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WW: The Wire Game Thread WW: The Wire Game Thread

07-08-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1
mcavoy - some of us have real jobs.
I thought you worked for the government?

WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
Don't add Vaya to your wolf list. He made a great point about you yesterday not playing your villa game. In fact looking at the SSOD im surprised that both ST and McA called you clear villas (no idea what the context was). However, I think I like that you're on DMK.
ok, I'll take him off my list and I'll trust you since you have moved toward my villa list.

You should make a top three list of wolves for Omar
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 01:55 PM
You've seen me play seer before. There is plenty about DMK that is wolfy. I just had a hunch earlier but I'm doing a reread now and more is popping out. Will have it up inna little.
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
One more thing while I'm here coasting:

Both days have ended with two very obvious pro-villa vig targets: chips on d1 and mac on d2. The fact that JG (or whoever is the man behind the curtain) killed neither tells us that we're not going to be getting pro-villa NKs from Team Omar.
Now you're just talking out of your ass. I asked sun (who was a villager on like 20 people's lists) who he wanted...he gave me a list of 3...i then proposed to mac to choose one of xxs and dmk to go against...he chose xxs...he luckboxed the door that had xxs die instead of Mac...I'm not going to go back on my word.

That said...the talking out of your ass that you're doing actually has to do with d1. I said that I would not stand for a Chips lynch, so why would I nk him? OTI was wolfy imo and that's why I killed him. He was also one of the top wagons. Don't try to misstate facts
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy

Can you tell me why you think I'm a wolf? I'd like to hear a wolf make a case on a villager.

Also why are you afraid to post a list of all your reads?
1) paraphrase you yesterday "If I were wolf I would kill JG since his vig kills are obviously hurting the village"
2) today your case against me is completely manufactured. I've already pointed out all the contradictions in it.

your logic is terrible and you claim to be the best villager ever.

Since you command lord mcavoy, I will make a list with reads, but it will take 30 min or so since I have to intersperse posting and reading with work.
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
Ughh, I think you've been looking villa since D1 but can you explain this contradiction here?
I dont see the contradiction.

Q1: This is my first mish-mash type game that I've played past d1/n1 and I had never heard of the term 'mason' before in a ww game.

Q2: I played with Zelic in another game and he made a lot of fake seer peeks mid-game and was fairly active in doing so. However, he hasn't done any since so I'm a little unsure about it now...
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:03 PM
Alright, finished, an admittedly light read.

I don't have a lot of opinions so far, but here are some:

McAvoy: feels wolfy to me, in PB he basically rolled over and died when wagoned, here he was a lot more active when he had heat on him. However, in Independence Day that just wrapped up he was a villager and felt a lot different from his villager game in PB, so perhaps there is merit to his claim of changing his game.

BEG: Reminds me exactly of the BEG that I just played with in Independence Day, a lot of people were commenting early in that game that she felt different, and I noticed people were doing the same here. She was a villager in I.D. and I feel strongly that she is a villager here.

Legend: Feels somewhat UTR to me, of course he subbed in, but I remember him offering a lot more in his pervious game. Benefit of the doubt since he subbed in, but lean wolf.

GT1T: Strong villa lean. He reads to me like he did in my last game with him. He makes a lot of longish and well constructed posts, but you can see his thought process as he posts, and it feels genuinely villa to me.

PVN: I really don't know what to think of PVN at this point, he's the complete opposite of what I remember from his villager game in PB. But I doubt he'd play such a darastic 180 as a wolf. So I'd lean villa on him.

Again, none of these have a lot of analysis behind them yet. Most are purely tone, I hope to have a bit more time this afternoon to re-read some specific players and offer a bit more.
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:06 PM
Is Zelic always out of left field?
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:08 PM
can someone summarize who subbed for who please?
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Since JG's team has a seer.. and he said they are in thread.. does someone have that info? If not I'm gonna try to reread at some point since I can't really remember yesterday.. but that won't happen until probably tonight.
IF jg has a seer, he obviously either

1) hasn't peeked any wolves

2) is outright anti-village
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:09 PM
I'm in for SC.
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1
can someone summarize who subbed for who please?
It's all on the SSOD, but here you go:

Legend42 is in for boiler_bd
Zelic is in for Moneymatt1
Zomghax is in for Senor Cardgage

I think that's all.
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:11 PM
fwiw, now that Independence day is over...SSOD is such a wolf thing of late it's ridiculous

LL used it in Nez's game
I used it in 4th of July
and I'm pretty sure AAO is using it now
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:13 PM
aao - like his SSOD. Not sure he puts that much effort in as a wolf. (vill lean)

bobman0330 - pointed out same inconsistencies in mcavoys postings. Otherwise haven't noticed him much (neutral)

boiler_bd - replaced by Legend (?) - don't like legend's posts (insistence that hitch may be a wolf, lots of questions) but will give him the benefit of the dobut for 1 more day (wolf/neutral)

BrownEyedGirl - villager

chim17 - has been harping on this lack of sleep thing a lot but I've never been able to read chim well. Still despite my masons claim d1 I lean wolfy on him.

Chips Ahoy - neutral

dmk - I can't read dmk at all, but would like to know where he's been recently

GetThere1Time - seems to be manufacturing a case against me - wolfy

I_Like_Beer - as do I. Did not like him d1, neutral d2 so wolfy/neutral read

Jennifer Garner - believe his claim

kokiri - slight villa lean, have to go back and check why

LuckayLuck - I can never read luckay luck. However - he has attached himself to GT1T and I don't see him doing this if both are wolves. So if 1 is wolf, the other cannot be. Thus makes me lean villa on him.

McAvoy - wolf

MoneyMatt1 - WTF post. If he got subbed, wtf sub post.

OnThInIcE911 - is he still in the game?

pvn - village

RiverFenix - is he claiming seer?

riverfish1 - village ldo

Senor Cardgage - no read before he got subbed out, zomghax has done better than the other subs (his 2 recent posts). Village lean.

Sun Tzu - can never read sun. Neutral

The_Hitch - village

VayaConDios - nothing has popped out. neutral
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:13 PM
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer Garner
Now you're just talking out of your ass. I asked sun (who was a villager on like 20 people's lists) who he wanted...he gave me a list of 3...i then proposed to mac to choose one of xxs and dmk to go against...he chose xxs...he luckboxed the door that had xxs die instead of Mac...I'm not going to go back on my word.

That said...the talking out of your ass that you're doing actually has to do with d1. I said that I would not stand for a Chips lynch, so why would I nk him? OTI was wolfy imo and that's why I killed him. He was also one of the top wagons. Don't try to misstate facts
There's no point in me arguing with you, since you're not going to come out and say "yeah, you're right vaya, my kills have been anti-village." So I'll address this to everyone else:

(1) It shouldn't even need to be said, but playing Let's Make a Deal rather than just killing pro-villa targets isn't pro-villa, and it just give you cover to whack villagers

(2) Villager Mac would know how anti-village this cockamamie scheme is, and wouldn't agree to NK someone he feels "would be a terrible kill."
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:21 PM
My mason told me to do this so dmk
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:22 PM
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by ZELIC
My mason told me to do this so dmk
nice 2500th post...but you can't just do this...who's your mason?
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:24 PM
Zomghax, from the player list (post 1516), who have you played with before?

also are you around for a few minutes, I want to ask you a couple of questions but I want quick answers?
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:24 PM
I'm around you have any questions for me?

I certainly have a question for you...

top 3 wolves plz
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:24 PM
Interesting from the day 2 SSOD...

(refresher re-post)

Look at bobman and GT1T. Both of them had villager reads on jongle, despite the fact that almost every other player pinned him as a likely wolf.

Coincidence or W/W trying to gain villa points when they know jongle turns out to be a villager?
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:26 PM
AAO is a GUARANTEED villager or at least a person with a pro-villa goal and this is the strongest read of my life
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:28 PM
aao is definitely screwing up the ssod...i don't know if on purpose or what
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by aao
Interesting from the day 2 SSOD...

(refresher re-post)

Look at bobman and GT1T. Both of them had villager reads on jongle, despite the fact that almost every other player pinned him as a likely wolf.

Coincidence or W/W trying to gain villa points when they know jongle turns out to be a villager?
wait Gt1T had villa reads on jongle and then called me a wolf for not being immediately convinced that he was wolfy????
WW: The Wire Game Thread Quote
