Why I Think Elliot Is A Wolf
Story by well-named, illustrations by Hieronymus Bosch
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Hai dere game. I wanted to come in of the bat and vote forsythio, since no matter what he's going to vote me, but now that he has actual votes I will hold off. Instead, I'm voting
since he mentioned me before I even posted.
So two things about this strike me as being slightly wolfy.
a) Villagers don't care that much about someone having votes. It seems too self-conscious
b) The reason for voting bsball is bad/non-serious. Which isn't really a big deal, except for how this jives with his later wolf reads, i.e exoendo, me, luckbox.
Originally Posted by ElliotR
I approve of this vote and will likely join u pending my read of page 3.
Again, I think a villager is much less hesitant to just throw a vote out. This point is play-style dependent so it's only mild, but still
Originally Posted by ElliotR
This is absurd. And quoting a subset of my posts and leaving out my post expounding on exoendo is terribad. Remember the old days when you could just say "tone read" and you didn't have to make **** up to get people mislynched? Good times!
Dustin has been really villagery in this game and I hate the spite vote.
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Also, I am very very disappointed in WN's complete lack of response to my post expounding on exoendo. A villager responds, imo. WN is probably a woof woof too.
And this is also bad. Calling me a wolf because I hadn't answered a one paragraph explanation post a few hours ago? I don't remember if I had posted anything in the interim, but either way, the juxtaposition between his hesitancy about voting fors/exo and his eagerness to vote luckbox and call me a wolf is strange and strikes me as wolfy.
The rest of it is just a failure to do anything villagery that offsets these reads, which are all mild, but cumulatively add up to something at least a little ominous imo.
There seems to be a lot of momentum for an OTI wagon right now, which I don't entirely disapprove of, but I think wagoning elliot is better in some ways.