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World Series of Werewolf 2012 World Series of Werewolf 2012

04-10-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
People who are, whether intentionally or not, terrible wolves and decent villagers are huge detriments to one team and free assets to the other. This is to their advantage most of the time, but it sure sucks for their wolf teams. We have a number of these.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 05:50 PM
how unfair that when this finally gets designed, 6 years later, i cannot in all likelihood participate
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Keep the detailed standings private and only provide and ordered list of the current rankings, but with no stats or absolute point totals for players until the series ends. The SE NBA game is going to have to be my last until June as I need to study for the CFA, but I am back on board for this starting the 2nd or 3rd week of June.
I like this idea. You can see where you stand, but have no idea how far ahead or behind you are.

That way, while the league is ongoing, you're judged soley on your overall win/loss record. At the end of the league, we can quantify the Power Rankings and award bragging rights to those who crush.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 05:53 PM
I'm actually thinking sort of a Top Gun approach. You'll have some idea but you won't know precisely what you need. Don't want any lame F1 style incentives.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 05:53 PM
Shorty I remember how pissed off you were at me for what happened during a turbo. Do you remember that?
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:04 PM
Anyway the upshot is don't worry about the individual stat issues here, I'm 99% sure you cannot benefit your ranking by playing sub-optimally.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:16 PM
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Shorty I remember how pissed off you were at me for what happened during a turbo. Do you remember that?
what did i / you do?
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:22 PM
i get pissed at a lot of people for doing a lot of dumb things, including myself
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by shortline99
what did i / you do?
Krayz claimed seer and gave a fake peek while doing it..

I made a few cryptic posts

You then said "Jeez Steve I really hope you didn't royally **** something up here"
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:28 PM
lol I told Shorty to stfu and gtfo last turbo and I don't hate him
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:29 PM
Also that comment had to do with the fps play and your shifty comments not you personally afaict.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:30 PM
Oh ya, I know it wasn't personal. I just wanted to know if he was mad for the reasons I thought he was, which would actually suggest I did the right thing there.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:30 PM
oh i wasn't pissed at you, but i would've been if you were seer

softclaiming there with a major wagon as villa almost really ****ed me up since i thought i had a good read on who the real seer was and what it meant

from what i recall anyway
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:31 PM
whens the first game?

ill in
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by shortline99
oh i wasn't pissed at you, but i would've been if you were seer

softclaiming there with a major wagon as villa almost really ****ed me up since i thought i had a good read on who the real seer was and what it meant

from what i recall anyway
Ya, I was trying to draw the NK there.... It wouldn't have worked since my day 1 fake peek was wrong but that was the strat
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Keep the detailed standings private and only provide and ordered list of the current rankings, but with no stats or absolute point totals for players until the series ends. The SE NBA game is going to have to be my last until June as I need to study for the CFA, but I am back on board for this starting the 2nd or 3rd week of June.
Meh, lolling and bragging should take first priority
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Ya, I was trying to draw the NK there.... It wouldn't have worked since my day 1 fake peek was wrong but that was the strat
yeah but you also need to factor in that you're way more likely to confuse a villager there than a wolf... wolves have a pretty good seer bead at that point because they play with completer information. and plays that confuse the village can be bad. that's not the time of day to leave your cover.

general tip (possibly not quite related) is that if you're going to pick a player to be a fake peek, you'd better be very very sure they are also one of your strongest villager reads, or you're going to end up a) protecting a wolf or b) potentially outing yourself as not-seer once they go on the block.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 07:02 PM
04-10-2012 , 08:16 PM
This is really excitingggg
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 09:34 PM
Interesting idea, I'm down because I think this is neat and I like it when people play with motivation to win. But, judging from my experiences with WW, I think you guys are seriously underestimating the amount of variance in WW games. I don't think 12 games will come anywhere close to proving who the best players are.

On the contrary, I think it will result in a lot of bragging from those who run hot over small sample sizes and make players worry about their "stats" too much. Yes, I think players should do everything they can within the rules to win while they're playing, but in the long run I think WW should be more about having fun, improving at the game, and learning about people and how to soul-read them.

I really like the idea of achievements though. Triple kill, sniper spree, running riot, etc... Then we just need to introduce experience points and leveling up and we've got ourselves a full fledged MMORPG.

But seriously though achievements is a great and creative idea.

Edit: After thinking about achievements a bit more I'm concerned that if they're too individual-oriented it could incentivize players to play selfishly which would be bad, just something to keep in mind. If people don't take them too seriously and just play their normal game it should be fine.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 09:49 PM
Interesting idea. I think some of the stats could be problematic. Just a couple of examples.

-Someone may have incentive to vote off wagon on someone they think is a wolf if they think there are likely v/v wagons.
-Half the players getting credit for voting a peeked/outed wolf while the other half don't vote to avoid majority.
-Letting stat competition affect game decisions. Ex. Not being concerned if one of their teammates is mislynched if that helps them move pass them in the rankings, etc.

Also, would discussing the stats/league be ok in thread? It could bring down the game experience to have a bunch of ppl talking about their stats and stuff during the game.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by MrGatito
Interesting idea. I think some of the stats could be problematic. Just a couple of examples.

-Someone may have incentive to vote off wagon on someone they think is a wolf if they think there are likely v/v wagons.
-Half the players getting credit for voting a peeked/outed wolf while the other half don't vote to avoid majority.
-Letting stat competition affect game decisions. Ex. Not being concerned if one of their teammates is mislynched if that helps them move pass them in the rankings, etc.

Also, would discussing the stats/league be ok in thread? It could bring down the game experience to have a bunch of ppl talking about their stats and stuff during the game.
Good points, I missed the part about keeping track of votes on wolves. I don't think that's a good idea for the reasons you mentioned.

I'm definitely concerned about people saying things like: "why would anyone listen to you? your stats are so bad from the last 8 games! hey everyone! look at how bad this guy's stats are!"

What you really need is an adjusted +/- system and then like 5000 games worth of data. That and WARWWP (wins above replacement werewolf player).

Also, way to steal the first two words of my last post Gatito.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by MrGatito
Interesting idea. I think some of the stats could be problematic. Just a couple of examples.

-Someone may have incentive to vote off wagon on someone they think is a wolf if they think there are likely v/v wagons.
-Half the players getting credit for voting a peeked/outed wolf while the other half don't vote to avoid majority.
-Letting stat competition affect game decisions. Ex. Not being concerned if one of their teammates is mislynched if that helps them move pass them in the rankings, etc.

Also, would discussing the stats/league be ok in thread? It could bring down the game experience to have a bunch of ppl talking about their stats and stuff during the game.
The info is publicly available though, so if it turns out that certain people are using the league table to inform their decision making then the rest of the players just have to adjust! All in the game yo

On the last point, people talking about their stats in game >> people talking about my little pony
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
04-10-2012 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by DB305

Hopefully there aren't too many wrinkles to iron out and this starts off without a hitch.

Why do we not want Hitch to play? I know he has been gone for awhile, but if he comes back, we should let him in.
World Series of Werewolf 2012 Quote
