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World War III Werewolf Game Thread World War III Werewolf Game Thread

03-31-2010 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by essedarius

i guess i can kinda see how that would make them villagers
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:32 PM
and i'm pretty sure ykw knew that

especially since he had been pretty active in the signup thread

either that or he looked over the list of names once the game starts, which gets into a whole other different wolfy thing

yay thanks gotgame you helped me find a wolf, hopefully you are one too

World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
I still think in a game where Russia and China are the wolves, to claim being a former Soviet emirate is pretty wolfy. But like I said in the semi-large post you quoted and then proceeded to vote to lynch me, I doubt he's actually stupid enough to do that (that being, claiming to be a former Soviet emirate in a game where Russians are wolves) so I let off my pressure on him since it became apparently that he was no longer as suspicious as I originally had thought.

Despite quoting my post you may either have missed this point, or you may have chosen to ignore it to deflect attention away from yourself.

A vote without an explanation is always pretty suspicious, and don't be foolish, you voted for me with no explanation when I was already an easy target. That's about as suspicious as it gets.
Who are you?
What are u talking about?
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:35 PM
Globetrotter... you quoted my meaningless post about Lithuania and then voted for me.

Usually in werewolf games, when you vote for someone, you should have a reason.

There is a wolf tendency to pick easy targets and just vote for them with no reason (other than them being townies) because wolves don't need reasons to vote for people... they just need to kill all the townies.

You're really making yourself look like a wolf here.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
and i'm pretty sure ykw knew that

especially since he had been pretty active in the signup thread

either that or he looked over the list of names once the game starts, which gets into a whole other different wolfy thing

yay thanks gotgame you helped me find a wolf, hopefully you are one too

what? I don't think he thought you were a wolf because of that.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Globetrotter... you quoted my meaningless post about Lithuania and then voted for me.

Usually in werewolf games, when you vote for someone, you should have a reason.

There is a wolf tendency to pick easy targets and just vote for them with no reason (other than them being townies) because wolves don't need reasons to vote for people... they just need to kill all the townies.

You're really making yourself look like a wolf here.
i voted you without saying anything

what about that?
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by globetrotter
this is a good thing b/c I don't think I ever made it on your villa list last game, which was very annoying.
well you were a wolf so

Originally Posted by ewalsh420

why not tci
I'm not sure yet, but definately looks that way.

Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo

i guess i can kinda see how that would make them villagers
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:37 PM
ewalsh420, you're next.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
you are pretty much what i think eevee would be like if he played WW
not sure if I should clear u for that but I agree lol

Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo

ok cool I clear u. Now lemme know when u clear me and we can pwn wolves

Originally Posted by bsball8806
who's dirk nowitzki
he's an NBA player that is clearly on the decline
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
ewalsh420, you're next.

just making sure
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:38 PM
i don't really know what to make of whitegoose
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:38 PM
@ whitegoose

he claimed Lithuania b/c that's where he's from, and he did it in the sign-up thread.

I don't think there's anything wolfy about voting w/out a reason early on d1, but the reason I voted you is b/c I thought you were pushing YKW too hard for no reason and it seemed wolfy.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by essedarius
well you were a wolf so

I'm not sure yet, but definately looks that way.

exactly why it was annoying
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:39 PM
whitegoose is weird

let's kill him
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:39 PM
I'd love it if we had the ability to run this 100 times based on that one comment and see if YKW is a villa more often than rand. but unfortunately we can't. and I might be completely off and by the reactions I'm starting to think that's the case since it was nothing more than a small little read side comment.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:39 PM
i say we let him live
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
Globetrotter... you quoted my meaningless post about Lithuania and then voted for me.

Usually in werewolf games, when you vote for someone, you should have a reason.

There is a wolf tendency to pick easy targets and just vote for them with no reason (other than them being townies) because wolves don't need reasons to vote for people... they just need to kill all the townies.

You're really making yourself look like a wolf here.
Where have you played ww/mafia before?
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
I'd love it if we had the ability to run this 100 times based on that one comment and see if YKW is a villa more often than rand. but unfortunately we can't. and I might be completely off and by the reactions I'm starting to think that's the case since it was nothing more than a small little read side comment.
what comment are u guys talking aboot?
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:41 PM
i really want to clear gotgame for 190
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
whitegoose is weird

let's kill him
I agree that he's weird, but is it in a wolfy way?
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:41 PM
YKW is villa

gotgame is the wolf
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
i really want to clear gotgame for 190
too easy?
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by KeanuReaver
so normally i think the opposite but it seems like the thread is packed with wolves right now

from the g0tgame/tc stuff I'm clearing tc even more and I think g0tgame's a wolf
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by globetrotter
I don't think there's anything wolfy about voting w/out a reason early on d1,
This is the WOLFIEST thing you've said yet.

Originally Posted by ewalsh420

just making sure
Now that we've got Globetrotter out of the way, you're also a wolf because you picked me, the easy target, voted for me for no reason and then passed it off like nothing. Then, to add insult to injury you ask "what about me" later to see how much you can screw around with the new guy. You're probably at home laughing about me right now and nobody appreciates it.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
03-31-2010 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
i don't really know what to make of whitegoose
noob player posting alot= do not lynch

I take back the kr read fwiw, you are still a villa though
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
