Originally Posted by ZeTurd
That was a pretty great play by you actually. It made me go from pretty sure that Bob was telling the truth to undecided.
You had a bit of bad luck by going after Aard though. Me and Josh needed to form an alternative wagon, and it just so happened that Josh went for you so I needed to follow and obviously the rest of the village had to as well. I'm willing to give the village MVP award to Josh for that one, heh. Runner-up: Bob, lol.
Clear on
Josh as MVP; he won it for you there. But I still like my chances if Bob doesn't out me. Even if he outs RT I'm OK, I think, though I may have to take a shot at Neo.
It wasn't so much bad luck going after Aard, as perhaps a bad decision. When I took heat from Bram and then got a sense of undecided from Josh, I guessed that our only chance might well turn out to be to nail Neo. At that point it was likely Aard, but one of Dustin's early plays had looked like FPS as Neo, and I needed to be pretty sure to go that route. Hence, I tried to get hints from you. Unfortunately, by the time I got them it was too late to back off without looking like
I was outing Neo. (What I wanted you to do was choose between Aard and Dustin, which is why I "cleared" Aries; I couldn't clear RT because I'd have been reversing myself.)
Incidentally, it was irrelevant that I did go after Aard because RT was afk and had sent his kill before nightfall, but I didn't know that.
Another mistake, as Josh pointed out, was my not throwing "vanilla" into my arguments when Bob did his thing. I really did have only have half an hour to scramble that, because I was occupied in the Playboy game, but I probably should have worked it out.
I had another plan which I was going to execute if RT looked to be getting lots of heat and be a likely next lynch target, the day Bob was being wagoned -- but I'll save that for next game...
(Overall, I was feeling pretty good about how things were going, and I sure had an opportunity for some fancy talk on my last day. Cute that just as this game was ending I was desperate to point to this game, over in the Playboy thread at final three, as proof that I would actually play decently as a wolf, but RT didn't concede and somebody over there could never figure out what I was trying to get at. Doesn't matter anyway -- I got toyed with all day but the decision was made when the day started -- I just got to put in a lot of work as a way of twisting the knife. Reminds me -- one thing I appreciate about this game is that everybody was trying hard.)
Sigh. I'm going to win a game some day.