranean Lava Dragonvote buyer in the future
1268dmknight 1 villaIngo, employee at the Lon Lon Ranch 
1363bsball8806night 1 neutralDark Link, Link's evil doppelgängerPeek as Link. A kill each night. Win F7 + Link dead.
2431Chrisrjdkday 2 / night 2lynch / link killwolf Ganondorf, the King of the GerudosHas to be killed twice. immortal while imprisoned. vig kill when set free. Peek each night for Zelda/Link. vig kill after killed once.
2432wahoopridenight 2wolf killvillaTalon, owner of the Lon-Lon until found by Malon
2433AndrewGreve / Dirk Nowitzkinight 2wolf killvillaMalon, working hard on the Lon-Lon Ranch2 peeks/night for Talon
2434Tortured Existencenight 2wolf killvillaSabooro, a carpenter 
2435OnThInIcE911night 2village vig (chips)villaShooting Gallery Owner 
3272kwami42day 3lynchwolfGohma, the Parasitic Armored Arachnid 
3273Thingymannight 3wolf killvillaMedicine Shop Owner 
3274IflatTheNutsnight 3village vigvillaMamamu Yan, a dog lovoing ladyItem: Mirror Shield, reflects night actions
3275monikrazy / Luckbox Incnight 3link killwolfKoume, the Sorceress of Fire, a Gerudo witch.peek each night when both Gerudo witches are alive.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
XXs, I was also in the middle of the kwami CFD and called for Telco to switch his vote off 64 right before Werx did. Not that it's a big deal. Also, esse did relent and vote kwami at the end.

I think "jeez, claimaments" is about role-neutral there. His "I'd still like to have an item" at 8:01 is more villagery than that imo.

The reason I don't your claim there is that everyone in the thread was working to save you anyway. The only person on you who even might have been around was well named. But what's done is done.

Can someone tell me who faberghasted is?
woops I'm gonna need to reread that eod

ok I'm happy with u calling it role neutral if you're still clearing him. I have to admit I already had a village read on him for questioning my grayson post so that may be coloring my take on it.

ya agree about everyone trying to save me. I felt like I waited as long as I could, but it worked out ok since I didn't have to claim powers and now ppl are treating me as clear.

faberghasted is one of the guys that plays with livedk, chris, and thingy on the danish boards but is new to pog.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by tarheeljks
xxsooted, what is a scenario where neither grayson or you die last night and both of you are villagers?
well I cannot talk about it in a pro-village way but I have a good guess at what happened let's put it that way.
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
02-20-2010 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
yes. thats a hella wolfy vote no matter what you do before or after it imo
how much of the past few pages have u read
WW: Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Mish-Mash Game Thread Quote
