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WW: The Matrix Game Thread WW: The Matrix Game Thread

06-04-2008 , 07:13 PM
did the wolves have 24hr wolf chat?
night was so short, and from the 'machines' perspective, it seemed like it could make sense

my big "mystery two" was dustin and reyth obv.
Some of the interaction with OH felt like a big setup, but only would have really worked if:
a) OH was a wolf
b) the wolves had 24hr chat

Since OH wasnt, then it didnt really matter.
And I wasnt really wasnt comfortable with how 99% villagery dustin was to some of the other players. I felt he was likely villagery, but I still had some doubts.
I decided that specifically listing him could, even if only subconsciously, could increase that to 99.4% for someone.

Yes, I realized that could seem wolfy.
No, I didnt really care.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 07:14 PM
gg village.

did OH really kill me by accident?
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:14 PM
Any thoughts on my play after being outed? What would you guys have done?
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:18 PM
killed who the village wanted you to kill

or what you did. it doesnt really matter
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:20 PM
Ship it.

[x] soulread atakdog
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by buckyb88
Any thoughts on my play after being outed? What would you guys have done?
i thought you played it really well, but were unlucky that Josh could pretty much 100% confirm you. I think claiming both a peek and a vig kill was too much though, this made it unbelievable.

if you admitted being SK and promised to work with the village you might have stayed a little while and had some fun shooting people, but you could never win the game once Josh found you. it's very hard to win the game as SK anyway.

one thing you missed was the keymaker's description in the signup thread, if you had read this you might have been able to put some thought into a different claim.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by DustinG
killed who the village wanted you to kill

or what you did. it doesnt really matter
since you're just playing for fun at that point I much prefer promising to kill who they want you to kill, then reneging on that and claiming some ridiculous reason why the next day.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:23 PM
yea, i guess i still thought there was some chance i could win.. it probably would have been more fun hanging around and trying to find and kill neo..
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
Ship it.

[x] soulread atakdog
I'll give you that. I knew the second I posted it that it was wrong (though actually you focused in a slightly different spot than I thought you would), and I knew the second I saw you say you had another wolf that it was me. Nice.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Thebram
did the wolves have 24hr wolf chat?
night was so short, and from the 'machines' perspective, it seemed like it could make sense

my big "mystery two" was dustin and reyth obv.
Some of the interaction with OH felt like a big setup, but only would have really worked if:
a) OH was a wolf
b) the wolves had 24hr chat

Since OH wasnt, then it didnt really matter.
And I wasnt really wasnt comfortable with how 99% villagery dustin was to some of the other players. I felt he was likely villagery, but I still had some doubts.
I decided that specifically listing him could, even if only subconsciously, could increase that to 99.4% for someone.

Yes, I realized that could seem wolfy.
No, I didnt really care.
No 24 hour chat.

The two-hour night actually screwed us -- we almost never had everyone on line, and then last night RT had to send his Josh kill in early in the day, when by eod it was painfully obvious that the only way tyo win was to kill Neo, and that Aard was neo.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:44 PM
I was wondering two big things:

(1) Neutrals: What The ****? But then, we've discussed that...

(2) Dustin -- Did you really read RT as good that last day? My guess was you had worked out that he was evil, and were hoping to out the other wolf with your reversal -- that's why I called you on it and kept pointing to aard as the best lynch.

(Note, with RT's vote-buying power, if both RT and I make it to today, we have at worst a flip. I was thinking of arguing just to leave me alive until today, but thought that might make it easier to figure out the RT situation. My only hope at that point that was Dustin really did like RT and that Dustin was Neo and killed Bram last night.)

Last edited by atakdog; 06-04-2008 at 08:54 PM. Reason: typo
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by buckyb88
yea, i guess i still thought there was some chance i could win.. it probably would have been more fun hanging around and trying to find and kill neo..
What I would have done:
  • Understand that you really couldn't win, and were playing for fun.
  • Offer the following: You will never kill anyone who has claimed a good power role. You will kill whomever you want other than this list. (might need to be altered -- maybe alternate village calls it and you do, or don't kill claimed vanillagers either)
  • In exchange, village does not have to "waste" a lynch on you when they are trying to find wolves.
I'm not sure people would go for it, but if you're a smoooth talker you migt get to stick around for a couple of days, anyway.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
I'll have to go back and read my "analysis" of bobs naming atak for errors, but I had myself convinced that naming atak and actually trying to convert someone else was bob's optimal play.
At least my knuckleheadishness didn't cost us the game.
I submit for your consideration that you had a little help convincing yourself of that.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I submit for your consideration that you had a little help convincing yourself of that.
That was a pretty great play by you actually. It made me go from pretty sure that Bob was telling the truth to undecided.

You had a bit of bad luck by going after Aard though. Me and Josh needed to form an alternative wagon, and it just so happened that Josh went for you so I needed to follow and obviously the rest of the village had to as well. I'm willing to give the village MVP award to Josh for that one, heh. Runner-up: Bob, lol.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 09:10 PM
Sorry for not being around my last day. I was off work and getting the wife and kids packed for their trip and forgot clean about it until about 90 mins after nightfall.


Hooray village!
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
My only hope at that point that was Dustin really did like RT and that Dustin was Neo and killed Bram last night.)
This is why I thought dustin was neo.
I thought his attacking me was fake. So that the wolves would think if he were neo, he'd just NK me himself.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 11:16 PM
I kinda thought the same about dustin. I thought he sounded wolfier after a couple of days, and thought he might be trying to avoid being nk'ed because he had been converted.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 11:18 PM
no i just suck (except of course for sick tarheels one word first post soulreading)
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by DustinG
no i just suck (except of course for sick tarheels one word first post soulreading)

You also were OH's staunchest defender, and at one point, "cleared" me, so you had other points in your favor.

BTW, thanks to atak and aaronkson for letting me live d2, and zeturd for missing me n2. I do feel bad I missed that day, but I was caught up in almost costing the wolves the game in the playboy thread in the morning, and was afk after noon.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by ZeTurd
That was a pretty great play by you actually. It made me go from pretty sure that Bob was telling the truth to undecided.

You had a bit of bad luck by going after Aard though. Me and Josh needed to form an alternative wagon, and it just so happened that Josh went for you so I needed to follow and obviously the rest of the village had to as well. I'm willing to give the village MVP award to Josh for that one, heh. Runner-up: Bob, lol.
Clear on Josh as MVP; he won it for you there. But I still like my chances if Bob doesn't out me. Even if he outs RT I'm OK, I think, though I may have to take a shot at Neo.

It wasn't so much bad luck going after Aard, as perhaps a bad decision. When I took heat from Bram and then got a sense of undecided from Josh, I guessed that our only chance might well turn out to be to nail Neo. At that point it was likely Aard, but one of Dustin's early plays had looked like FPS as Neo, and I needed to be pretty sure to go that route. Hence, I tried to get hints from you. Unfortunately, by the time I got them it was too late to back off without looking like I was outing Neo. (What I wanted you to do was choose between Aard and Dustin, which is why I "cleared" Aries; I couldn't clear RT because I'd have been reversing myself.)

Incidentally, it was irrelevant that I did go after Aard because RT was afk and had sent his kill before nightfall, but I didn't know that.

Another mistake, as Josh pointed out, was my not throwing "vanilla" into my arguments when Bob did his thing. I really did have only have half an hour to scramble that, because I was occupied in the Playboy game, but I probably should have worked it out.

I had another plan which I was going to execute if RT looked to be getting lots of heat and be a likely next lynch target, the day Bob was being wagoned -- but I'll save that for next game...

(Overall, I was feeling pretty good about how things were going, and I sure had an opportunity for some fancy talk on my last day. Cute that just as this game was ending I was desperate to point to this game, over in the Playboy thread at final three, as proof that I would actually play decently as a wolf, but RT didn't concede and somebody over there could never figure out what I was trying to get at. Doesn't matter anyway -- I got toyed with all day but the decision was made when the day started -- I just got to put in a lot of work as a way of twisting the knife. Reminds me -- one thing I appreciate about this game is that everybody was trying hard.)

Sigh. I'm going to win a game some day.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 12:19 AM
can we get a full list of actions, such as who killed who each night etc? I just want to check some things out.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 12:20 AM
I feel like this game was very well designed btw.
Awesome job mods.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by clowntable
I feel like this game was very well designed btw.
Awesome job mods.
QFT definitely. this was very fun, and really got you thinking. these mish-mash games with limited info are so cool.
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 03:09 AM
Yes; this game deserves a lot of credit for being well run, well designed, and a lot of fun to play.

I also really liked the day/night cycle, even though I was terrible about it a few times (If only we didn't run games during the weekends...)
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by buckyb88
yea, i guess i still thought there was some chance i could win.. it probably would have been more fun hanging around and trying to find and kill neo..
This was my worry - if village had not lynched you i would have NK'ed you instead of Nez the 1st night.

SK is just too unpredictable to be allowed to live imo
WW: The Matrix Game Thread Quote
