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WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er

09-17-2010 , 12:02 PM
With 15 players we have 7 lynches

1. Leon
2. Togan
3. CDL
4. Bogan
5. Mac
6. Vuroth
7. Pbal or mets

gosh ez game
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:02 PM
that's fine. i have no problem with people saying leo is prob a wolf we should lynch him.

but saying he is clearly chris' peek is silly.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Tortured Existence
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by derm
sorry for not putting in enough effort guys. from tomorrow on ill be more active, promise.
No problem, I know you're at must lynch in the draft game right now.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
wrong. wolves don't care who his peeks are. they just kill the seery guy and good luck to the villagers finding his peeks.
Have you not being paying attention to the other nk's? The wolves in this game ARE very competent at seer hunting. They care about who the guys peeks are.

The fact that you are trying to suggest otherwise is loltastic. They've cared every single night who the peeks have been.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by bogan4life
He's a wolf.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:04 PM
Wolf team might be Leonid/Bogan/TE/wahoo.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
togan is a peeked villager. Just because he didn't want to mason with him doesn't mean he wasn't a peek.

Seriously think about this, you are the seer, a good friend of yours lied to you, is making really bad reads, is a controversial player who has a tonne of heat, you are the seer, so you decide to peek him.

You find out he is a villager who is making really bad reads and is lying. Would you want to mason with that person?
who the hell says "no way i'm clearing you" to your peek

It would make sense if you believed what you're saying as a wolf and hence nked him

I mean, he left ONE peek

It wouldn't make sense for anyone to nk him there unless they misinterpreted his posts
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
Have you not being paying attention to the other nk's? The wolves in this game ARE very competent at seer hunting. They care about who the guys peeks are.

The fact that you are trying to suggest otherwise is loltastic. They've cared every single night who the peeks have been.
Its nice that you care
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
I really thought you were going to provide some epic seer cover last night.
yeah i thought so too
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Wolf team might be Leonid/Bogan/TE/wahoo.
Now im a wolf?
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
who the hell says "no way i'm clearing you" to your peek

It would make sense if you believed what you're saying as a wolf and hence nked him

I mean, he left ONE peek

It wouldn't make sense for anyone to nk him there unless they misinterpreted his posts
or they know more about chris then we do.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
that's fine. i have no problem with people saying leo is prob a wolf we should lynch him.

but saying he is clearly chris' peek is silly.
I agree that Leonid isn't a clear peek. But togan is. I'd be willing to risk the entire game on it. If I was at must lynch with togan, I'd never vote him over any other player.

Why ... because if a seer says don't lynch player x and doesn't about any other player, that is a peek.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by derm
or they know more about chris then we do.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
who the hell says "no way i'm clearing you" to your peek

It would make sense if you believed what you're saying as a wolf and hence nked him

I mean, he left ONE peek

It wouldn't make sense for anyone to nk him there unless they misinterpreted his posts
He said that on d2. On d3, he does a 180 and clears him. Only way he ever does that is if he peeks him.

Like wahoo pointed out, it was a horrible horrible peak. He should have never peeked him after saying that. Its very likely what got him killed. His 180 on togan.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
yeah i thought so too
Why did you say you had all 18 tabs open, then proceed to do nothing?
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
chris weirdly asks mets opinion about everything. is that normal mets?
Could mean he peeked me vil
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:10 PM
Does anyone else find my new avatar annoying?
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
Why did you say you had all 18 tabs open, then proceed to do nothing?
that happens sometimes
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:13 PM
You all suck
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by bogan4life
Now im a wolf?
Yeah I only called you a villager for days to maintain seer cover. You could definitely be a wolf.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:13 PM
he basically says he doesn't want to lynch tog for now

for now is not something you say for a peek.
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:15 PM
Wahoo is trying now

Ok wahoo tell me who to vote
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Yeah I only called you a villager for days to maintain seer cover. You could definitely be a wolf.
Im to wolfy to be a wolf.

Mac or leo must die
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:16 PM
im sleepy
WW - 9/13 Vanilla 21'er Quote
