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WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread

02-02-2021 , 12:22 PM
I mind

I will if necessary though.

Feel free to PM game regulars that haven't signed up yet
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 04:34 PM
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 04:40 PM

6 groups of 3

I'll get this started later on this evening
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 04:48 PM
woo hoo!! i've been wanting to play some wavelength lately. i didn't see this thread. thanks eyebooger for posting it in the pub. and thanks xander for running
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 06:29 PM
- I've found the "Wavelength generator"
- I know that I need to rand teams of 3 and match ups
- I know the game is about giving clues and then the team guessing what position on the spectrum things land

Any chance someone can tell me logistically what I need to do to get this thing running after:

Step 1: Rand teams and match ups
Step 2: ???

I'm guessing PM some people some things and start some threads but not sure
What's a sensible number of games before switching up teams?
Is it standard for people in the game to rand their own list or should I do it?

It's kinda hard to run an event when you've never played it even if you read all the rules of how to play. Imagine running a successful chess tournament if all you knew were the rules to the game..

Help appreciated

WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 06:53 PM
i suggest giving a xander a break, and doing rands for each other. we can just request a rand in this thread from someone who is not in our game

so i think just rand teams and match ups. we can start our own threads and request rands from each other right in here
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 07:03 PM
Great. I appreciate keeping it easy for me.

Still need to decide on number of games before rerand

3 games before rerand? Everyone giving clues once each?

How many rounds total? How long would 5 rounds, each with 3 games take?
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 07:17 PM
If 1 game is everyone (all 6 players) give a clue, it should take maybe 3 days. So it will probably take 5 or 6.
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 07:31 PM
I don't think I fully understand

games, rounds, rands, cats, kittens, wives...

Is 1 game that eb was suggesting the same as the 3 I was suggesting?
Does everyone take it in turns to give clues in the same game or is it like codenames where 1 person clues for an entire game?

Can someone suggest a number of rands/games/rounds that will in total take around 30 days?
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 07:36 PM
I can make any number take 30 days
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
I don't think I fully understand

games, rounds, rands, cats, kittens, wives...

Is 1 game that eb was suggesting the same as the 3 I was suggesting?
Does everyone take it in turns to give clues in the same game or is it like codenames where 1 person clues for an entire game?

Can someone suggest a number of rands/games/rounds that will in total take around 30 days?
What I was thinking:

Person 1 from Team A gives clue.
Persons 2 and 3 from Team A agree on number.
If incorrect, Persons 4, 5 and 6 from Team B agree on higher or lower.
True number is revealed.
Person 4 from Team B gives clue.
Persons 5 and 6 from Team B agree on number.
If incorrect, Persons 1, 2 and 3 from Team A agree on higher or lower.
True number is revealed.
Person 2 from Team A gives clue....

And so on so that everyone has given one clue. That's one game, and then you can re-rand.

I think that will take about 5 days. So 6 games?
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
What I was thinking:

Person 1 from Team A gives clue.
Persons 2 and 3 from Team A agree on number.
If incorrect, Persons 4, 5 and 6 from Team B agree on higher or lower.
True number is revealed.
Person 4 from Team B gives clue.
Persons 5 and 6 from Team B agree on number.
If incorrect, Persons 1, 2 and 3 from Team A agree on higher or lower.
True number is revealed.
Person 2 from Team A gives clue....

And so on so that everyone has given one clue. That's one game, and then you can re-rand.

I think that will take about 5 days. So 6 games?
This is what we're doing

I'll rand teams and let everyone know this has started and then you guys let me know when you need a rerand in this thread.
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 08:07 PM
I'm gonna rand the names now but the list order will be:

Team A Person 1
Team A Person 2
Team A Person 3
Team B Person 1
Team B Person 2
Team B Person 3
Team C Person 1
Team C Person 2
Team C Person 3
Team D Person 1
Team D Person 2
Team D Person 3
Team E Person 1
Team E Person 2
Team E Person 3
Team F Person 1
Team F Person 2
Team F Person 3

A vs B
C vs D
E vs F
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by RANDOM.ORG
Doctor Zeus
I'll start PMing people letting them know that it's started
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 08:15 PM
Everyone has been PMd

You can rand your own boards
You can start your own threads
If anything is unclear about the format then ask eyebooger
If there are any disagreements then ask me in this thread or via PM for a ruling
Post results in this thread and request a new rand/anything else you need.
Anything else you want/need to know then just ask
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 08:27 PM
here is the thread for teams C and D

Doctor Zeus
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 08:30 PM
What spectrums are we using?
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 08:55 PM
Nice I'm on eyebooger team so don't need to learn anything
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-02-2021 , 09:16 PM
AmazingErvinTeam A Person 1
luketheflukeTeam A Person 2
Nicholasp27Team A Person 3
ArcticKnightTeam B Person 1
BorninabinTeam B Person 2
derwipokTeam B Person 3
Doctor ZeusTeam C Person 1
D1iabol1calTeam C Person 2
JMurder3Team C Person 3
GadareneTeam D Person 1
ZurvanTeam D Person 2
filthyverminTeam D Person 3
DonkDonkDonkDonkTeam E Person 1
bolt2112Team E Person 2
Carl_SpacklerTeam E Person 3
eyeboogerTeam F Person 1
pwnsallTeam F Person 2
insanity31Team F Person 3

A vs B
C vs D
E vs F

from filthy's post....

here is the thread for teams C and D

Doctor Zeus

Last edited by ArcticKnight; 02-02-2021 at 09:24 PM.
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-03-2021 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
Normally we have a limit of Spectrums and people cross them off each round, but, could just do open choice?

We could use the first 18, or, just have complete choice from the spectrum list?
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-03-2021 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Normally we have a limit of Spectrums and people cross them off each round, but, could just do open choice?

We could use the first 18, or, just have complete choice from the spectrum list?
I see there is a spot where you randomize it (just like a codenames board), but I am not sure if we are supposed to get someone in another game to do it for us??

EDIT I just tested it out (signed in to google) and I cant enter or clear anything in the box for random characters. It is basically froze for me.
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
02-03-2021 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
I see there is a spot where you randomize it (just like a codenames board), but I am not sure if we are supposed to get someone in another game to do it for us??

EDIT I just tested it out (signed in to google) and I cant enter or clear anything in the box for random characters. It is basically froze for me.
its locked for me too.

We did random numbers last year asked from someone from another team. Worked quite well.

I think there may be an issue in how to decide which category, re-using categories etc.?

Can just chuck the first 18 here and people can claim... For example:

Scary /comforting
Hot /cold
Black/ white
Harmful not harmful
Inflexible/ Flexible
Low quality/High Quality
Useful invention / Useless Invention
Old /Young
Round /Pointy
Delicious/ Disgusting
Overrated/ Underrated
Dirty/ Clean
Worst time travel era / Best time travel era
Sport / Game
Carefully crafted / Mass produced
Villain / Hero
Stupid / Brilliant
Flavorless / Flavorful
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
