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WW: Hyperion Game Thread WW: Hyperion Game Thread

09-22-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Andynan
The catch here is that we should heed soah's advice but act on our own insticts as villagers. Every villager out there act on his own reads please. We should listen to soah if he has good, articulated arguments to compliment our own reads. No one should skip doing his own analysis, nor should we lynch whoever soah says.

Have we lynched who soah wanted thus far? Its not the time to start, he'll get his say, no doubt, and it is good that he does, but we, the villagers are majority by day and will rule the lynch. Diggity would want it so.
See I somewhat disagree here, but that's somewhat meta-ish. This game works best with leaders and followers - if everyone just flails around wolves win a vast majority of the time. Someone like Soah has the skills and the power to be a leader but only if we believe him to be a villager. There are people in this game who if they are a villager I don't care what they think really, Soah is not one of those people. He's among the least likely as a wolf to push for his own teammates because people listen to him more than other people, but he's also among the most likely to find wolves if he's a villager. Learning his role has more value to the village than learning the role of any remaining player in the game.

But look, if you want to give him a day with no possible angel protection that's fine, I just don't like the idea of lynching Bitchi before that happens. Can't we at least compromise and say that we'll lynch Bitchi the day after Soah turns up dead villa and focus on other people before that?
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Andynan
I really need a new playerlist, im so lazy but I need to find a wolf ffs.
Here's a player list. Please vote for EnGarde today.

WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Andynan
also, do you think zomg only ties RF and me like that if we are w/v or is w/w possible as well?

Why w/v exactly?

Wouldn't it be extremely exploitable?
No, I don't think he does it if you're w/w because that ties your whole team too closely together. I really believe that w/v (or v/w) is BY FAR the most likely combo when he ties you together in that way. To be fair I'd think it's more likely that he'd do it if you two were v/v than w/w.

A lot of what people do in WW is exploitable, but there are very very few people (and I am certainly not among them) who are able to exploit all the exploitable things that people do.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:12 PM
Actually **** it


Here's a wolf - ship it holla etc
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
This game works best with leaders and followers
You can lead the EnGarde lynch Herbie.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD

But look, if you want to give him a day with no possible angel protection that's fine, I just don't like the idea of lynching Bitchi before that happens. Can't we at least compromise and say that we'll lynch Bitchi the day after Soah turns up dead villa and focus on other people before that?
Let's try to find a wolf outside of soah and Bitchi for today then.

You make sense and speak well, unfortunately they say you are good so I can't give you any villa points. But I really want to. In fact, I might secretly give you some, but deny it.

No villa points for you sir.

WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
You can lead the EnGarde lynch Herbie.
There's definitely something to be said for an EnGarde lynch

I would not oppose an EnGarde lynch in any way, but I don't feel like leading it at this time
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Andynan
You make sense and speak well, unfortunately they say you are good so I can't give you any villa points. But I really want to. In fact, I might secretly give you some, but deny it.
It's funny because I don't think I really post differently as a villager than I do as a wolf, but I know that I think differently and that comes across differently in both tone and thought processes.

And that's also a big part of the reason why I can still hold some doubt about your role, because I know that posting style/volume is not a sufficient village tell for certain people.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:19 PM
I would never push for a lynch of zomg over felix as a wolf (and I'd find it hard to believe other wolves would either). It was clear to everyone (at the time) that those were the two peeks and it would have looked 0% suspicious to vote for either one. In fact, I even made a post where I said it was overwhelmingly likely that zomg was the peek and even though soah's post made sense, I still went back to him when it would have been super easy for me to go for felix.

If felix had gotten lynched it would have bought zomg at least a day or two (or maybe even cleared him) while people tried to figure out what dustin was actually doing
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:21 PM
You know what I had almost forgotten something

Coordi made a booboo at the end of day 2 iirc

Lemme go find it
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:22 PM
Are there any person(s) who you'd consider to be a strongly active person on D1/D2 who quieted down and became more passive D3+? I cannot remember and am unsure if I'm being absent minded or not. I'd say both this and it's opposite (quiet to vocal) could be a wolf tell. Engarde fits the profile of the quiet person who became more authoritative when talking about Felix/ZOMG. Is this because he knows there is no bad outcome and the lynches are already in place? The active to quiet may not be as much of a tell. This post is probably dumb but I can't remember any really noticeable changes and I think that there should be at least some, right?
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:29 PM
I've been active--->quiet.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
wow i dislike this rite der
Response to something Felix said

Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Switch your vote to him then
My Response to coordi

Originally Posted by coordi
im thinking about it but id like to see if anything else develops in the next couple of minutes
His response to me

Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Yeah lynching Felix seems like a good plan to me
I say this randomly a bit later

Originally Posted by coordi
i dont mind as long as herbie and luckbox get some heat tomorrow
coordi's response to me

Originally Posted by Andynan
pretty sure lucky and felix are both villagers
Andy says this shortly afterwards

Originally Posted by coordi
Coordi x-posts this vote with Andy's comment

Originally Posted by coordi
yea : \
Coordi responds to Andy's post

Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
qf important post
Ok here's a selected sequence of posts from near the eod on day 2. The first post was coordi responding to something Felix said. I then respond to coordi and he responds back to me. I then urge people to vote Felix there, coordi responds with a post that assumes Felix is a villager (since obviously if Felix is lynched as a wolf Dustin and I would get kudos not heat). He then votes Felix despite saying that he thinks Felix and LuckyDevil are both villagers and despite the fact that there's another wagon (esse) who was tied with both of them. The last post was mine in response to the "herbie and luckbox getting heat" post since I wanted to remember it in case Felix came up villa.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:33 PM
thanks chips for the player list, secret villa points for you as well.

Quick stats: f14 + soah, 11 villas & 4 wolves

Good villagers, we are at f15 after TOG passed away this evening. There are still 4 wolves among us, and all the officers on board have been murdered. It's up to us now to take the lead and win this, try to be involved in the lynching duties please.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
Are there any person(s) who you'd consider to be a strongly active person on D1/D2 who quieted down and became more passive D3+? I cannot remember and am unsure if I'm being absent minded or not. I'd say both this and it's opposite (quiet to vocal) could be a wolf tell. Engarde fits the profile of the quiet person who became more authoritative when talking about Felix/ZOMG. Is this because he knows there is no bad outcome and the lynches are already in place? The active to quiet may not be as much of a tell. This post is probably dumb but I can't remember any really noticeable changes and I think that there should be at least some, right?
Well, Danny was never "strongly active" but his participation has certainly tailed off here recently
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Andynan
I wanted to add that I disagree with Mcavoy saying at every turn how he thinks digger is a bad villager. I think diggity played well, he saved one nk and was clear in everyone's eyes.

That's pretty good legacy in my book
I like digger, I just don't respect his wolf hunting skills. For the record, I never commented on his angel skills. I think he did amazing as an angel preventing a NK. It gives us a huge edge, it gives us an extra day or two before we have to sort out saoh's role imo.

Which is why I want to sort out bitchi today. Why let it fester another day.

However I probably could go engarde / coordi today as well.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:46 PM
btw, I accidently left myself off the player list. We are 12 and 4. We lost a mislynch with the modkill. We now have 3 left.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
It's funny because I don't think I really post differently as a villager than I do as a wolf, but I know that I think differently and that comes across differently in both tone and thought processes.

And that's also a big part of the reason why I can still hold some doubt about your role, because I know that posting style/volume is not a sufficient village tell for certain people.
My villager game is super ahead of my wolf game.

So imagine how bad a wolf I am.
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:50 PM


And I'm gonna be out for a while, I may or may not make it back before lynch depending on how much I drink at my friends house
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:54 PM
i f****** knew it

WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by aao
I'm getting the feeling now that dustins death was not a seer hunt. I think that he never plays as seer like that and doesn't leave his peeks in the thread.
sweet jesus, what the hell are you on about? while the seer is in play, the wolves' priority is to kill the seer. and to try to speculate on what dustin was or was not trying is somewhat crazy
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:55 PM
I think TOG should have been subbed now, 1 mislynch less is like getting today wrong already. At least make us mislynch TOG, we have an effective "no lynch" in that.

Can we open up the option of lynching TOG today, to get back on odd number playerlist numbers?
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:56 PM
if you guys are seriously thinking about lynching me for somehow "KNOWING" the peeks, then you're all really dumb
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by EnGarde
if you guys are seriously thinking about lynching me for somehow "KNOWING" the peeks, then you're all really dumb
ok, can you explain what you thought the possible peeks were and how you decided which were correct?
WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:58 PM
so, wait, what, herbie is somewhat active, then goes "oh wait i almost forgot something", then proceeds to make a weaksauce argument to try to lynch coordi, who in my eyes is probably a villager? and then just leaves the vote there and may or may not be back to move it? that's poor. herbie being alive at this stage is at least fishy, and that series of postings looks like a wolf just trying to secure a mislynch and give themselves up in the process

WW: Hyperion Game Thread Quote
