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WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread

03-16-2021 , 02:17 PM
i got it
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-17-2021 , 04:31 AM
appropriate work behavior - inappropriate work behavior
bad dessert - good dessert
bad excuse for missing work - good excuse for missing work (donk)
bad habit - good habit
bad name for a band - good name for a band
bad pizza topping - good pizza topping
bad salad topping - good salad topping
benefits you - benefits everyone
best country to retire to - worst country to retire to
better eaten hot - better eaten cold
bland - flavorful
breakfast food - dinner food
brings you joy - doesn't bring you joy
burns many calories - burns few calories (Arctic)
cheap - expensive
classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drink (Zurvan)
common household item - uncommon household item
cute animal - scary animal
dangerous animal - cuddly animal
difficult to use - easy to use
disgusting - delicious
easy skill to learn - hard skill to learn
easy to cook - hard to cook
easy to identify by feel - hard to identify by feed
easy to kill - hard to kill(AE)
easy to make - hard to make
easy to resist - hard to resist
easy to transport - hard to transport
efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportation
evil deed - good deed
foolish - wise
for kids - for adults
fragile - durable
fun - not fun
give to a toddler - don't give to a toddler
good birthday present - bad birthday present
good memory - bad memory
good name for a child - bad name for a child
good name for a dog - bad name for a dog
good place for a first date - bad place for a first date
good place to sleep - bad place to sleep
good thing to teach your children - bad thing to teach your children
good way to meet your future spouse - bad way to meet your future spouse
good wedding gift - bad wedding gift
group activity - solo activity
guilty pleasure - part of a balanced diet
happens during the day - happens at night
happens inside - happens outside
happy place - sad place
hard to find - easy to find
helpful - unhelpful
hero - villain
high brow - low brow
huggable - unhuggable
impressive - unimpressive
inedible - edible
interesting thing to photograph - boring thing to photograph (Gad)
kept for a long time - thrown away quickly
leave in house fire - take from house fire
legal - illegal
little-known fact - well-known fact
looks like a person - doesn't look like a person
mainstream - niche
messy food - clean food
misdemeanor - felony
news - gossip
normal food - fancy food
not a sandwich - a sandwich
not painful - very painful (Luke)
optional - mandatory
plain - fancy
pleasant noise - unpleasant noise
pleasant texture - unpleasant texture
quiet food - loud food
random - planned
red state- blue state Nich
relaxing - stressful
requires luck - requires skill (eb)
safe - dangerous
salty - sweet
secret - public knowledge
snack - meal (born)
temporary - permanent
traditional - modern
true. - false.
unhealthy - healthy
used by itself - used with other things
useful second language - useless second language

can i get a rand
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-17-2021 , 05:03 AM
I got you
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-17-2021 , 03:06 PM
appropriate work behavior - inappropriate work behavior
bad dessert - good dessert
bad excuse for missing work - good excuse for missing work (donk)
bad habit - good habit
bad name for a band - good name for a band
bad pizza topping - good pizza topping
bad salad topping - good salad topping
benefits you - benefits everyone
best country to retire to - worst country to retire to
better eaten hot - better eaten cold
bland - flavorful
breakfast food - dinner food
brings you joy - doesn't bring you joy
burns many calories - burns few calories (Arctic)
cheap - expensive
classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drink (Zurvan)
common household item - uncommon household item
cute animal - scary animal
dangerous animal - cuddly animal
difficult to use - easy to use
disgusting - delicious
easy skill to learn - hard skill to learn
easy to cook - hard to cook
easy to identify by feel - hard to identify by feed
easy to kill - hard to kill(AE)
easy to make - hard to make
easy to resist - hard to resist
easy to transport - hard to transport
efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportation- Carl
evil deed - good deed
foolish - wise
for kids - for adults
fragile - durable
fun - not fun
give to a toddler - don't give to a toddler
good birthday present - bad birthday present
good memory - bad memory
good name for a child - bad name for a child
good name for a dog - bad name for a dog
good place for a first date - bad place for a first date
good place to sleep - bad place to sleep
good thing to teach your children - bad thing to teach your children
good way to meet your future spouse - bad way to meet your future spouse
good wedding gift - bad wedding gift
group activity - solo activity
guilty pleasure - part of a balanced diet
happens during the day - happens at night
happens inside - happens outside
happy place - sad place
hard to find - easy to find
helpful - unhelpful
hero - villain
high brow - low brow
huggable - unhuggable
impressive - unimpressive
inedible - edible
interesting thing to photograph - boring thing to photograph (Gad)
kept for a long time - thrown away quickly
leave in house fire - take from house fire
legal - illegal
little-known fact - well-known fact
looks like a person - doesn't look like a person
mainstream - niche
messy food - clean food
misdemeanor - felony
news - gossip
normal food - fancy food
not a sandwich - a sandwich
not painful - very painful (Luke)
optional - mandatory
plain - fancy
pleasant noise - unpleasant noise
pleasant texture - unpleasant texture
quiet food - loud food
random - planned
red state- blue state Nich
relaxing - stressful
requires luck - requires skill (eb)
safe - dangerous
salty - sweet
secret - public knowledge
snack - meal (born)
temporary - permanent
traditional - modern
true. - false.
unhealthy - healthy
used by itself - used with other things
useful second language - useless second language
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-17-2021 , 03:07 PM
rand please
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-17-2021 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
rand please
ok, one minute
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-17-2021 , 04:00 PM
appropriate work behavior - inappropriate work behavior
bad dessert - good dessert
bad excuse for missing work - good excuse for missing work (donk)
bad habit - good habit
bad name for a band - good name for a band
bad pizza topping - good pizza topping
bad salad topping - good salad topping
benefits you - benefits everyone
best country to retire to - worst country to retire to
better eaten hot - better eaten cold
bland - flavorful
breakfast food - dinner food
brings you joy - doesn't bring you joy
burns many calories - burns few calories (Arctic)
cheap - expensive
classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drink (Zurvan)
common household item - uncommon household item
cute animal - scary animal
dangerous animal - cuddly animal
difficult to use - easy to use
disgusting - delicious
easy skill to learn - hard skill to learn
easy to cook - hard to cook
easy to identify by feel - hard to identify by feed
easy to kill - hard to kill(AE)
easy to make - hard to make
easy to resist - hard to resist
easy to transport - hard to transport
efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportation- Carl
evil deed - good deed
foolish - wise
for kids - for adults
fragile - durable
fun - not fun
give to a toddler - don't give to a toddler
good birthday present - bad birthday present
good memory - bad memory
good name for a child - bad name for a child
good name for a dog - bad name for a dog
good place for a first date - bad place for a first date
good place to sleep - bad place to sleep
good thing to teach your children - bad thing to teach your children
good way to meet your future spouse - bad way to meet your future spouse
good wedding gift - bad wedding gift
group activity - solo activity
guilty pleasure - part of a balanced diet
happens during the day - happens at night
happens inside - happens outside
happy place - sad place
hard to find - easy to find
helpful - unhelpful
hero - villain
high brow - low brow
huggable - unhuggable
impressive - unimpressive
inedible - edible
interesting thing to photograph - boring thing to photograph (Gad)
kept for a long time - thrown away quickly
leave in house fire - take from house fire
legal - illegal
little-known fact - well-known fact
looks like a person - doesn't look like a person
mainstream - niche
messy food - clean food
misdemeanor - felony
news - gossip
normal food - fancy food
not a sandwich - a sandwich
not painful - very painful (Luke)
optional - mandatory
plain - fancy
pleasant noise - unpleasant noise
pleasant texture - unpleasant texture
quiet food - loud food
random - planned
red state- blue state Nich
relaxing - stressful
requires luck - requires skill (eb)
safe - dangerous
salty - sweet
secret - public knowledge
snack - meal (born)
temporary - permanent
traditional - modern
true. - false.
unhealthy - healthy
used by itself - used with other things
useful second language - useless second language
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-17-2021 , 04:01 PM
rand plz
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-17-2021 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
rand plz
on it
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-18-2021 , 11:26 AM
appropriate work behavior - inappropriate work behavior

bad dessert - good dessert

bad excuse for missing work - good excuse for missing work (donk)

bad habit - good habit

bad name for a band - good name for a band

bad pizza topping - good pizza topping

bad salad topping - good salad topping

benefits you - benefits everyone

best country to retire to - worst country to retire to

better eaten hot - better eaten cold

bland - flavorful

breakfast food - dinner food

brings you joy - doesn't bring you joy

burns many calories - burns few calories (Arctic)

cheap - expensive

classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drink (Zurvan)

common household item - uncommon household item

cute animal - scary animal

dangerous animal - cuddly animal

difficult to use - easy to use

disgusting - delicious

easy skill to learn - hard skill to learn

easy to cook - hard to cook

easy to identify by feel - hard to identify by feed

easy to kill - hard to kill(AE)

easy to make - hard to make

easy to resist - hard to resist

easy to transport - hard to transport

efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportation- Carl

evil deed - good deed

foolish - wise

for kids - for adults

fragile - durable

fun - not fun

give to a toddler - don't give to a toddler

good birthday present - bad birthday present

good memory - bad memory - JM3

good name for a child - bad name for a child

good name for a dog - bad name for a dog

good place for a first date - bad place for a first date

good place to sleep - bad place to sleep

good thing to teach your children - bad thing to teach your children

good way to meet your future spouse - bad way to meet your future spouse

good wedding gift - bad wedding gift

group activity - solo activity

guilty pleasure - part of a balanced diet

happens during the day - happens at night

happens inside - happens outside

happy place - sad place

hard to find - easy to find

helpful - unhelpful

hero - villain

high brow - low brow

huggable - unhuggable

impressive - unimpressive

inedible - edible

interesting thing to photograph - boring thing to photograph (Gad)

kept for a long time - thrown away quickly

leave in house fire - take from house fire

legal - illegal

little-known fact - well-known fact

looks like a person - doesn't look like a person

mainstream - niche

messy food - clean food

misdemeanor - felony

news - gossip

normal food - fancy food

not a sandwich - a sandwich

not painful - very painful (Luke)

optional - mandatory

plain - fancy

pleasant noise - unpleasant noise

pleasant texture - unpleasant texture

quiet food - loud food

random - planned

red state- blue state Nich

relaxing - stressful

requires luck - requires skill (eb)

safe - dangerous

salty - sweet

secret - public knowledge

snack - meal (born)

temporary - permanent

traditional - modern

true. - false.

unhealthy - healthy

used by itself - used with other things

useful second language - useless second language
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-18-2021 , 11:26 AM
# me plz
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-18-2021 , 11:32 AM
will do
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-18-2021 , 01:45 PM
appropriate work behavior - inappropriate work behavior

bad dessert - good dessert

bad excuse for missing work - good excuse for missing work (donk)

bad habit - good habit

bad name for a band - good name for a band

bad pizza topping - good pizza topping

bad salad topping - good salad topping

benefits you - benefits everyone

best country to retire to - worst country to retire to

better eaten hot - better eaten cold

bland - flavorful

breakfast food - dinner food

brings you joy - doesn't bring you joy

burns many calories - burns few calories (Arctic)

cheap - expensive

classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drink (Zurvan)

common household item - uncommon household item

cute animal - scary animal

dangerous animal - cuddly animal

difficult to use - easy to use

disgusting - delicious

easy skill to learn - hard skill to learn

easy to cook - hard to cook

easy to identify by feel - hard to identify by feed

easy to kill - hard to kill(AE)

easy to make - hard to make

easy to resist - hard to resist

easy to transport - hard to transport

efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportation- Carl

evil deed - good deed

foolish - wise

for kids - for adults

fragile - durable

fun - not fun

give to a toddler - don't give to a toddler

good birthday present - bad birthday present

good memory - bad memory - JM3

good name for a child - bad name for a child

good name for a dog - bad name for a dog

good place for a first date - bad place for a first date

good place to sleep - bad place to sleep

good thing to teach your children - bad thing to teach your children

good way to meet your future spouse - bad way to meet your future spouse

good wedding gift - bad wedding gift

group activity - solo activity

guilty pleasure - part of a balanced diet

happens during the day - happens at night

happens inside - happens outside

happy place - sad place

hard to find - easy to find

helpful - unhelpful

hero - villain

high brow - low brow

huggable - unhuggable

impressive - unimpressive

inedible - edible

interesting thing to photograph - boring thing to photograph (Gad)

kept for a long time - thrown away quickly

leave in house fire - take from house fire

legal - illegal

little-known fact - well-known fact

looks like a person - doesn't look like a person

mainstream - niche

messy food - clean food

misdemeanor - felony

news - gossip

normal food - fancy food

not a sandwich - a sandwich

not painful - very painful (Luke)

optional - mandatory

plain - fancy

pleasant noise - unpleasant noise

pleasant texture - unpleasant texture

quiet food - loud food

random - planned

red state- blue state Nich

relaxing - stressful

requires luck - requires skill (eb)

safe - dangerous

salty - sweet

secret - public knowledge

snack - meal (born)

temporary - permanent

traditional - modern

true. - false.

unhealthy - healthy

used by itself - used with other things

useful second language - useless second language

can someone please pm a number? thanks!
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-18-2021 , 02:10 PM
who rands the rander?

on it
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-18-2021 , 08:13 PM
C vs D over

CategoryPlayer/TeamTeam CTeam D
interesting thing to photograph - boring..Gad/C20
snack - mealBorn/D03
requires luck - requires skillEB/C01
burns many calories - burns few caloriesArctic/D10
bad habit - good habitD1iab/C30
relaxing - stressfulfilthy/D04
 Round 568
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-19-2021 , 09:12 AM
appropriate work behavior - inappropriate work behavior

bad dessert - good dessert

bad excuse for missing work - good excuse for missing work (donk)

bad habit - good habit

bad name for a band - good name for a band

bad pizza topping - good pizza topping

bad salad topping - good salad topping

benefits you - benefits everyone

best country to retire to - worst country to retire to

better eaten hot - better eaten cold

bland - flavorful

breakfast food - dinner food

brings you joy - doesn't bring you joy

burns many calories - burns few calories (Arctic)

cheap - expensive

classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drink (Zurvan)

common household item - uncommon household item

cute animal - scary animal

dangerous animal - cuddly animal

difficult to use - easy to use

disgusting - delicious

easy skill to learn - hard skill to learn

easy to cook - hard to cook

easy to identify by feel - hard to identify by feed

easy to kill - hard to kill(AE)

easy to make - hard to make

easy to resist - hard to resist

easy to transport - hard to transport

efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportation- Carl

evil deed - good deed

foolish - wise

for kids - for adults

fragile - durable

fun - not fun

give to a toddler - don't give to a toddler

good birthday present - bad birthday present

good memory - bad memory - JM3

good name for a child - bad name for a child

good name for a dog - bad name for a dog

good place for a first date - bad place for a first date

good place to sleep - bad place to sleep

good thing to teach your children - bad thing to teach your children

good way to meet your future spouse - bad way to meet your future spouse

good wedding gift - bad wedding gift

group activity - solo activity

guilty pleasure - part of a balanced diet

happens during the day - happens at night

happens inside - happens outside

happy place - sad place

hard to find - easy to find

helpful - unhelpful

hero - villain

high brow - low brow

huggable - unhuggable

impressive - unimpressive

inedible - edible

interesting thing to photograph - boring thing to photograph (Gad)

kept for a long time - thrown away quickly

leave in house fire - take from house fire

legal - illegal

little-known fact - well-known fact

looks like a person - doesn't look like a person

mainstream - niche

messy food - clean food

misdemeanor - felony

news - gossip

normal food - fancy food

not a sandwich - a sandwich

not painful - very painful (Luke)

optional - mandatory

plain - fancy

pleasant noise - unpleasant noise

pleasant texture - unpleasant texture

quiet food - loud food

random - planned

red state- blue state Nich

relaxing - stressful

requires luck - requires skill (eb)

safe - dangerous

salty - sweet

secret - public knowledge

snack - meal (born)

temporary - permanent

traditional - modern

true. - false.

unhealthy - healthy (Derwi)

used by itself - used with other things

useful second language - useless second language
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-19-2021 , 09:13 AM
need a rand please
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-19-2021 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
need a rand please
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-19-2021 , 05:27 PM
appropriate work behavior - inappropriate work behavior

bad dessert - good dessert

bad excuse for missing work - good excuse for missing work (donk)

bad habit - good habit

bad name for a band - good name for a band

bad pizza topping - good pizza topping

bad salad topping - good salad topping

benefits you - benefits everyone

best country to retire to - worst country to retire to

better eaten hot - better eaten cold

bland - flavorful

breakfast food - dinner food

brings you joy - doesn't bring you joy

burns many calories - burns few calories (Arctic)

cheap - expensive

classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drink (Zurvan)

common household item - uncommon household item

cute animal - scary animal

dangerous animal - cuddly animal

difficult to use - easy to use

disgusting - delicious

easy skill to learn - hard skill to learn

easy to cook - hard to cook

easy to identify by feel - hard to identify by feed

easy to kill - hard to kill(AE)

easy to make - hard to make

easy to resist - hard to resist

easy to transport - hard to transport

efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportation- Carl

evil deed - good deed

foolish - wise

for kids - for adults

fragile - durable

fun - not fun

give to a toddler - don't give to a toddler

good birthday present - bad birthday present

good memory - bad memory - JM3

good name for a child - bad name for a child

good name for a dog - bad name for a dog

good place for a first date - bad place for a first date

good place to sleep - bad place to sleep

good thing to teach your children - bad thing to teach your children

good way to meet your future spouse - bad way to meet your future spouse

good wedding gift - bad wedding gift

group activity - solo activity

guilty pleasure - part of a balanced diet

happens during the day - happens at night

happens inside - happens outside

happy place - sad place

hard to find - easy to find

helpful - unhelpful

hero - villain

high brow - low brow

huggable - unhuggable

impressive - unimpressive

inedible - edible

interesting thing to photograph - boring thing to photograph (Gad)

kept for a long time - thrown away quickly

leave in house fire - take from house fire

legal - illegal

little-known fact - well-known fact

looks like a person - doesn't look like a person

mainstream - niche

messy food - clean food

misdemeanor - felony

news - gossip

normal food - fancy food

not a sandwich - a sandwich

not painful - very painful (Luke)

optional - mandatory

plain - fancy

pleasant noise - unpleasant noise

pleasant texture - unpleasant texture

quiet food - loud food

random - planned

red state- blue state Nich

relaxing - stressful

requires luck - requires skill (eb)

safe - dangerous

salty - sweet

secret - public knowledge

snack - meal (born)

temporary - permanent DZ

traditional - modern

true. - false.

unhealthy - healthy (Derwi)

used by itself - used with other things

useful second language - useless second language
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-19-2021 , 05:27 PM
Can I get a rand?
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-20-2021 , 03:53 AM
Sending now
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-21-2021 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
C vs D over

CategoryPlayer/TeamTeam CTeam D
interesting thing to photograph - boring..Gad/C20
snack - mealBorn/D03
requires luck - requires skillEB/C01
burns many calories - burns few caloriesArctic/D10
bad habit - good habitD1iab/C30
relaxing - stressfulfilthy/D04
 Round 568
A vs B over

CategoryPlayer/TeamTeam ATeam B
unimportmant appointment to keep - important appointment to keepBolt/A30
red state - blue stateNich/B10
classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drinkZurvan/A01
easy skill to learn - hard skill to learnpwnsall/B13
efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportationCarl/A01
unhealthy - healthyDerwi/B03
 Round 458
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-21-2021 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
C vs D over

CategoryPlayer/TeamTeam CTeam D
interesting thing to photograph - boring..Gad/C20
snack - mealBorn/D03
requires luck - requires skillEB/C01
burns many calories - burns few caloriesArctic/D10
bad habit - good habitD1iab/C30
relaxing - stressfulfilthy/D04
 Round 568
Originally Posted by derwipok
A vs B over

CategoryPlayer/TeamTeam ATeam B
unimportmant appointment to keep - important appointment to keepBolt/A30
red state - blue stateNich/B10
classy thing to drink - trashy thing to drinkZurvan/A01
easy skill to learn - hard skill to learnpwnsall/B13
efficient method of transportation - inefficient method of transportationCarl/A01
unhealthy - healthyDerwi/B03
 Round 458

E vs F
CategoryPlayer/TeamTeam ETeam F
good excuse for missing work -- bad excuse….Donk/E40
easy to kill- hard to killAE/F13
not painful - very painfulLuke/E21
useful second language - useless…..insanity/F10
good memory - bad memoryJM3/E31
temporary - permanentZeus/F12
 Round 5127

Final Tally... well done Derwi, pwns and JM3/Donk at T3

PlayerRd1Rd2Rd3Rd 4Rd5Total
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-21-2021 , 11:16 AM
People up for a bigger team non-WPG game a w/l?
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
03-21-2021 , 11:28 AM
3 word or less? Picture only?
WPG #23 - Wavelength - Signup Thread Quote
