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WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama.

10-14-2009 , 09:43 PM
sorry imeant village vig
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
Good, then GTFO and let a sub in.
uniquest, another_rack, spamzor, rongwrong, nebeur, 4_ducks, and ElliotR
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Chumplestultz
i think 11t is a really good candidate for tomorrow.
Uh... Why? You're a wolf suspect and this is the first time 11t was mentioned as a possible wagon target. I think 11t is legit, too, so that furthers the idea that you're a wolf.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
it doesn't matter. if you don't get lynched then you will die tonight anyway


obv, villa vig should not kill nebuer

i could give a **** what the SK does

also this post kinda spews tim villager; we should start looking for good second wagon fast
QFT for the neutrals.

As far as spewing him villager I dunno.

Could be a level by nebuer. Wolves have chat right now remember?

If we have w/w wagons he could say something like that to get us to CFD a villager
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:43 PM
this game is doing my head in haha. i woke up two hours ago to play poker. since that time all i have done is had this werewolf thread open.

11t second wagon gogogo!
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by taikogod
vanilla vig - i'd like to see you take out pokurz tonight.. it'd be a lot clearer for us imo

thoughts on this?
yeah this ******ed, why the hell is the village going to waste a vote on me when they can kill a wolf? thats exactly what the wolfs want to happen. or they would have killed me by now.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:44 PM
You still didn't answer my question either. And i think it's important because it's the basis of your claim that i'm a neutral.

Pokurz - answer me this. Would you have preferred me to sit back and let someone have a lot of influence early in the game without having a legit reason to do so?
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Chumplestultz
this game is doing my head in haha. i woke up two hours ago to play poker. since that time all i have done is had this werewolf thread open.

11t second wagon gogogo!
why 11t?
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:45 PM
Too late for a second wagon on chump or pokurz?
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by gtpitch
QFT for the neutrals.

As far as spewing him villager I dunno.

Could be a level by nebuer. Wolves have chat right now remember?

If we have w/w wagons he could say something like that to get us to CFD a villager
I'm all ears if you have a strong candidate. Otherwise I think a CFD now will fail worse than our CFD on nebuer yesterday.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by gtpitch
Could be a level by nebuer. Wolves have chat right now remember?
yeah forgot about that

I still think its villagery for primo because chumples has like no heat on him and wouldn't feel the need to do something like that. but rescinding my 95% villager to >rand
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
plus, he's worried about what someone else might say about him...

if chumples is a wolf, then this 99% clears primo imo
i don't understand why that would clear primo. but you can explain that to me later. right now i would rather switch second wagons. like i said before. i thought tims was just a shot in the dark.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by 4_ducks
Too late for a second wagon on chump or pokurz?
will join in on chump if needed
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:46 PM
ok 11t said some fishy things early, there was an initial post i read where he was going to way too much effort to type from the point of someone who wasn't a wolf. then he came out with that willing to vote change thing, he also has defended AoN with FAR too much effort for my liking, he started off today suggesting we pick a diff target than nebuer and then just jumped on that wagon when he realised it would be suss if he didn't no i'm not going back to get posts because **** you i've spent enough time in THIS ****ING THREAD haha.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:46 PM
if nebuer somehow turns up villager i'm going to be really pissed
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by jr4284
Wow didn't notice that. I'll have to take a closer look at rongwrong...

6 people voted for halfwitted on day 1, and rongwrong was the only one to take his vote off of him.

Pokurz had a bandwagon going of 8
Mused01 had a bandwagon going of 10

Those other 5 really didn't have reason to take their votes off if they were wolves - they wouldn't have known that Pokurz was neutral seer, they just would have known that 2 non-wolves were in the lead.

Those 5:

AoN seems as villagery as they come, but I think the other 4 merit further investigation.
I thought halfwit was the most likely wolf on D1 and I wasn't convinced otherwise. I picked him over mused before pokurz wagon and still preferred halfwit. I still thought D1 was mostly random, but even when I reread some of D1 stuff earlier today I felt halfwit was the most likely at the time.

Originally Posted by bsball8806
so you think i'm a wolf and am bussing two of my partners?

trust me, if I were a wolf in this game, I would be trying to get as many villagers lynched in a row as I could. I wouldn't buss a single wolf.
Not the first person I'd point out, but this looks kind of wolfy. When you hold it up to the other stuff you've posted, I don't think you're a major suspect atm, but just pointing this out bc I didn't see anyone else.

Originally Posted by semper fidelis
i really don't see what the case is on tim
so i guess i will be voting for neuber
I don't think anybody replied to my reads on TimS, I was feeling the same way a few hrs ago before I caught up.

Originally Posted by pokurz
he peeked me as being a ******ed vanillager. he prayed for my safety. and it was granted. so that i could lose interest in the game and now post random meaningless garbage. but i'm still spot on with my wolf suspicions. I can feel it. when i don't know the answer to a multiple choice question. I ALWAYS vote "C".
I feel like if you were a villager you'd just sit there quietly until somebody voted you off if you didn't want to play. I'm still not sure on you, but a lot of your posts contradict one another and not in such a random way as TimS (though TimS posts a lot less often).

Originally Posted by another_rack
A vote for pokurz is a vote to save the game. I may stop playing if this tard box doesn't die.

Filthy i tried to multiquote you post but messed up on iphone. I think you were initially just being dense but now realize this was on purpose which changed my vote.

Were the eff is neubers?
Settle down, he's not ruining the game, only his role.

Originally Posted by pokurz
okay seriously, i'm done with the stupid ****. i don't want another_rack to quit. I would much rather lynch him tomorow night.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by spamz0r
we're backz, tims a bit drunk fwiw so idk if he's capable of defending himself seriously
maybe we can get a read on him lol
Your ear infection better now?

Originally Posted by gtpitch
fithy is looking very villagery today and I'm glad we didn't lynch him yesterday.
Originally Posted by TimS-
He's my roommate, I know he wants to get rid of me just to be able to say "I lasted longer than you did" and he still hasn't recovered from the sick level aon pulled off last game.
This doesn't seem like a great way to play the game. Iirc spamz said he doesn't want to post much early in the game (yesterday sometime here I think), but wouldn't you at least want to throw out some vague reads if you can't pick up anything this early?

90% of the posts we've all made have been soft reads, but that's how you build a case and start to narrow people down.

Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
wow, just catch up now before EOD, what makes you pick out these two? Seems they've been talked about very little thus far
They aren't posting as much or accusing anybody of anything.

Originally Posted by 4_ducks
Why hasn't ChiRy posted.

Also, Primo, why did you waste your vote on Chumps? Your tail is showing.
Was eating. Catching up now.

Chumps needs to be looked at further, but I agree it's weird to vote 1 on him, unless he's certain Chumps is wolf, if so he should share his reads obv (neutral tell?).

Originally Posted by pokurz
i think 4_ducks is a better 2nd wagon
Maybe I didn't pick up on it, but any other reasons than "he's posting a lot about others?"

Originally Posted by spamz0r
yeah atm it's mainly a fu vote but he doesnt make sense (nor does he make sense a lot in general but whatever)

he just went to bed btw -hax

vote tims
Meh to both of these. I keep flip flopping on TimS. I thought dead on wolf earlier today, but then I went back and realized I misread vote history and thought he would likely just tarding it up in here.

His actions as today goes on are making him look worse and worse.

Originally Posted by pokurz
all somebody has to do is look at all your posts. the are complete idiocracy and stupid. you accuse way too many people and post way too much stupid sht. you're an over zealous wolf.
Pot/kettle on this one, not that it's a reason you shouldn't list your reasons. I'm not sold yet, anybody else agree with pokurz?

Originally Posted by bsball8806
nebuer please post a list of your complete reads at this point

Vote Nebuer

Seems like our best bet so far, much better than Muse or LD. I also don't think FM should be off the hook yet, his posts look smarter, not more innocent.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:48 PM
Chump changed vote of neb last night and voted for syous on n0. He seems like a prime target if we want to change our second wagon. If so, we need to act now.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:48 PM
seriously, why the **** would i come in at this late stage of the day and just randomly bring up a new name if i was a wolf. reading back through the days posts 11t has done some weird things. thats really the only thing i had to say that hadn't already been said.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
if nebuer somehow turns up villager i'm going to be really pissed
I'll probably quit WW forever tbh
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:48 PM
man this is going ridic quick, 13 min left, my vote is on neb right now but if we're constructing a second train somebody come up with it quick, basically im catching up (page 96 atm) so i'll be looking to bsball / gtpitch to have decent candidates and will probably go with that
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:50 PM
Ok, I started trying to re-read and I'm just not up for it right now, I'll give it a shot when I get home tonight...I just need to get up to speed, staying current isn't very hard once I do.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:50 PM
Will I lose villager points for trying to get the second wagon to be chump?
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:50 PM
So why exactly are bsball and gtpitch cleared as villagers? I haven't seen anyone post anything about them.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
You still didn't answer my question either. And i think it's important because it's the basis of your claim that i'm a neutral.
im really not sure how to answer this, i'm unaware of your role. but i wouldnt expect you to sit back and not say anything. i was just suspect of syous, and i was right. and i was pretty sure that if i was right with him, there was a reason for it. assuming that you two were on the same team. and im not gonna change my theory.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:51 PM
I need someone other than taiko to be with me. Preferably people with their vote on TimS and not Nebuer. We don't want it to get screw up so that Neb isn't first.
WW; HUnl Gamethread; Moon Over Alabama. Quote
