Originally Posted by Cadaz
JD Case
Great work.
Originally Posted by derwipok
2. wtf why are you talking about peeks?
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
derwi chips sun mac derm
inb4horrible wolf list
Your hopes are derm, sun. Hit both of those and it's an OK list.
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
I'm just mentioning it since we're at the topic of lynch all live claimed/unclaimed seers
We aren't on that topic.
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
and if that's the reason why OTI isn't dead i'd like to add maru to my village list
I don't like to criticize, but this seems like a poorly chosen approach.
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
i've played with him like twice or thrice and this time it doesn't feel like he's radiating villageryness
I have to wonder if you are doing much reading.
Originally Posted by derwipok
Iirc chips was a wolf in lost wolves and played very well.
yric (I wasn't in lost wolves)
Originally Posted by Dr. Who
Are you claiming seer or not?
Not. Nobody has claimed seer in this game. At least not in a post that contains the word 'seer'.
Originally Posted by J.D.
I would have been the first to hop on Andy, since a double voter should have made that gap larger than it seemed.
As it is I am assuming the wolves have a vote switcher and they moved Andys vote to Globe to create the lynch results.
That's a lot of wolf voting power, so I dunno. Not going to worry about it.