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WW Games on POG - Grievances and whatnot - TL claims no part in this thread anymore WW Games on POG - Grievances and whatnot - TL claims no part in this thread anymore

04-09-2012 , 06:56 PM
Having people told their play was bad is healthy for play development.
04-09-2012 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
agree that talking about ongoing games should be included. I would say it is 1 point for every post you make about an ongoing game.
I actually think the two most common angleshots are

1) Discussing ongoing games. In particular n00bs who have never been a wolf before. Suppose their first 5 games they rand villa, games 6 + 7 are ongoing. Somebody in game 7 asks if they have been a wolf before- this is a hard question to answer without hinting at your role in game 6.

2) Acknowledging that you angleshot. I remember in Homer's post restriction game Mets was accused of angleshooting and his reaction was something along the lines of "I wouldn't post that as a wolf to angleshot myself clear."

Perhaps the precise phrasing was different but the entire game I was rather confident that he was a villager, but couldn't clear him on anything other than the angleshoot so had to force myself to keep him on my wolf list anyway for the integrity of the game.

Basically I think that people shouldn't be allowed to say "anglesho(o)t" at all in WW games. It's like taking the elephant in the room and then feeding it HGH (or EGH?)
04-09-2012 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
Seems that he had at least an inkling that he might have been.

Do you think that not knowing you're breaking a rule makes it OK to do so?
what rule did he break?

you're not dead until the mod says you are
04-09-2012 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Having people told their play was bad is healthy for play development.
I'm not saying it can't happen, but we're talking about a thread for suggesting that forum mods actually censure someone's behavior. I'm not going to give someone a werewolf ban for playing "bad"

You can explain to someone why their play was bad in the game thread

think of it like the werewolf court room, there are rules of order
04-09-2012 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by well named
no, because it's not productive to have 5 pages of people yelling back and forth at each other.
ban turbos
04-09-2012 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I'm certainly open to that approach, for one thing it's less work for me :P

but I think the policy would need to be that the tolerance for trolling/personal attacks/nastiness in the grievances thread would be fairly low, as would the tolerance for off-topic posting or stuff like "why U FPS claim seer!#$@%"

i think we should be able to have a forum to discuss the most controversial ww players like systo + imp. why not have a thread just for that, no grievances or personal beefs allowed. you get into a back and forth with somebody in that thread you're asked to take it to PM, if you don't you're temp banned.

then as we evaluate individual cases we can come up with hard protocols to judge future instances.

anybody got a problem with this?
04-09-2012 , 06:59 PM
silly comparison is silly.
04-09-2012 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1

i think we should be able to have a forum to discuss the most controversial ww players like systo + imp. why not have a thread just for that, no grievances or personal beefs allowed. you get into a back and forth with somebody in that thread you're asked to take it to PM, if you don't you're temp banned.

then as we evaluate individual cases we can come up with hard protocols to judge future instances.

anybody got a problem with this?
04-09-2012 , 07:00 PM
it was also a joke
04-09-2012 , 07:00 PM
lol ok sorry my joke detector got broked when they greened me.

04-09-2012 , 07:01 PM
well named
04-09-2012 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I'm not saying it can't happen, but we're talking about a thread for suggesting that forum mods actually censure someone's behavior. I'm not going to give someone a werewolf ban for playing "bad"

You can explain to someone why their play was bad in the game thread

think of it like the werewolf court room, there are rules of order
I agree.

Just saying post game talks are important -- people being told their play was bad and why is important.
04-09-2012 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by well named
lol ok sorry my joke detector got broked when they greened me.

I was afraid this would happen. Quick, say something stupid!
04-09-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
I actually think the two most common angleshots are

1) Discussing ongoing games. In particular n00bs who have never been a wolf before. Suppose their first 5 games they rand villa, games 6 + 7 are ongoing. Somebody in game 7 asks if they have been a wolf before- this is a hard question to answer without hinting at your role in game 6.

2) Acknowledging that you angleshot. I remember in Homer's post restriction game Mets was accused of angleshooting and his reaction was something along the lines of "I wouldn't post that as a wolf to angleshot myself clear."

Perhaps the precise phrasing was different but the entire game I was rather confident that he was a villager, but couldn't clear him on anything other than the angleshoot so had to force myself to keep him on my wolf list anyway for the integrity of the game.

Basically I think that people shouldn't be allowed to say "anglesho(o)t" at all in WW games. It's like taking the elephant in the room and then feeding it HGH (or EGH?)
He didn't angleshoot though, and you only cleared him based on his reaction to the accusation he angleshot, which was incredibly villagery.
04-09-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
He broke the dead-posting rule, and it's not a hand-me-down, some of us who are commenting were in the game.

Also, assuming he believed he was still alive, why does he have to leave his peeks if he's not dead? How is it now or never? Impossible to be angeled? He's never ever surviving to the next morning?
I didn't realize the mod had declared legend dead

that changes everything

in that case, legend did know he was dead

I suspect you're lying though

should I pull up the thread for evidence or do you concede?
04-09-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
The point is the only way it's "now or never" is if he realizes his peeks have not been left, he's dead but hasn't been TOLD that yet so he's in the gray area where he can out two hugely important peeks.

Which is a spot where even he acknowledges he knew better and never should have posted.
I agree he shouldn't have posted

so did legend

that doesn't mean he cheated
04-09-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I don't want to go through the whole point table, because I think it's just too much — too many things being recorded, too little flexibility.

I thought you were going to be keeping track primarily of serious, omg-I-won't-play-with-that-guy violations. I think that might work. But including even pretty obviously accidental (according to the game mod) night posting shows that you're trying to capture everything you can, and I don't think that will work.

Intent DOES matter, a lot, among other things because it says a lot about likelihood that it will happen again.
its a 1 pt violation

if someone accues 5 in 2 months, then we know it's a huge problem

that's the point
04-09-2012 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
btw, if we insist on recording all violations, then it looks to me like the table is missing talking about an ongoing game outside the game thread. Unsurprisingly, I think the seriousness of this varies, but clearly it is at least sometimes a significant problem.

(Unless it's actually on there and for some reason I'm missing it.)
i think it's super major
04-09-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I think the more complete the rules violations are the better it is. I would not mind an ironclad 20 page set of WW rules and violations that cover every angle we have ever seen used and every one that we could think of collectively and outlaw these, no matter how obscure. I don't like leaving anything open for interpretation like we do now because if you have no room for error we will never have to discuss things like this again. The only debates in the future would be what is legal and what isn't. If we only give out infractions for major violations we are inherently permitting minor violations by ignoring them.

Also, I don't think intent should matter. If you break a rule you break a rule. If you are driving home and going 70 in a 55 and you thought it was a 70 speed limit you are no less guilty than the guy that knew it was a 55 and did the same.
god it's hard to believe how much we used to disagree on things

i agree with all of this post 100%
04-09-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
what was the tilt based on?

did anyone post anything important?

i purposely crossposted with binkles (we were both wolves) to stop the seer from getting his peeks out

and a villager posted "wtf binkles! maj night"

another villager posted something else

a third villager posted is that maj?

the 2nd villager then unvoted

and i was seeing all this in disbelief and reflexively unvoted as well

and then the thread got locked
04-09-2012 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
I have a grievance about those players that intentionally sabotage their wolf game and the chances of their teammates by having a disproportional tendency to constantly go inactive or sub out because of "personal reasons" when they rand wolf, while on the other hand, choose to actually participate and "spew themselves" when they are a villager

This always has a significant impact on games, especially smaller games that effectively start with one side at a disadvantage

Something needs to be done about the habitual offenders
who does that?
04-09-2012 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

i purposely crossposted with binkles (we were both wolves) to stop the seer from getting his peeks out

and a villager posted "wtf binkles! maj night"

another villager posted something else

a third villager posted is that maj?

the 2nd villager then unvoted

and i was seeing all this in disbelief and reflexively unvoted as well

and then the thread got locked
those posts all look pretty unimportant to me
04-09-2012 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
I don't believe so. I think mets is of the opinion that nightposting is inherently clearing, unless he does it to as a wolf too, then it is magically unclearing.


it is clearing in that instance because we wolves majjed the seer and it basically outed both of us (we both did get lynched, donuts) so of course it does clear people. because me posting is the bigger offense to you, since i am the wolf.

and how can you say unvoting and saying "wtf binkles" isnt important. did you not read the game or do you just want to bust my chops
04-09-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I agree.

Just saying post game talks are important -- people being told their play was bad and why is important.
yeah, i think we can keep post game discussions for this and then maybe make a separate thread for the consistent problem children?
04-09-2012 , 07:19 PM
Majoritying the seer in xposts is wolfy, deal with it or don't do it ldo
