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WW Schedule and Game Request Thread WW Schedule and Game Request Thread

04-11-2021 , 10:28 AM
lol gabe
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04-11-2021 , 12:41 PM
You both accept proxied wolf night actions, so until you dont, your main argument against proxied day actions doesn't really hold up

There are a million other reasons you guys should allow them either way but ive listed them all before so let's not bother
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
You both accept proxied wolf night actions, so until you dont, your main argument against proxied day actions doesn't really hold up
Timing matters during the day. That is the critical difference that should stop you from making that extrapolation
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 02:47 PM
While we are on the subject

Is calling someone from Japan a whale killer racist?

Other countries do it too.

Whale killing is morally bad.

Are we not allowed to make fun of people for doing bad things anymore?
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
While we are on the subject

Is calling someone from Japan a whale killer racist?

Other countries do it too.

Whale killing is morally bad.

Are we not allowed to make fun of people for doing bad things anymore?
I can't tell if you're serious but obviously that is racist and you answered your own question in your last sentence
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
How would you feel if I said: "If you are still aggrieved maybe someone can make an announcement that women matter or something"? Sounds fine?
I think I would feel *teddy kgb voice* proud and good, for knowing better than to equate game mods with women as a class (or race or sexual orientation etc). But you do you, friend.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 03:49 PM
The very idea that you are entitled to be shielded from rudeness because others are shielded from bigotry is truly one of the most delusional things posted on Pog in user memory.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
The very idea that you are entitled to be shielded from rudeness because others are shielded from bigotry is truly one of the most delusional things posted on Pog in user memory.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 04:02 PM
He pretty clearly said 'also' and didn't directly relate one should happen because of the other. Also it's no less nonsensical than you should be shielded from personal slurs but not groups from general ones.

Also he should get more leeway on particular language anyway since English isn't his first language (judging him harshly for misphrasing things is actually bigotry, internet equivalent of mocking someone's accent). Also I don't know if anyone addressed making sure the rules would be interpretable for non English speakers.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 04:05 PM
I’m sorry, it comes across to me as “we are making rules about slurs, and while we’re at it let us address another major problem of people spamming my signup threads!” Like Bro are you even serious. (Shrug)
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 04:05 PM
Sides flip very quickly when you make small changes. At the beginning it was the people against slurs buckling in that it was too hard to codify!
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04-11-2021 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
He pretty clearly said 'also' and didn't directly relate one should happen because of the other. Also it's no less nonsensical than you should be shielded from personal slurs but not groups from general ones.

Also he should get more leeway on particular language anyway since English isn't his first language (judging him harshly for misphrasing things is actually bigotry, internet equivalent of mocking someone's accent). Also I don't know if anyone addressed making sure the rules would be interpretable for non English speakers.
I am not a native English speaker and I am here to tell you that your post is nonsensical concern trolling. Also idk why are you here at all, you don’t even play werewolf.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 04:08 PM
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 04:08 PM
Ha, that's a good point. Maybe I am doing that, sorry if so gabe!
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 04:10 PM
Spamming sign-up threads is actually a problem that needs addressing. Just because there is another, more serious problem that needed to be addresses, does not mean that spamming sign-up threads is not a problem.

This is very different than generic rudeness towards the game mods, which should be discouraged by the community but definitely not prohibited by the rules, at least not any more than generic rudeness towards any other poster on this forum.

Last edited by UncleDynamite; 04-11-2021 at 04:16 PM.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Spamming sign-up threads is actually a problem that needs addressing. Just because there is another, more serious problem that needed to be addresses, does not mean that spamming sign-up threads is not a problem.

This is very different than generic rudeness towards the game mods, which should be discouraged by the community but definitely not prohibited by the rules, at least not any more than generic rudeness towards any other poster on this forum.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 06:20 PM
Game mods not providing a safe environment for players to player in is way more of a problem than players being rude to game mods and it isn't even remotely close. And I say this as someone who got relentlessly flamed in the last game he modded.

We have way more people on this site trying to run games than we have players to play in them. Any mod that thinks that they have "kept this site running" needs a massive reality check when mods are literally having to spam people just to get enough people to have their games run. Mods need players WAY more than players need mods.

This site is not hurting for lack of people willing to run games, it is hurting for lack of people to play in them.

As a totally separate note while Gabe and UD act like they are the only two werewolf mods on the site that are offering us their unique perspective, let us remember that Gabe, specifically, has run 1 werewolf game in the past 12 months. UncleDynamite, I think, has run zero.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 06:34 PM
I ran one game a head mod (last year's Anniversary, actually) comodded another one (Arrested Development) and helped with the design of 2 other games. Not as good as running 3 games (which is what you did) but not too shabby, either.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
I ran one game a head mod (last year's Anniversary, actually) comodded another one (Arrested Development) and helped with the design of 2 other games. Not as good as running 3 games (which is what you did) but not too shabby, either.
Yeah I mean my point was not to say you should be running more games. You should do whatever you want. I am just saying you are talking to a bunch of people in this thread most of whom have run many games (some very recently). We all know how to mod a game and what it entails.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
We all know how to mod a game and what it entails.
I do not remember saying otherwise. Just because I disagree with someone over proxying day actions does not mean I think they are bad game designers.

I still have no idea why did you call me out.
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
I can't tell if you're serious but obviously that is racist and you answered your own question in your last sentence
OK you American country nuker and cheeseburger eater

Was that racist?
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
I still have no idea why did you call me out.
wasn't meant to be a call out
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
OK you American country nuker and cheeseburger eater

Was that racist?
what race do you associate being anti-American with?
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Spamming sign-up threads is actually a problem that needs addressing. Just because there is another, more serious problem that needed to be addresses, does not mean that spamming sign-up threads is not a problem.

This is very different than generic rudeness towards the game mods, which should be discouraged by the community but definitely not prohibited by the rules, at least not any more than generic rudeness towards any other poster on this forum.
I do agree that once a game mod asks someone to stop posting in a signup or game thread then that person should stop immediately.

So if you were writing this rule what does it look like?
WW Schedule and Game Request Thread Quote
04-11-2021 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
While we are on the subject

Is calling someone from Japan a whale killer racist?

Other countries do it too.

Whale killing is morally bad.

Are we not allowed to make fun of people for doing bad things anymore?
Perhaps if one wishes to avoid racism while making fun of people for doing bad things, one should make sure one is talking to an actual person who kills whales before opening their mouths, cow killer.
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