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WW: Independence Day WW: Independence Day

07-06-2009 , 04:13 PM
[_] bitchibee ---
[_] browneyedgirl --- luckay
[_] coordi --- icon
[_] dustin --- luckay
[_] fcbl --- zurvan
[_] gtpitch --- luckay
[1] jennifer --- icon
[3] luckay --- jg
[_] m1ke ---
[_] myrrth (wn) --- icon
[_] onthinice ---
[_] scrubbo (aries) --- icon
[_] sixfour --- icon
[6] the icon ---
[_] zomghax ---
[1] zurvan --- icon
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer Garner
Oh that's why you guys decided to nk vaya instead of dustin. Thanks for letting us know.

This is Jennifer Garner pushing a b.s. reason on villager Icon.
Just to let you all know.

Well, that's what I'm thinking at least, not that it matters.
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:22 PM
I'm on my way out, should be back close to night.

Whatever you do, don't lynch luckay, plz
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:26 PM
Ok so I'm going to make a list of all my reads\leans and random thoughts if I have any.

bitchibee - Just discussed. Was leaning villa all the way but now I'm not so sure. When I get off work I'm going to reread him tonight to get a better feel. Lets go neutral for now.
browneyedgirl - Peeked village by claimed seer
coordi - lean villa. Seems to be playing a typical new villager game
dustin - claimed seer
fcbl - cleared from seer hunt (or am I confused). If not I still lean villa. reads seem to be on this game.
gtpitch - villager, ldo
jennifer - jg seems to be playing his villa game. i agree with a lot of what he posted today. villa lean
luckay - lean wolf. reads are from left field this game. no aggression or read pushing.
m1ke - whoa wtf. who is this? i don't remember any posts. neutral for now until i read up
myrrth (wn) - cleared from seer hunt. i would lean villa anyway
onthinice - not sure. tough to find a wolf team where oti doesn't fit. also the pushing of dustin no longer makes any sense. just strange all around. lean slightly wolf
scrubbo (aries) - subbed into game. seems to be playing villagery from what i know for today. neutral to slightly villagery
sixfour - no read\ neutral
the icon - not 100% on this person either. d1 looks bad for him now as well as some bigger comments. lean wolf
zomghax - lean villa
zurvan - lean slightly wolf. somewhat of a POE thing. a few things EOD d2 and d3 confuse me
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
I'm on my way out, should be back close to night.

Whatever you do, don't lynch luckay, plz
Should we lynch you instead?

You don't want us to lynch LL and LL doesn't want us to lynch Icon. So who do you want dead?
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:39 PM
Dustin you're pissing me off, atleast beg had the decency to explain herself. Just because you're right on one person doesn't make you god.

Jennifer Garner
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:43 PM
GT how can you give jg credit for this ridiculously parroty list. I ean the seer claiment, the clamients peeked villa, and those three wolves? Give me a break.

Originally Posted by Jennifer Garner
Top reads based off of the few things that I caught while reading bigger and from when I got back yesterday:



Also, I saw that at mid-EOD yesterday I was getting a lot of pressure. I really don't understand it considering I haven't been around and hadn't posted since page 2. I know I still have a bunch of stuff to catch up on but I wanna at least get my thoughts out there.

As I catch up I'll post an updated SSOD
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:43 PM
Since nobody wants to lynch Zurvan right now...


Both moved their votes off Biggerboat and on to BEG at the last minute
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
This is Jennifer Garner pushing a b.s. reason on villager Icon.
Just to let you all know.

Well, that's what I'm thinking at least, not that it matters.
And this ldo, that reason is so fake and made up.
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Since nobody wants to lynch Zurvan right now...


Both moved their votes off Biggerboat and on to BEG at the last minute
Don't talk crazy. I'd be ok with lynching zurvan after some more discussion. Actually here ya go...

[vote: zurvan]
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:45 PM

Do you agree or not with that list of wolves and villagers?
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:47 PM
not too much sense in waiting to reveal peek i suppose. i've given serious consideration to naming someone as a wolf and seeing what the reaction is, but enough people know that I might do that (i think) that I wouldn't be able to trust the read and i just want to get my honest thoughts out about people


peeks were dmk, bigger, beg, pitch. i know its not great but thats what it is

i feel pretty good about pretty much everybody else except for Zurvan, Luckay, Icon, and Bitchibee

the only problem is there is 1 more wolf and I'm clearing everybody else

but of the people that I'm clearing I'd have to say that I'm least confident about JG, followed by OTI.

But if we just rolled through those first 4 and didn't stop to think until they were all dead, i really do think that would be best

only way luckay/zurvan/bitchibee/icon doesn't contain at least 3 wolves, is if there is some fps going on and somehow WN and FCBL are both wolves-- but i don't think this is the case

people who should never be lynched even if they howl at the moon the rest of the game are zomg, coordi, and probably 64 too imo
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
Dustin you're pissing me off, atleast beg had the decency to explain herself. Just because you're right on one person doesn't make you god.

Jennifer Garner
there is no explaining

people are either villagery or not villagery

you aren't that villagery
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:54 PM
i also think that Jennifer Garner is probably the easiest person to read who is left alive in this game, and possibly of all the players playing ww

when JG is a villager JG is always an obvious villager

but JG isn't a villager yet. but he should still be given time (given his time away) to become one
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:55 PM
also OTI--

if you could explain your thought process during the early days of this game, that would be helpful
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:56 PM
Sorry for not clearing myself and making you peek me dustin
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by gtpitch
Sorry for not clearing myself and making you peek me dustin
i was super close to peeking elliot last night

but i peeked you because i figured that you were good but that you might get mislynched later because of the beg voting
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by DustinG
i was super close to peeking elliot last night

but i peeked you because i figured that you were good but that you might get mislynched later because of the beg voting
Makes sense.

I'd also assume you would have no objection to lynching zurvan or LL tonight? Do you prefer icon over those 2?
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:03 PM
re Zurvan:

I admit to not being able to read Zurvan. (at least not on tone at all-- I don't think zurvan can be read on tone)

But Zurvan-- especially today, is really starting the remind me of his play in the companions game. He doesn't really have any sort of suspects, isn't trying to piece the game together, defensive, etc

he will of course claim that he hasn't had time and is always defensive

also, Zurvan and Bitchibee have had some interesting interactions that come across as w/w to me
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by gtpitch

Do you agree or not with that list of wolves and villagers?
Oti is probally village, Zurvan is probally wolf. I can't read LL, but him being on JG puts him in my good books. I've played wiht icon three times, 2 turbos and pb (which as I stated I haven't payed attention to.) In the 2 turbos he was mislynched both on d1, so from what I've seen he comes off as always wolfy all the time. there is no real case against him, just a bunch of people screaming from what I've seen. I haven't payed much attention to coordi - will reread him, but him playing the noob card when hes played on em is extremely fishy.
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by gtpitch
Makes sense.

I'd also assume you would have no objection to lynching zurvan or LL tonight? Do you prefer icon over those 2?
I'm not sure who I prefer or if it matters

i keep thinking that one of zurvan/luckay might be a villager-- especially the way they have been defending each other, but there is enough wolfy stuff about both of them that i do think they both need to die

but icon also needs to die

so it doesn't matter
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:10 PM
Out of sheer curiosity, what dirt do you have on me Dustin?
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by DustinG
there is no explaining

people are either villagery or not villagery

you aren't that villagery
well thats ****ing awesome isn't it
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by gtpitch

Do you agree or not with that list of wolves and villagers?
point is not whether or not you agree with a certain list, look at it. All JG's list does is parrot the mood of the game.
WW: Independence Day Quote
07-06-2009 , 05:12 PM
Dustin, why do you feel good about:

1. AriesRam (by the way, if hypothetically I were to be nightkilled, this guy is a wolf 100%)
2. zomghax

by the way, Jennifer Garner is a wolf 100% of the time. If I get nightkilled, I mean.
WW: Independence Day Quote
