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World War III Werewolf Game Thread World War III Werewolf Game Thread

04-05-2010 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
so what are we doing for second wagon?


how about cadaz
I have to assume that this is you asking me for my opinion

Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
oh yeah maruchan's in this game

mooch what do you think about cadaz?
that is still a dumb nickname
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 05:58 PM
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by darthrob64
ok so i may be massively levelling myself here but is there really any way if he is an active wolf chat participant that he doesnt know both youmzain/danny are clear?

its not like these clears only just happened
seems unlikely
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
I have to assume that this is you asking me for my opinion

that is still a dumb nickname
unfortunately it's the only one there is, so you're gonna have to deal with it

and sure, give me your opinion
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 05:59 PM
The thing about forsythio is that it's more than just his "post count" and the binary variable of utr/active. There are so many similarities to his zelda wolf game it's ridiculous.

1) Long post day 1 that is a random blob of a bunch of different reads and responses to people--it's the exact same style of post here and in zelda.
2) has a few non-consensus reads sprinkled among consensus ones
3) Generally carefree tone that gets him on early villager lists
4) Keeps his post count relatively constant from day to day, but posts contain less content with each passing day
5) generally doesn't seem interested in finding wolves or making reads after d1
6) has to be prompted to post his thoughts in the game

Literally the only thing missing is for him to randomly start pushing TCI over a power wolf after 3 days of being relatively inactive
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
ok i've got to go for a couple hours

don't lynch me or anything
trying to get us to clear you by using your own method eh
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
trying to get us to clear you by using your own method eh

did it work
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
unfortunately it's the only one there is, so you're gonna have to deal with it

and sure, give me your opinion
1. okay probably
2. bitchi is still a wolf. it's really too bad that everyone has forgotten about him in the heat of lynching other wolves
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo

did it work

If I don't think you're a wolf

which I don't

then it's not for that
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:01 PM
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
1. okay probably
2. bitchi is still a wolf. it's really too bad that everyone has forgotten about him in the heat of lynching other wolves
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Maruchan
The thing about forsythio is that it's more than just his "post count" and the binary variable of utr/active. There are so many similarities to his zelda wolf game it's ridiculous.

1) Long post day 1 that is a random blob of a bunch of different reads and responses to people--it's the exact same style of post here and in zelda.
2) has a few non-consensus reads sprinkled among consensus ones
3) Generally carefree tone that gets him on early villager lists
4) Keeps his post count relatively constant from day to day, but posts contain less content with each passing day
5) generally doesn't seem interested in finding wolves or making reads after d1
6) has to be prompted to post his thoughts in the game

Literally the only thing missing is for him to randomly start pushing TCI over a power wolf after 3 days of being relatively inactive

I think you might want to rephrase this last part
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:02 PM
bitchi cant you find gifs of miranda kerr or something to make your points
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by darthrob64
ok so i may be massively levelling myself here but is there really any way if he is an active wolf chat participant that he doesnt know both youmzain/danny are clear?

its not like these clears only just happened
If they have 24 hr wolf chat which I'm assuming they do (cus otherwise your questions about it would be pointless) then probably not. I would almost definitely have asked whoever else was in wolf chat to check my reads list before I posted it, so I wouldn't have missed DO/Cadaz/xxaces off and I would've corrected DO/Youm to clear village.

Oh and also a lolvillagertell for me is petty typos, because as a wolf I check my posts for mistakes BEFORE I post them, as a villager I post them first then check after Obviously that's null for you guys because I've shown I'm aware of it and therefore would be able to fake it, but it's true nontheless.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:04 PM
ok iflat u can join the cat alliance now if you want
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
oh yeah maruchan's in this game

mooch what do you think about cadaz?
I think he's a probable wolf, though there might be a hint of spite in that

Whenever I've played with him I notice him making thoughtful posts and can clear him relatively early/well for it. His posts haven't been thoughtful. I've also noticed that he likes to do "mini-tarps," ie forcing a certain type of interaction to get a read. For example he did this in Zelda with the item passing to birdpoker. He has barely interacted here. His wolf lean on chips seemed to come out of nowhere
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:04 PM
did someone say wolf?

World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:05 PM
1. Yeah, that's called keeping up with the thread. Know why I didn't continue? Because I reading up on that much sucks. It was enjoyable to do the first 300 or so but after that I really just didn't feel like it. You might not believe me but if I were a wolf I'd at least try to look a little more like I was actually doing something
2. lol. have you read any of the reads I've posted this game?
3. [ ] is on villager lists
4. a constant post count is not wolfy. You might want to reconsider this tell
5. welcome to mishmashes
6. floss
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:07 PM
Rob why were you initially speechless at my reads list, and why did it make you immediately reconsider your stance on me?
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:07 PM
maruchan i'm getting the feeling you're a wolf
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
1. Yeah, that's called keeping up with the thread. Know why I didn't continue? Because I reading up on that much sucks. It was enjoyable to do the first 300 or so but after that I really just didn't feel like it. You might not believe me but if I were a wolf I'd at least try to look a little more like I was actually doing something
2. lol. have you read any of the reads I've posted this game?
3. [ ] is on villager lists
4. a constant post count is not wolfy. You might want to reconsider this tell
5. welcome to mishmashes
6. floss
you were on villager lists early, including mine. But I am reconsidering now

And it's not a constant post count, it's a constant post count with declining content. Like "oh I should get my 10-15 posts for the day" but as the days go on you stop actually trying to do something

seriously this is like deja vu
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by IFlatTheNuts
IDK why but that list was missing some names:



Genuine Gentleman
Sun Tzu

This list is perfect.

Too perfect.

The only way you could know our roles to that degree of certainty is if you are wolf godfather.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
1. okay probably
2. bitchi is still a wolf. it's really too bad that everyone has forgotten about him in the heat of lynching other wolves
the first line was sarcasm btw. just wanted you to know

Originally Posted by BitchiBee
tina fey picture
I was going to say something like "these are getting really annoying" but I've decided that me deleting the gif for the quote gets the point across
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
maruchan i'm getting the feeling you're a wolf
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
This list is perfect.

Too perfect.

The only way you could know our roles to that degree of certainty is if you are wolf godfather.
World War III Werewolf Game Thread Quote
