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WW Memes 13er slow game WW Memes 13er slow game

01-10-2015 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
And here inlies the crux of thr problem. The last time hou mentioned mets was on the 7th, and you said you had no idea about him. You yourself said yesterday you had no idea who the wolves are.

So tell me, you havrnt said mets is a wolf (or anything about him really) so why do you think I sould reconsider my villa read of him?
I could me wrong but I thought your progression on mets went something like this:

1) Mets can read me correctly, and he's reading me villa, so mets must be villa
2) Actually mets always reads me villa in any role
3) But nevermind that mets is still a villa.

I'm over-simplifying, yes, but there is a problem there somewhere imo

Its not so much about what I think of mets but what you think of mets, and why, and if those reasons are genuine.

I have some thoughts on Mets related to what WN posted but I'd rather not discuss it at the moment. I probably will before EOD
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 07:41 PM
Wow, I come back and 2 new villas appear. Makes it CPHoya, Timon, Carl, Nofear, Mets, Tappo and me as the village. Im almost certain vyk is villa too.

Game is solved.
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01-10-2015 , 07:44 PM
It was admitt3dly part of but not the entire reason I have mets as a villager. Although I am quite curious how anything WN says can affect your tboughts on mets
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01-10-2015 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
Wow, I come back and 2 new villas appear. Makes it CPHoya, Timon, Carl, Nofear, Mets, Tappo and me as the village. Im almost certain vyk is villa too.

Game is solved.
oh, really
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01-10-2015 , 07:45 PM
it's a lolcat factory in here
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?
it's a lolcat factory in here
When did you start lolcatting?
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01-10-2015 , 07:56 PM
Need to talk it through in wolfchat because you know you are screwed? Or why is it taking you so long for a serious response?
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 07:57 PM
I'm not sure your post deserves a serious response, but it looks like the two new villagers you added to your prior list were mets and nofear, is that right? You had nofear as a possible wolf from my list and I don't think you've talked about mets in a while.

In any case, it seems like you'll have to actually discuss the reasons for your conclusions before they can be given a response beyond "lol"
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01-10-2015 , 07:59 PM
also, to be clear, I'm not worried about being lynched in this game, and I think that should be pretty obvious, so I think on the off chance you are a villager you should realize that fake bravado about me being scared is kind of pointless. There's no chance that you can ever get me lynched today.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Rel6ing on mislynching cory and ttt is an interesting plan I suppose, but woukdnt this team be gunning to lynch carl right now?
Since you asked, this kinda posts is prolly why I remember you as a strong villa.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by well named
You had nofear as a possible wolf from my list and I don't think you've talked about mets in a while.
I havent talked about mets at all this game. You make a connection between us too that just isnt there. Mets has me as a wolf pretty much since I entered and he prolly still thinks so. Yet, he is a villa that appears pretty clear to me atm.

I guess you rather have him misslynched tonight than me because he is a better player, less likely to be killed and it wouldnt draw attention to TTT/Cory.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:11 PM
What exactly makes him a pretty clear villager to you? Please be as specific as possible
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:12 PM
I have to say, the main reason your list seems insanely wolfy is because last night with about an hour until the lynch, or maybe 2, you posted something along the lines of "I can't go to bed because I have no idea who to vote". Like you had literally no idea.

Now, somehow you have the game exactly solved. That's impressive work! I'd like to see some of it.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:12 PM
oh, also to be clear again, I voted mets for funsies but the person we're lynching today is almost certainly you
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01-10-2015 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
My progression on Ronny is pure

Your case is wrong but not an awful thought process
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
The best part of your argument is ronny reacted weird to people calling him a wolf
Like posting these 2 right behind each other. 100% village.

Needless to add that everything makes perfect sense when you 3 are the wolves.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by well named
oh, also to be clear again, I voted mets for funsies but the person we're lynching today is almost certainly you
Thats okay. Misslynch me, lynch you/TTT/Cory the next 3 days and I win.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:17 PM
Again, I don't believe you think that those 2 posts make someone "100% village". I also have no idea what makes sense about a tom/cory/WN wolf team from your perspective, or why you have every other player clear. Please proceed...
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I have to say, the main reason your list seems insanely wolfy is because last night with about an hour until the lynch, or maybe 2, you posted something along the lines of "I can't go to bed because I have no idea who to vote". Like you had literally no idea.

Now, somehow you have the game exactly solved. That's impressive work! I'd like to see some of it.
Well its gone from 4/13 villas yesterday to 8/11 now. Do you really dont remember what you wrote and what answers you got or do I have to quote the last 150 posts?
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:19 PM
actually given your confidence, I would suggest you dont' bother responding to me, but write it out for everyone else. Imagine you are now a dead villager whom I have mislynched. Unfortunately for you, no one else will believe that you flipping villager means that the wolf team is me/tom/cory. Them's the breaks. You have to write an impassioned and detailed account of why we're the wolf team without assuming it. You have to persuade them all. Now is your chance...
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:32 PM
Cory takes 3 votes because he is dead sure Tom is wolf d1. You even give him credit for that.

Yet you both dont even think once about going against Tom d2. Really?

Then the whole conversation you had with nofear/mets just now is super wolfy when you read it as a villager. Especially given the answers you got, I have a hard time following it if you were a villager.

If itsnt you 3 its some super wierd ass combo like vyk, tappo and hoya, and if that'd be true then kudos to them.

Also Im fully aware that I will most likely be misslynched. It doesnt matter tho, game will change dramatically once I flip villa and Ive trust the village enough to win this one.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:35 PM
I've had tom as a villager for basically the entire game so I see no reason why you would think it's weird for me not to want to lynch him today.

Giving cory village credit for screwing up with regard to the post limit doesn't actually depend in any way on thinking his read was correct.

Please go into further detail about how my conversation with mets and nofear is wolfy. I read it as a villager, and I disagree. Apparently it's not obvious, so you'll have to elaborate.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 09:24 PM
[QUOTE=well named;45786585]Part 1 : Wherein Ronny makes some weird/wolfy posts close to EOD.[/QUOTE=well named;45786680]

Yet you voted anni. Because? Well, from a wolf POV my chance of being misslynched d2 is waaaaaaaaaay greater than annis.

[QUOTE=well named;45786585]This is about the post where ronny asks about gimmicks! Why so late commenting on it? He was there at the time.[/QUOTE=well named;45786680]

Given that I missed Hoyas post where he cleared them the first time around, its impossible not to realise why I asked. + I prolly asked in almost every POG WW game I played, because there always are some (unless someone cleared em and I didnt miss ofc ).

[QUOTE=well named;45786585]Now mets is using ronny being wolfy as leverage to continue pushing tom/cory. I find this fascinating because ronny ends up also on this tom/cory train of thought, even after mets is ronny a wolf along with those two.[/QUOTE=well named;45786680]

I think I explained very well why I thought tom/cory are wolves eod1. Why do you bring mets into the picture? He isnt there.

[QUOTE=well named;45786585]I get pretty super tinfoily about this progression to the ronny vote. And again *no reaction from ronny*[/QUOTE=well named;45786680]

On how many votes on me did I react?

[QUOTE=well named;45786585]This is ronny's only reaction to mets. "don't talk about me, lets vote your other wolf lean". Again, lolwat? [/QUOTE=well named;45786680]

At what point did I say anything about mets? I did not find him wolfy at all. Lets vote your other wolflean?????? lololololwat? I voted Cory for being ******ed, and the fact that you all think thats a villager move, just makes it even more likely for an experienced player to do it as a wolf.

Originally Posted by well named
Again in summary: There is something not right both in the way mets' wolf read of ronny develops, and in how ronny reacts to it. It looks like a weird bus to me, with ronny knowing he has to take it on the chin.

Next up: Looking at nofear/ronny and nofear/mets.
I fail to see why me not reacting to mets makes him a wolf because I dont really react to anyone of you calling me a wolf so that would mean you are a wolf too and Hoya and Timon and Tappo...

Originally Posted by well named
From villager-ronny's perspective, nofear, who he thought was the #1 wolf suspect on d1, has been pushing him with no explanation really, but somehow the next day, with nothing really changing, now he's pushing the same cory/tom wagons as nofear?

For villager-ronny I can't make sense of this. For wolf-ronny with wolf-nofear, it certainly looks like the fruits of a wolf chat dictating who is the busser and who is the bussee
He was there, he wasnt really active gd1, Im sure I said that. Guess what he wouldve done if some more actually voted him? He wouldve reacted, you guys got a read on him changed your vote or lynched him and we woulve had more information.

Originally Posted by Nofear3838
It seems that hour exact wolf team is me, mets, and ronni. That would be quite the game plan, considering that ronni and I have been lrobably the people that have been itt the least. Ronni you could probably get away with saying is hiding in wolf chat, but me? We know that doesnt happen. What exactly is the game plan with that wolf team?
You come with a wolf team but cant figure out a plan? Hard to believe.

Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Rel6ing on mislynching cory and ttt is an interesting plan I suppose, but woukdnt this team be gunning to lynch carl right now?
How comes your wolf suspect has to explain it to you?

Originally Posted by well named
Nofear: don't you want to lynch ronny, and expect him to flip wolf? Him flipping wolf isn't exactly a negative data point for my theory.
I for some reason really hate this post. Dunno what it is that makes me hate it.

There are more things that just dont feel right but that should be enough for now.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 09:25 PM
Sorry, I failed there.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 09:28 PM
Votes from post 1317 to post 1823
Night in 24:32:17

3 Ronny Mahoni Nofear3838 (58), vyk07 (46), DoUEvenLift? (46)
2 Nofear3838 JC Denton (63), El_Timon (46)
1 metsandfinsfan well named (79)
1 Carl_Spackler tappokone (34)
1 JC Denton Ronny Mahoni (25)
3 not voting Carl_Spackler (30), CPHoya (22), metsandfinsfan (44)
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
01-10-2015 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
Originally Posted by well named
Part 1 : Wherein Ronny makes some weird/wolfy posts close to EOD.
Yet you voted anni. Because? Well, from a wolf POV my chance of being misslynched d2 is waaaaaaaaaay greater than annis.
Because the wagons moved without me, and I wanted to make sure cory (with his +3 votes) didn't get lynched, and because annie seemed like a pretty decent lynch.

Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
Originally Posted by well named
This is about the post where ronny asks about gimmicks! Why so late commenting on it? He was there at the time.
Given that I missed Hoyas post where he cleared them the first time around, its impossible not to realise why I asked. + I prolly asked in almost every POG WW game I played, because there always are some (unless someone cleared em and I didnt miss ofc ).
You seem to have missed the point here. I was asking why mets didn't comment on your gimmick post at the time you made it, even though he was around, but later called it wolfy.

Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
Originally Posted by well named
Now mets is using ronny being wolfy as leverage to continue pushing tom/cory. I find this fascinating because ronny ends up also on this tom/cory train of thought, even after mets is ronny a wolf along with those two.
I think I explained very well why I thought tom/cory are wolves eod1. Why do you bring mets into the picture? He isnt there.
I don't find your explanation re: tom/cory persuasive. I am bringing mets into the picture because I think he is a wolf, which is the point of the post you are responding to. That has to do with my reads, not yours. You seem to be having trouble following.

[QUOTE=Ronny Mahoni;45793533]
Originally Posted by well named
I get pretty super tinfoily about this progression to the ronny vote. And again *no reaction from ronny*[/QUOTE0]

On how many votes on me did I react?
missing the point again. The point is that you have had no reaction to the people who have tried to lynch you...except me.

Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
Originally Posted by well named
This is ronny's only reaction to mets. "don't talk about me, lets vote your other wolf lean". Again, lolwat?
At what point did I say anything about mets? I did not find him wolfy at all.
Again you miss the point. The point is that you not finding mets wolfy despite his behavior towards you seems wolfy for you.

Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
I fail to see why me not reacting to mets makes him a wolf because I dont really react to anyone of you calling me a wolf so that would mean you are a wolf too and Hoya and Timon and Tappo...
It's sort of interesting to me that your response is focused on defending mets rather than yourself. The argument I'm making is that your posting towards each other looks like w/w and that your non-reaction spews mets wolf. Yet your defense is not "I didn't spew anyone because I'm a villager", but that you didn't spew because you dont' react...

Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
You come with a wolf team but cant figure out a plan? Hard to believe. How comes your wolf suspect has to explain it to you?
You aren't making any sense here. Obviously my theory is based on ideas about wolf spew and how wolves relate to each other. The theory is based implicitly also around the idea that mets and nofear are bussing you while hard defending each other, i.e as a "plan". I even quoted an exchange between those two which is suggestive. Nofear's objection is that supposedly that doesn't make sense, but there was no failure on my part to understand the nature of his objection, I simply don't agree with it.

I don't think you've done a very good job responding to my arguments since you misunderstood most of them, and your other comments are non-sequiturs.
WW Memes 13er slow game Quote
