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WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24)

07-13-2012 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by gtpitch
I didn't and don't consider this part resolved by the mods because neither well named or I ever saw this series of events.

So stop saying the issue is resolved... this was an entirely different issue that just happened to involve the same game.

That being said, I'm willing to take your explanation at face value for now.

WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
07-13-2012 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
So after its been resolved by the mods you felt the need to go back and check it again?

If you dont mean to bring it up again, then leave it alone as what you are doing is basically harassment. To keep pushing after a decision has been made is just sad and petty on your part.

So explanation,

I wanted my gimmick not to be known. By signing up on both accounts it looks more like 2 different people. Then one can drop before the event and no rules have been broken.


Its really lame of you to bring this up again, especially as what you are pointing out doesnt break any rules I dont know what you are trying to achieve.
Gtpitch had already covered that there was no multiaccounting. I did not go looking for this.

I went to look for what the original gimmick discussion was, and believe me, I was shocked to find what I did.

Furthermore, I once made a gimmick for a game I was already in under my main account. I 'in'ed the gimmick to with the intent to out my other account later, BUT, ya know what I did to make sure the appearance of cheating was avoided? I contacted both mods, told them I was the gimmick, told them I was currently signed up under two names, and what my intention was. Thats how you avoid looking like a cheater. Its really very simple.

Why is it that you are never sorry? Just angry you get keep getting caught?
WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
07-13-2012 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
She paints it as caring, but why is she going back to dredge it up again? Just seems like it isnt needed and she is just pushing it and trying to make me look even worse.

Im not saying no one can ever talk about what I did wrong but she has made such a huge drama and obviously wants it to go on.

Why does no one care to look at it from my point of view? I just want to be left alone and allowed to play games and have fun, yet there are people like crossnerd who just wont allow that to happen.
Again, I didn't go looking for it, I had no reason to go looking for it, I was already informed multi-accounting didn't occur. I was there for another reason, and saw what you did.

Multi-accounting is a big deal, it should always be brought to the forefront. I was loathe to bump this thread after the **** I got yesterday but I'm not going to ignore cheating jsut bc someone like you might call me butthurt again. When I bumped this thread, I informed two mods immediately so they could keep an eye on it. My intentions are backed up with action.

Wrt multi-accounting, No on can prove you would have done it. But no one can prove you wouldn't have either. It's a bad look in general when your account has been accused of so much shenaniganry.

So next time, just PM a mod.
WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
07-13-2012 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
I can stop making mistakes that affect game, thats whats bothering most people.

There are a few people that want to make it into a personal vendetta though.
If you can do this, why didn't you do it in the beginning when people first started expressing displeasure with you? Why did you wait until the *absolute last straw*..

And I haven't done anything to you here by bumping this. After all the deception and problems from you, you should pretty much expect something that looks like an attempt to multi-account to be bumped for explanation. I haven't attacked you, I haven't called you named. You have done several of those to me (its like your entire defense). Probation won't work if you're going to continue with a terrible attitude imo.
WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
07-13-2012 , 06:55 PM
give it up...
WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
07-13-2012 , 06:58 PM

Let's get our disco on all up in this thread!
WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
07-13-2012 , 07:36 PM
Posting to clarify that I had no idea numbers was magic but felt pretty confident that numbers was someone we all knew. Hence the gimmicks explanation.
WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
07-13-2012 , 10:24 PM
WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
07-16-2012 , 07:43 PM
i missed the 2nd game - am i still ELITE ??
WORLD SERIES OF WEREWOLF™ 2012 - Game 1 Signup (Starting May 24) Quote
