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05-25-2012 , 01:18 PM
should i clear u yet swiitch?
05-25-2012 , 01:19 PM
whast up mcavoy? we gonna mason this game?
05-25-2012 , 01:21 PM
I'm awake..

Originally Posted by LaRue05
Good morning everyone, I'm here now; working from home today and playing Diablo 3.

Wolf lean on tappokone since he came out firing all this defensive info to prove himself a villager, in the very first post, even though no one was tunneling him. Odd.
Originally Posted by LaRue05
I'm going to at least give tappokone's correct links a fair read through to see what I pick up on him/her.

Tappo, just so I know in the future are you male or female?
Originally Posted by LaRue05
I"m male as well.

Also, take my thin read of you wolf off the table. We've never played before and I had to do a quick reading of your first posts. You open ever game the same, so you are role neutral to me now.

Not sure what to think about Ship since he was backing my thin read.
LaRue gets village points for this. Love this sequence. Tappo's first post seemed odd to me as well, but after seeing that is a common opening for him it's definitely neutral.
05-25-2012 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
more the latter but I think it's a bit of bad advice because all d1 reads are thin... you learn way more from voting towards EOD... wolves are able to make random thin d1 reads very easily which affects how spew is read
All d1 reads thin?

You and I will have words, then.
05-25-2012 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
should i clear u yet swiitch?

I think I might be able to clear you soon, but I'm not sure.

We can work together to bring down the forces of wooferdom.
05-25-2012 , 01:24 PM
ShipItUp seems villagery to me from his first few posts. Posting his thoughts, invoking discussion, and asking solid questions.
05-25-2012 , 01:24 PM
Everyone calling LaRue villagery - you has slow ponies.
05-25-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by kope
Phone posting villager signing in!

I like the start from tappo, Very engaged and seems to be detectiveing!

Seems like a very strange post to me.. I didn't find anything strange from SYF early.

Originally Posted by kope
I have? Care to prove it?

I think if anything me gunning from the hip this early is ever so slightly villagery from me!

Objectively speaking
Although I don't know kope so I don't know if this is villagery or wolfy from him.

Originally Posted by kope
This is the post that got my attention.

I feel like the tone is preaching (wow this is extremly thin) and its directed towards everyone, and agreeing with him (but i think i see where you are coming from). This mixture is something i think is wolf prone.

It might not make much sense, hard to articulate
Eh. Didn't get the same vibe from this post as kope did. Slight wolf points for kope? I'm sure we will see more when he's not phone posting
05-25-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Everyone calling LaRue villagery - you has slow ponies.
Just working my way through the thread.
05-25-2012 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
How so?

He saw a wolfy post and called someone on it. That's not wolfy, that's wolf hunting. He also was presented with additional information, followed up on it, and adjusted his read.

What exactly is wolfy about that?
Because a wolf can easily jump in there and say "Oh hey look, this person is linking past games just so he can defend himself."

When I looked at that post I didn't think anything of it since it was the first post of the entire game. I can see why a villager would want to link games if they have never played with the majority of the player list.

I would think that a villager wouldn't read too much into it the way that he did
05-25-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
alright im a villager

slight wolf lean on tappokone for his first post, far too planned out for my liking. he is taking the game super serious so far...a bit too serious. i'll read his prior games before making any sort of definitive read.

wolf lean on shipitup, who is very calculated with his posts so far and not at all free flowing. his sentences are all parsed perfectly.

village lean on Larue and SYF

getting back to SIU, read this post again:

Now this is a sponge first of all, its a soft push second of all....but I think its also potentially shroop where he had something like "it was weird for me too" and then was editing it around to get it perfect and ended up with that.

Even taking out the shroop (a bit of a mythical beast), that post reads like a wolf early game observation.

Don't agree with this.. I thought ShipItUp was pretty free flowing. Posting thoughts and asking questions and what not. Also, the quoted post didn't strike me as weird really.

Originally Posted by domer2
SYF is so villagery it isn't even funny. SYF you might as well be seer cleared for me right now I feel so strongly in that read (not a peek).

macavoy = w

this is such a wolf opening. such a wolf opening. he also spews two different people here.

shipitup is w based off this post
syf is v based off this post

I just straight up don't follow this. domer's posts have seemed off so far. Slight wolf points imo.
05-25-2012 , 01:37 PM
Making up some food and then I'll be back for page 2.
05-25-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Because a wolf can easily jump in there and say "Oh hey look, this person is linking past games just so he can defend himself."

When I looked at that post I didn't think anything of it since it was the first post of the entire game. I can see why a villager would want to link games if they have never played with the majority of the player list.

I would think that a villager wouldn't read too much into it the way that he did
Then why did you post "I think I can see where LaRue is coming from?" If you can see where someone is coming from, you probably would think that it's a villagery post, rather than wolfy.

Do you think I'm a wolf for making the same read LaRue did?
05-25-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
whast up mcavoy? we gonna mason this game?
I was just gonna offer, you beat me to it.
05-25-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Then why did you post "I think I can see where LaRue is coming from?" If you can see where someone is coming from, you probably would think that it's a villagery post, rather than wolfy.

Do you think I'm a wolf for making the same read LaRue did?
Not necessarily.

I understand the reasoning behind why tapo's post can be perceived as wolfy but I don't see how you get that reaction immediately. I would think that a wolf finds that post wolfier than a villa would because a wolf is trying to implicate villas who make wolfy posts.

It's definitely a form of wolf-hunting but through the eyes of a wolf or a villa is what I'm trying to determine
05-25-2012 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch

I think I might be able to clear you soon, but I'm not sure.

We can work together to bring down the forces of wooferdom.
Originally Posted by McAvoy
I was just gonna offer, you beat me to it.
very nice. lets sweep this

gtg later
05-25-2012 , 01:42 PM
oh man forgot about the stats

lets make sure to vote a wolf tonight
05-25-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
No, it makes sense.

On one hand, SYF says "I think I see where you're coming from", but then later on he says that he thinks LaRue is more likely to make that post as a wolf? Wtf?

If SYF is a villager and he thinks he can see where LaRue is coming from, he should think that LaRue is posting from a villagery mindset there, not a wolfy one.
ahh thank you very much

thats what i meant
05-25-2012 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by tappokone
Steve made no effort to move the game onward from the two of us sharing some role-neutral data. Why do you find him pretty villagery?

Again I disagree with your assessment. If Larue had looked up the games I (eventually) linked to, he would have seen that my opening post is villagery-to-neutral for me. Then there's the notion that wanting to appear villagery is a wolfy trait.

hmm actually this isnt villagery

he lies here

his opening post is neutral to wolfy cause its preplanned

tappo in what way could a preplanned post be considered villagery?
05-25-2012 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Not necessarily.

I understand the reasoning behind why tapo's post can be perceived as wolfy but I don't see how you get that reaction immediately. I would think that a wolf finds that post wolfier than a villa would because a wolf is trying to implicate villas who make wolfy posts.

It's definitely a form of wolf-hunting but through the eyes of a wolf or a villa is what I'm trying to determine
If you're a villager and you post something like "I can see where player ABC is coming from", you don't then find them wolfy for that post.

That's ****ing crazy/wolfy/whatever else you want to call it.

You're saying that a wolf is trying to implicate villas who make wolfy posts. Aren't villagers also trying to wolf-hunt by seeing who makes wolfy posts?

You are engaging in some really bad wishy-washiness right now. You're telling me that someone picked up on a wolfy post, that you agree that the post could be considered wolfy, and that you saw what that player saw, but the player who saw it might be a wolf?

Steve Yzerman Fan
05-25-2012 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
hmm actually this isnt villagery

he lies here

his opening post is neutral to wolfy cause its preplanned

tappo in what way could a preplanned post be considered villagery?
if its preplanned its ONLY neutral

vmf not starting very good is role neutral
05-25-2012 , 01:51 PM
consider it a general rule that i wont make lynch
05-25-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
If you're a villager and you post something like "I can see where player ABC is coming from", you don't then find them wolfy for that post.

That's ****ing crazy/wolfy/whatever else you want to call it.

You're saying that a wolf is trying to implicate villas who make wolfy posts. Aren't villagers also trying to wolf-hunt by seeing who makes wolfy posts?

You are engaging in some really bad wishy-washiness right now. You're telling me that someone picked up on a wolfy post, that you agree that the post could be considered wolfy, and that you saw what that player saw, but the player who saw it might be a wolf?

Steve Yzerman Fan
Yes, you voting me does not change my opinion on this
05-25-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Yes, you voting me does not change my opinion on this
That's perfectly fine, but you're using some wolfy logic right now.
05-25-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
This is such a strange opener. It's just so forced, I really don't get what you're trying to accomplish with it
I started doing it because I thought that the links are useful. The first time around, someone called it villagery and everyone else followed suit. More recently I've gotten the opposite reaction, but I still do it because a) people's preconceptions aside, the links are useful, and b) people making reads based on something that is role neutral at worst is mildly amusing to me.
